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  • 09/07/2020 Blog post
    Public Financial Institutions can help make the post-covid response “just and green”
    Ian Cochran and Alice Pauthier explain why even with COVID19, public financial institutions (PFIs) must continue their important work on aligning their activities with climate and sustainability goals – and how their progress may be key to ensuring that the response to the crisis is both just and green.
  • 05/03/2020 Blog post
    The 2020 Climate Challenge for Development Banks: Aligning with the Paris Agreement
    Public development banks have a major role to play in the fight against climate change. Ian Cochran and Alice Pauthier from I4CE explain in this blogpost the principal technical and political challenges those finance institutions will need to overcome in aligning with the Paris Agreement objectives.
  • 28/11/2019 Foreword of the week
    COP25 side-event I Aligning with the Paris Agreement: what does it mean for the International Development Finance Club?
    Aligning with the Paris Agreement: what does it mean for the International Development Finance Club?   International Development Finance Club Pavilion Saturday 7 December, 2-3:30 pm   The Paris Agreement has reframed climate action from a focus on the near-term incremental increase of adaptation and mitigation actions to emphasize the importance of the long-term transformation […]
  • 07/11/2019 Blog post
    Do not measure the impact of the Green Climate Fund- only – by its billions
    On 25 October, a conference was held in Paris to “replenish” the resources of the Green Climate Fund. 27 countries have made pledges, for a total amount of nearly $10 billion. Good news? Insufficient? For Alice Pauthier of [i4ce], the impact of the Green Climate Fund should not only be assessed against this figure. The Fund also has a transformational effect, particularly on the many financial institutions that, in order to access its resources, must follow an accreditation process. A process that may well become more and more demanding.
  • 07/11/2019 Climate Report
    Understanding transition scenarios – Eight steps for reading and interpreting these scenarios
      It therefore brings risks and opportunities for economic actors, which they must anticipate in order to optimise their strategy in a context of uncertainty. Against this backdrop, the use of scenarios – which are plausible representations of uncertain future states – is very useful in order to better understand the medium- and long-term challenges […]
  • 04/11/2019 Climate Report
    Towards an alternative approach in finance to climate risks: taking uncertainties fully into account
    It is no easy task to take climate risks – transition risks and physical risks – into account in financial management practices. As this note shows from the example of banking activities, the intrinsic characteristics of these risks – which are long-term and cannot be assigned a probability and for which there are no historical […]
  • 17/10/2019 Blog post
    From Paris to New York to Santiago: The Silver Lining of the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit
    In September 2019 in New York City, the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres convened a “United Nations Climate Action Summit” to increase the ambition and momentum of global climate action. While the outcomes of the Summit itself – particularly from country Parties – are seen as deeply disappointing, there are nevertheless a number of ‘silver linings’ to keep in mind on the road to Santiago. Alice Pauthier and Ian Cochran share four key ideas to focus efforts moving forward.
  • 20/09/2019 Blog post
    What does « Alignment with the Paris agreement» mean ?
    I4CE has just released a “framework for Alignment with the Paris Agreement”, Ian Cochran discusses here what “Alignment” simply means.
  • 19/09/2019 Blog post
    Understand the New York UN Climate Action Summit in a Minute
    Ahead of the Climate Summit, Alice Pauthier from I4CE discuss the major issues of the Summit and related events happening in New York: beyond raising ambition, finance will be on the agenda. She will be in New York with Ian Cochran to present and discuss outcomes of I4CE’s latest report on Paris Alignment, a subject that everyone talks about… without sharing a common understanding of what it is and implies.
  • 19/09/2019 Climate Report
    A Framework for Alignment with the Paris Agreement: Why, What and How for Financial Institutions?
    Since the adoption of the Paris Agreement, financial institutions and other economic actors have taken commitments to ‘align’ their activities with the goals agreed to by national governments in 2015. A growing body of literature from both the research community and practitioners has emerged on ‘alignment’ with the Paris Agreement goals – but to date […]
  • 27/06/2019 Blog post
    Heat wave, stop being surprised, let’s invest better
    June 2019, the heat wave that affects France and part of Europe takes centre stage. However, we should be less and less surprised by this type of weather event which, with climate change, is becoming more and more common. To see this, take a look at the ClimatHD portal put online by Météo France to disseminate the main climate projections in France.
  • 13/06/2019 Blog post
    It’s time to connect the international initiatives on Climate Finance!
    Since 2016, I4CE is the Secretariat of the Climate Action in Financial Institutions Initiative. Launched at COP21 in 2015, the Initiative brings together 44 public and private financial institutions to make climate change an essential component of their strategies & operations. Leveraging its expertise and network, I4CE assists the Initiative in fostering exchanges between the so-called “Supporting Institutions” on emerging practice and approaches to mainstream climate change.
  • 12/03/2019 Climate Brief
    Physical climate risk: Investor needs and information gaps
    Recent bankruptcy of Californian utility PG&E reckons that companies and their financial stakeholders are already exposed to the potential physical impacts of climate change, also called “physical climate risks”. While risk is at the heart of financial institutions decision-making, only a few of them disclose how their portfolios – with potential PG&Es – are exposed […]
  • 06/03/2019 Blog post
    A European Climate Bank: we can do better
    The idea of creating a European Climate Bank is gaining ground. After being put on the table by the Climate Finance Pact and its many supporters, it is now included in French President Emmanuel Macron's "Letter to Europeans". With the European elections coming up soon, it is excellent news that financing the fight against climate change is on Europe's political agenda. However, is the best solution a new European financial institution?
  • 04/03/2019 Blog post
    What is the One Planet Lab?
    The One Planet Lab meets for the first time on Monday, March 4, in Paris. But what is this Lab? I4CE, which together with IDDRI is in charge of the scientific secretariat of the Lab, provides some basic answers.
  • 17/12/2018 Blog post
    COP24: the challenge of implementation
    COP24 in Katowice just ended and was marked by the difficult adoption of a package of practical rules - the Katowice Climate Package - on transparency, the content of national contributions or their revision. It was also a COP marked by deep concerns about the willingness of Signatory Countries to increase their climate ambition in the coming years. Currently, countries' commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will lead to global warming well above 2°C, the threshold above which our climate would jump into the unknown.
  • 12/12/2018 Climate Report
    Getting started on Physical climate risk analysis in finance
    Financial institutions are already exposed to the potential physical impacts of climate change also called “physical climate risks” in finance. These require immediate attention from financial institutions, in order to understand how well prepared are the economic actors that they finance.   Yet financial institutions still lack tailored information to analyze their exposure to these […]
  • 14/09/2018 Blog post
    Statement of the Climate Action in Financial Institutions Initiative in San Francisco
    At the Global Climate Action Summit, the Climate Action in Financial Institutions Initiative released a Joint Statement demonstrating how financial institutions are supporting local climate action.
  • 18/07/2018 Blog post
    Banque de France and I4CE become climate finance partners
    The Banque de France and I4CE are forming a partnership with the objective of enhancing the consideration of climate risks and opportunities by the financial sector. This partnership aims to facilitate the exchange of expertise between the two institutions, and more generally the interactions between researchers, financial sector actors, and public authorities. It will also support the work of the Banque de France within the Central Banks and Supervisors Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) that it launched at the One Planet Summit in December 2017.
  • 12/07/2018 Blog post
    I4CE takes action in Tunisia to raise awareness in the banking sector
    On Wednesday 11 July in Tunis, Romain Hubert, climate finance specialist at I4CE, participated in a climate risks and opportunities training day for banking sector actors.

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