Financing sustainable local action for climate: what joint agenda for Non- party stakeholders
- Par : Pierre DUCRETL’événement était en anglais sans traduction
Date : 17 Novembre
Horaire :16:45-18:15
Lieu : Zone bleue, salle PACIFIC
Organisateurs : I4CE, CEMR, UCLG
Most of the investments needed to reach the 5-year climate action plan will be conducted locally. There is an urgency to strengthen local finances/capacities to implement it through multi-stakeholder local/international action. What challenges for a joint roadmap between state/non-state actors?
Moderator: F. Vallier, Senator, Chair of Climate Chance
- R. Dantec, Political analyses of COP22
- Open opportunities after COP22 in terms of financing
- Challenges to tackle
- Mohammed Sadiki, Mayor of Rabat
- Wael Hmaidan – Director of CAN-International Secretariat
- Claire Charbit OECD
- Pierre Ducret, President of I4CE and Special Advisor for climate change at Caisse des Dépôts Group
- Clément Larrue. Référent Senior project manager on climate and cities, French Development Agency (AFD)
- Marc Watts, C40
- Nizar Baraka, President of the Moroccan Economic, Social and Environmental Council
- Célestine Ketcha Courtès, President of the Network of locally elected women of Africa-REFELA
- Roland Hunziker, Director Sustainable Buildings and Cities World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
Conclusions: F. Vallier, CEMR SG