
Landscape of climate finance in France, 2016 Edition

7 décembre 2016 - Par : Hadrien HAINAUT / Ian COCHRAN, Phd / Dr. Ian COCHRAN


Investments are made in three key areas of the energy transition

The 2016 Edition of the Landscape of Climate Finance tracks up to €32bn of climate investment in 2014. This corresponds to approximately 10% of all material investment that occured in France in 2014. From this total:

  • €12.8 was invested in energy efficiency, mainly in the building sector
  • €6.5bn was invested in renewable energies
  • €10.6bn was invested in sustainable infrastructure, such as railways and mass urban transport

An additional €2.1bn went to the nuclear sector.

Since 2013, the stability of overall investments hides variations in end-uses

Between 2011 and 2013, investments increased by €2.3bn to reach €32bn. This amount remained stable in 2014 and 2015. This overall stability, however, hides variations in the different end-uses.

  • After a 50% increase from 2011 to 2013, investment in sustainable infrastructure declined through 2014 and 2015.
  • Meanwhile, investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy increased by 14% and 10% respectively, contributing to the overall stability of investment

59% of investment is made by households and private companies

  • Households invested €9.5bn in favour of climate mitigation in 2014. Most of this investment was made in the building sector.
  • Private companies, including special purpose vehicles (SPVs), invested €9.6bn or 30% of total investment in favour of climate mitigation in 2014.

However, public-driven finance represented 55% of the total of investments. This includes instruments used by public institutions to support and finance private project developers.

Find below the documents related to the study:

  • Executive summary
  • Slide pack (coming soon)
  • Full report (forthcoming in January 2017)
Landscape of climate finance in France, 2016 Edition Télécharger
Voir les annexes
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