
Blog post

Catching up with climate investment in the European Union

The Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will audition the European Commissioner-designates in early November. The hearings are a crucial moment to seek commitment from the EU’s next executive team on the priorities for the coming five years and how they will delivered – including on the urgent issue of investment in the climate transition.

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  • 14/10/2021 Climate Report
    Assessing the sustainability of the French food system: methodological issues and results
    To learn more about the methodology used by I4CE to assess the contribution of financing flows to the emergence of a sustainable food system, this technical paper introduces it and identifies its limitations and key methodological challenges for the future.
  • 14/10/2021 Climate Report
    The Good, the Bad and the Unclear : Environmental Budget Tagging
    This study takes stock on the experience of some twenty countries and several international development institutions in Environmental Budget Tagging. It identifies the expected benefits and the conditions to achieve them : take into account the measures that are unfavorable to the environment, consider the outcomes of assessed measures and not only their intention, repeat the exercise over time and fit it into the existing administrative culture and processes…
  • 23/09/2021 Op-ed
    A public finance programming law for the climate
    In this op-ed published in a French economic newspaper, Benoît Leguet, director of I4CE, considers that the French Government must plan over the long term the necessary financing for climate change mitigation and adaptation, by instituting a public finance programming law for climate. France has set itself climate objectives, it must clarify what means it will devote to them.
  • 23/09/2021 Climate Report
    Indexing capital requirements on climate : What impacts can be expected ?
    As the main financier of the French and European economies, banks play a key role in financing the transition. Their current contribution in France is in the order of 8 billion euros per year, but this will need to more than double according to estimates by I4CE. To accelerate this shift for banking institutions and to prevent their increasing exposures to climate risks, the debate has tended to revolve around whether or not there is a need to reform prudential requirements.
  • 14/09/2021 Blog post
    Where do the five new IPCC scenarios come from?
    The IPCC scenarios are constantly cited when we are interested in climate and its evolution, but sometimes wrongly, and often without a clear understanding of what they imply. On the occasion of the release of the latest IPCC report, in which five new scenarios have appeared, Charlotte Vailles of  I4CE explains how they were constructed and what information is available about them. 
  • 16/07/2021 Climate Report
    Climate stress tests: The integration of transition risk drivers at a sectoral level
    Since 2018, and under the initiative of the NGFS, the network of central banks and supervisors for greening the financial system, several central banks and supervisors have begun to conduct their first climate stress test exercises to determine the vulnerability of financial institutions to climate-related risks. In order to help central banks to carry out this type of exercise, the NGFS published in 2020, its first guide to climate scenarios analysis that can be used in climate stress tests.
  • 12/07/2021 Blog post
    The Next Step for Financial Institutions: Aligning the entire Financial Chain
    A core goal of the Paris Agreement is “make finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development.” Since 2015, financial institutions of all types – from development banks to asset owners and pension funds – have committed to making their portfolios ‘consistent’ with the Paris Agreement. In practice, Financial Institutions are at times approaching alignment from different points of entry: either focusing on one hand “what” or on the other hand “who” is financed.
  • 30/06/2021 Climate Brief
    No adaptation without operational requirements and human resources
    Increasingly frequent heat waves, long droughts, coastal erosion and changing flood risks are all impacts of climate change that will be problematic for the French economy and society. How detrimental this impact will be, will largely depend on what we have anticipated. If we organise ourselves well, we will be able to ensure we make the best decisions for a collective management of risks, development and economic choices, better suited to changing climates. However, regardless of whether we choose to reduce the exposure and vulnerability of populations, facilities and activities upstream or accept an increased share of risk, we must be prepared. 
  • 23/06/2021 Climate Report
    Climate: a look back at 10 years of French government spending
      Of course, public money will not do everything; but without public money, it seems difficult today to conceive of a transition that is acceptable to all and sufficiently ambitious. With the French presidential campaign about to begin, the budget that the goverment allocates to the transition will certainly be the subject of intense debate. […]
