
Conference « Putting a price on Carbon European & North American Experiences and Paths Forward »

En partenariat avec l’ambassade de France aux États-Unis et Environnemental Defense Fund, I4CE a organisé une conférence le 9 novembre 2015 à Washington –D.C sur le thème « Putting a price on Carbon : European & North American Experiences and Paths and Forward».


À quelques semaines de la COP21, la conférence visait à partager les expériences européennes et nord-américaines en matière de mise en œuvre de systèmes d’échanges de quotas. I4CE a présenté les résultats de son programme de recherche « COPEC » sur le développement de l’EU ETS à l’horizon 2030.




9h30  – Introduction

  • Renaud LASSUS, Head of the Economic Department, Embassy of France in US
  • Benoît LEGUET, Director, I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics
  • Derek WALKER, Associate Vice-President, Environmental Defense Fund


9h45 – Carbon pricing benefits: emissions reductions, growth and investment

This session explores the various climate, economic and social benefits that can be derived from putting a price on carbon. In particular, it will address how carbon pricing policies can reduce emissions, enhance economic efficiency, foster growth and support low-carbon investments and which sectors and communities could benefit most from carbon revenues.

Chairman : Benoît LEGUET, Director, I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics





Questions & debate


11h20 – Carbon pricing, decarbonisation and investments: balancing ambition, risk and flexibility

This session will explore how emission trading schemes support low-carbon technology financing in line with long-term domestic climate ambition. In doing so, the session will explore the most effective way to maintain a strong price signal and how best to manage interactions with complementary energy and climate policies.


Chairman: Benoît LEGUET, Director, I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics





  • Jean-Yves CANEILL, Head of Climate Policy, Electricité de France
  • Melissa LAVINSON, Chief of Sustainability PG&E


Questions & debate


2.15 pm – Carbon pricing in industry, competitiveness and leakages

In view of fragmented carbon pricing policies, this session will explore how emission trading schemes can both, increase long-term competitiveness and decrease decarbonisation costs. It will explore existing and potential methods that tackle the risk of carbon leakage well as detailing the importance of maintaining incentives for emission reductions that do not introduce distortions between economic sectors.


Chairman: Todd EDWARDS, Program Officer for Climate Change, Stanley Foundation




  • Tom LAWLER, Washington DC Representative, International Emissions Trading Association


Questions & debate


3.50 pm – Towards a carbon pricing club on the road to and through COP21?

The session will attempt to explore international efforts on climate action and focus on how COP21 could help coordinate dialogues on carbon pricing at the national and subnational level. Specifically, the session will address how COP21 can help to facilitate these dialogues; how best to accommodate carbon clubs operating in a multilateral context; and the possible criteria that could be considered for membership.


Moderator: Todd EDWARDS, Program Officer for Climate Change, Stanley Foundation


Round Table Participants


5.00 PM – Conclusion

  • Perspectives on Carbon Pricing in Congress: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Todd WOOTEN, Senior Counsel for Energy and Tax on the Senate Finance Committee


09 nov 2015

Conference « Putting a price on Carbon European & North American Experiences and Paths Forward »

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