Local authorities

Local authorities play a crucial role in driving climate investments such as investments in everyday transport, electric vehicle charging infrastructure or the renovation of their buildings. According to I4CE‘s latest estimates, they need to double their climate investments, but can they do it? What are the major economic and budgetary choices facing local authorities as they strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and adapt to the impacts of climate change?


To support local authorities in addressing this challenge, I4CE estimates the climate investment needs of local authorities and analyzes possible financing options. The Institute also develops tools for steering the financing of the transition. These tools are available free of charge. They help assess current climate expenditures (see I4CE’s method for climate assessment of local budgets).

Local authorities


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Local authorities


Marion FETET
Marion FETET
Research Fellow – Local authorities, Public Finance, Green Budgeting Email
Aurore COLIN
Aurore COLIN
Research Fellow – Local authorities, Transport infrastructure Email
Programme director - Local authorities and Adaptation to climate change Email

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