  • 17/06/2021 Blog post
    By COP26 development banks must go beyond climate finance to align with Paris
    Today, all eyes are on the forthcoming 2021-2025 Climate Action Plan of the World Bank Group as a proxy for what the development finance community’s ambition for COP26 in Glasgow.The Climate Action Plans of Development Banks up until 2020 have been structured around climate finance commitments focusing on increasing their support for climate-specific activities. However, following up on their commitments to “Align with the Paris Agreement”, these institutions need to develop post 2020 strategies and actions plans, which go a step further to meet the level of ambition of the Paris Agreement objectives.
  • 04/06/2021 Climate Report
    Operationalization Framework on Aligning with the Paris Agreement
    In 2017, the International Development Finance Club (IDFC) together with the group of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) made a joint commitment to “align financial flows with the Paris Agreement”. Since its commitment, the IDFC had focused its efforts on identifying what alignment means and implies.
  • 31/05/2021 Op-ed
    New climate-related disclosure requirements for French investors: achieving quality disclosure at last?
    The government has recently modified the environmental, social and governance disclosure obligations for French investors via the publication of an implementing decree which specifies regulator expectations. Romain Hubert of the Institute for Climate Economics explains why this decree was to be expected and necessary for climate reporting.
  • 20/05/2021 Climate Report
    Taking climate-related disclosure to the next level – minimum requirements for financial institutions
    In 2015, France pioneered requirements for climate-related disclosure from financial institutions, asking them to explain their strategy for integrating climate-related risks and for contributing to the achievement of the Paris Agreement objectives and the French national low-carbon strategy. Three years of implementation yielded mixed results and requirements are in the course of being updated in […]
  • 31/03/2021 Blog post
    The latest data on fossil and clean energy finance from Multilateral Development Banks
    Yesterday sees the release of the data on project financing from the nine major Multilateral Development Banks on the Energy Policy Tracker – of which I4CE is partner – and a new Big Shift Global briefing, showing that, since the beginning of the pandemic, the Banks provided at least $12 billion to clean energy and $3 billion for fossil fuels.
  • 24/03/2021 Climate Report
    Landscape of climate finance – 2020 Edition
    The Landscape of Climate Finance is a comprehensive study of domestic investments which support climate mitigation in France. This study maps the financial flows supporting investments leading to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) across the French economy.
  • 15/03/2021 Climate Report
    Climate assessment of local authority budgets: methodological guide
    For local governments, it is when expenditures are debated that it is possible to question them and to channel them towards the climate transition. That’s why I4CE and its partners co-constructed a common and shared methodology to assess a local budget according climate issues.
  • 15/03/2021 Climate Report
    Climate assessment of local authority budgets: adaptation appendix
    For local governments, it is when expenditures are debated that it is possible to question them and to channel them towards the climate transition. That’s why I4CE and its partners co-constructed a common and shared methodology to assess a local budget according climate issues.
  • 15/03/2021 Climate Report
    Climate assessment of local authority budgets: mitigation appendix
    For local governments, it is when expenditures are debated that it is possible to question them and to channel them towards the climate transition. That’s why I4CE and its partners co-constructed a common and shared methodology to assess a local budget according climate issues.
  • 10/02/2021 Blog post
    Jean Pisani-Ferry becomes Chair of I4CE, the Institute for Climate Economics
    I4CE’s Board of Directors has appointed Jean Pisani-Ferry as Chair of the association. Jean Pisani-Ferry was previously Director of the European think tank Bruegel then France Stratégie, and his experience will enable the Institute to develop its capacity to inform the public policy debate. He succeeds Pierre Ducret, founder of I4CE, who has chaired the Institute since its creation, after developing climate economics research activities at Caisse des Dépôts then CDC Climat.
  • 04/02/2021 Blog post
    Indeed, banks are able to manage physical climate risks
    Some of the heat waves and wildfires that were experienced in Europe and in the world in the summer of 2019 are symptoms of a climate that is already changing. These events may cause losses for banks and other financial institutions, which will therefore have to integrate climate change into their decisions. Regulators are also pushing in this direction.

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