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Deputy Director – Strategy and outreach

Damien has joined I4CE in 2018 to support researchers in placing their expertise at the service of decision makers, and to improve I4CE’s impact and contribution to the public debate and the transition towards a low carbon and resilient economy.


Prior to joining I4CE, Damien has worked for 6 years in the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI), as coordinator of IDDRI’s Initiatives and as a researcher. His research work focused on the Sustainable Development Goals, new wealth indicators as well as the digital transition and its opportunities for sustainable development. Previously, he had also worked in the European Parliament and for WWF-France.


Damien is an engineering graduate of Ecole Polytechnique and ENGREF, and holds a master degree and a PhD in environmental economics. During his PhD at the International Center for Environment and Development, he studied the EU carbon market and its impacts on the competitiveness of the industry.

Last contributions
  • 17/01/2025 Foreword of the week

    France: Two urgent priorities for the 2025 Budget

    2025 begins with a new French government and a new budget debate, but with the same challenge as last year: how to reduce the deficit without putting the brakes on investment in the climate transition? Climate investments are the best investments we can make, according to the new Minister of Economy Éric Lombard. He's right: any delay weakens our energy security and our position in the international race for cleantech, not to mention the pace of decarbonisation of our economy.
  • 03/10/2024 Climate Report

    Climate: The data driving budget debates in France. Public spending today and tomorrow

    Every year, the start of the budget debate in France is an opportunity to ask a number of questions: How much is public spending on climate? What is this money spent on? Which actors, both public and private, are on the receiving end? And above all: how should this spending develop in the future? Many numbers have been produced in France over the last few years and it is easy to get lost in the shuffle. This is why we wrote this handbook. We have gathered the information that we consider most important and tried to highlight what we know, what we do not yet know, and the key debates in France that politicians will have to hold and where they will have to quickly find compromises.  
  • 03/10/2023 Blog post

    Climate: five key debates from the French marathon budget

    Climate change and ecological planning are taking centre stage in this autumn’s budgetary measures. The public finance programming act, which has yet to be discussed with the Senate, now requires the government to set out a multi-year funding strategy for planning. The finance bill for 2024, which will go through Parliament soon, earmarks an additional €7 billion in transition support for households, businesses and local authorities. This €7 billion does not, however, resolve the issue of financing the climate transition, and in this post we provide an overview of the key climate debates that will take place, or ought to take place according to I4CE, during this veritable marathon budget.
  • 08/06/2023 Blog post

    Can France finance the transition only with budget savings?

    How does the government plan to finance the increase in its public spending on climate action? Further to the government’s reactions to the Pisani-Ferry report, which proposes using all options, including debt and tax increases, let us make an assumption: what if the government were to rely solely on budget saving options? I4CE's Damien Demailly reviews the savings options available to the government. Clearly, they are all difficult to implement and some may prove counterproductive. They are nevertheless on the government’s agenda and are worth explaining and discussing, as are all options to finance the transition.
  • 27/09/2018 Blog post

    One Planet Summit: three notes of caution on Green Budgeting

    A little less than a year ago, France organized the One Planet Summit and, among many commitments, joined the OECD’s Green Budgeting initiative, along with Mexico. A first assessment of these commitments was held on 26th September in New York, and the next steps on this particular initiative unveiled. This includes case studies to assess the potential scope and limitations of green budgeting in all OECD countries, including France.

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