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  • 19/11/2016
    Effects of Interactions between EU Climate and Energy Policies
    The CARISMA case study analysis on energy and climate policy interactions aims to complement existing literature on policy interactions by addressing a set of aspects of policy interactions related to: the policy levels at which interactions may occur (EU, national or regional levels), inter-temporal interactions (e.g., short term versus long term policy interactions), and interactions […]
  • 15/11/2016
    Financial instruments public private investment – Kanberoglu (TSKB)
  • 15/11/2016
    Financial instruments public private investment – Horrocks (OECD)
  • 15/11/2016
    Financial instruments public private investment – Cochran (I4CE)
  • 10/11/2016
    Unlocking finance for decentralised energy access
  • 04/11/2016 Special issues
    Key figures on Climate, France and Worldwide – 2017 edition
    On the day of the commencement of the Paris Agreement, and on the brink of the 22nd Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP 22) which will be held in Marrakech from 7 to 18 November 2016, I4CE-Institute for Climate Economics and the French Ministry of Environment, Energy and the Sea are pleased to […]
  • 03/11/2016 Climate Brief
    Climate governance & the Paris Agreement: the bold gamble of transnational cooperation
    The political process introduced by COP21 has enabled a new avenue for multilateral cooperation on climate action. This new process focuses largely on cooperation and inclusivity to encourage all actors, public and private, to commit and act for the climate. In contrast to simply sharing the burden of emissions reduction effort, this dynamic encourages actors to explore and capitalize on benefits and co-benefits […]
  • 31/10/2016 Climate Brief
    Six lessons on carbon accounting for Article 6 of the Paris Agreement
    A stringent, but flexible, MRV system is pivotal to mitigating the risk of future carbon crediting mechanisms compromising the ambition of the Paris Agreement. Namely, demonstrating additionality of projects and setting stringent emissions reduction baselines serve as the main tools to safeguard environmental integrity of the mechanism, especially given the insufficient ambition of current NDCs […]
  • 26/10/2016
    Flyer VOCAL project -ENG 2016
  • 07/10/2016 Special issues
    Panorama of explicit carbon prices
    In September 2016, I4CE updated its database on carbon pricing policies and published a panorama of explicit carbon pricing policies. This panorama presents an implementation timeline, a world map and a table that together, provide information on: the jurisdictions that have implemented or plan to implement explicit carbon pricing policies, the type of instrument chosen, […]
  • 26/09/2016 Climate Brief
    Climate Chance Summit: Carbon pricing – Mobilizing non-state actors on a global issue with local implications
    This Brief has been prepared for the High Level Dialogue on Carbon Pricing taking place at the global Climate Chance Summit for Non-state actors organised in Nantes, France from the 26th – 28th September 2016. Carbon pricing is a valuable economic tool which can help towards achieving the necessary emissions reductions to mitigate climate change. […]
  • 26/09/2016 Climate Report
    Internal carbon pricing – A growing corporate practice
    For the Global Climate Chance Summit, I4CE and EpE – Entreprises pour l’environnement, have come together to release a guidebook on internal carbon pricing. The publication outlines the concept of an internal carbon price, describes its various forms and also identifies benefits of adopting this policy. The publication is based on the experiences of companies […]
  • 25/08/2016 Special issues
    Pricing Monitoring Uncertainty in Climate Policy
    This article assesses the environmental and economic efficiency of three different approaches to treat monitoring uncertainty in climate policy, namely prescribing uncertainty, setting minimum certainty thresholds and pricing uncertainty through a discount. Our model of the behavior of profit-maximizing agents demonstrates that under the simplest set of assumptions the regulator has no interest in reducing […]
  • 05/07/2016 Special issues
    An independent Peer review of the study “Ex-post Investigation of Cost Pass-Through in the EU ETS: an analysis of six sectors”
    This I4CE report provides a peer review of the study “Ex-post Investigation of Cost Pass-Though in the EU ETS: an analysis of six sectors” produced by CE-Delft and Oeko Institut and published by the EU Commission in November 2015. In the discussion on the potential risk of carbon leakage related to the EU ETS and […]
  • 10/06/2016 Special issues
    “Compliance of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol in the first commitment period”
    Authors: Igor Shishlov, Romain Morel, Valentin Bellassen This article provides an ex post analysis of the compliance of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol during the first commitment period (2008–2012) based on the final data for national GHG emissions and exchanges in carbon units that became available at the end of 2015. On the domestic […]
  • 08/06/2016 Climate Brief
    Recycling carbon revenues: transforming costs into opportunities
    The World Bank estimates that in 2015 alone, $26 billion in government revenue has been generated through carbon pricing initiatives. These revenues can be used for many purposes – including achieving climate ambitions – that could yield economic and environmental gains. This potential gain is referred to as the ‘revenue recycling effect’. Revenue allocation decisions […]
  • 08/06/2016 Special issues
    Beyond transparency: unlocking the full potential of green bonds
    This report presents the latest study on the green bond market written by – Institute for Climate Economics with support by Credit Agricole CIB, EDF and Mirova. ‘Green’ or ‘climate’ bonds are a new asset class that has received increasing attention over the past few years as a financial instrument that may help overcome the […]
  • 28/04/2016 Carbon Trends
    Bringing road transport into the EU ETS: reasons of a false good idea
    Beginning of April 2016, the European Commission (EC) released its indicative roadmap on the decarbonisation of the transport sector. Within this roadmap, the EC refers to some studies showing that the inclusion of road fuels use in the EU ETS would not achieve significant greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions reductions in the transport sector. The EC […]
  • 13/04/2016 Climate Brief
    The Paris Agreement: a new international framework to facilitate the uptake of carbon pricing
    • Over the past few years, the implementation of domestic carbon pricing has been expanding at the national and sub-national level. • In contrast to the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement has adopted a hybrid approach calling on all Parties to determine their own contributions to mitigate climate change affording flexibility to countries in their […]
  • 07/04/2016 Carbon Trends
    How the Paris Agreement could support the emergence of domestic and transnational carbon pricing in the future
    Over the past few years, there has been growing evidence that carbon pricing policy can be an effective tool to facilitate the domestic transition to a low-carbon economy by creating economic incentives to drive emissions reductions and sending clear economic and political signals in favour of low-carbon strategies. With the adoption of the Paris Agreement […]

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