Guillaume DOLQUES
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Guillaume DOLQUES

Research Fellow – Climate Change Adaptation

Guillaume joined I4CE in September 2020. His work focuses on the issues involved in adapting territories to the impacts of climate change. It aims to qualify and quantify the financial and human resources allocated to adaptation policies, objectify the needs expressed by stakeholders and explore funding options and their consequences in terms of public finance. 


Before joining I4CE, Guillaume has worked for several years in the industry sector at different positions. First, as a site supervisor for the construction of passive buildings and then as a project manager of low-carbon urban mobility projects.


Guillaume is an energy and environmental engineer and holds a Master in economics of sustainable development, energy and environment from Grenoble-Alpes university.


Last contributions
  • 20/03/2025 Climate Report

    The adaptation of real estate: what roles can the financial sector play?

    Premier état des lieux et pistes sur les banques, assureurs, gestionnaires d’actifs Un besoin de clarifier le rôle des banques, assureurs dommage et gestionnaires d’actifs dans l’adaptation de l’immobilier. Alors que les effets du changement climatique sont de plus en plus manifestes, les parties prenantes de l’immobilier doivent se préparer aux conséquences du réchauffement climatique qui pourrait atteindre, d’ici la fin du siècle en France, +4°C.
  • 04/03/2025 Climate Report

    The adaptation reflex in public investment in practice: Pathway for 2025 and prospects

    The 3rd French national climate change adaptation plan (PNACC3) seeks to generalize an "adaptation reflex" in all public investments and all public support for investment. Operationalizing this ambition is essential for Stop investing in infrastructure, buildings and equipment that will not be ready to cope with the consequences of climate change; Seize the best opportunities available by taking advantage of investments already planned to strengthen the level of adaptation of the French economy at lower cost. 
  • 10/09/2024 Climate Report

    Adapting French buildings to heatwaves: what do we know?

    To address the growing impacts of heatwaves on economic activities and populations, the adaptation of the building sector is becoming a new imperative. While the question of “how” to adapt has been the subject of numerous studies, the question of “how much” has so far received little attention. To move forward on this issue, we present in this report: an overview of current knowledge regarding the costs of adapting the building sector to heatwaves and the methodology we used to estimate the additional costs of adapting to heatwaves, based on available information and discussions with experts.
  • 01/09/2024 Climate Report

    Anticipating the impacts of a 4°C warming: what is the cost of adaptation in France?

    Assessing the economic implications of climate policies is essential for steering public action. Sig­nificant progress has been achieved in assessing the costs of mitigation, particularly with the publication in 2023 of the report on the economic implications of climate action. However, as the Cour des Comptes noted in its 2024 annual public report, numerous issues surrounding adaptation continue to emerge. Our recent work has nev­ertheless enabled us to draw five initial conclusions on the subject.
  • 27/01/2023 Climate Brief

    Putting adaptation to the impacts of climate change on the French agenda of discussions between local and national authorities

    While French local authorities have important levers for adaptation, they will only be able to mobilize them if certain conditions are met at national level: the entire effort cannot rest on their initiative alone. This is what this I4CE's Climate Report shows. There is an urgent need for a discussion on adaptation between the national government and subnational authorities.
  • 03/11/2022 Climate Report

    Ensuring sufficient means to adapt to climate change consequences in France: What are the costs?

    This study is a contribution to the French public debate. It aims at supporting the acceleration and concretization of climate change adaptation initiatives in this country. The study reviews 11 adaptation challenges such as the strengthening of civil protection, the reshaping of coastal areas or the protection of water resources. For each challenge, the study presents national budgetary decisions ready to make in the next Finance Bill that would complement existing actions and cost elements to feed the required arbitrations yet to be made.  
  • 16/09/2022 Climate Report

    Buildings new heat waves: invest today to limit the bill tomorrow

    Over 35°C in exam halls during the French baccalaureate, inhabitants affected by their residences overheated… Summer 2022 has once again shown that our buildings aren’t adapted for the new heat waves. And yet every year, tens of billions of euros are invested in construction and renovation projects that don’t always take climate change into account. In this study, I4CE proposes immediate actions on three levers to initiate the process of adapting our buildings, and three more structural changes, including changes to thermal regulations.  

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