
Renewable energies in China: From a proactive political approach to bottlenecks in the field

Publication in ID4D blog

Sébastien Postic, Charlotte Vailles et Marion Afriat from I4CE’s Industry Energy and Climate team have recently published blog post on the Ideas for Development blog coordinated by Agence Francaise de Développement.


The deployment of renewable energies is a challenge for all countries. It requires a major transformation in existing infrastructure and regulations, which needs to be carefully planned. The deployment of renewable energies in China is driven by an ambitious political will. But technical and regulatory constraints are numerous, encouraging in particular the clipping. A paradox that also arises in Germany.

To read the full article click on the following link which will connect you to Renewable energies in China: From a proactive political approach to bottlenecks in the field

I4CE Contacts
Charlotte VAILLES
Charlotte VAILLES
Research Fellow – Financing a fair transition Email
Sébastien POSTIC, Phd
Sébastien POSTIC, Phd
Research Fellow – Public finance, Development Email
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