Carbon Trends
Reduction in free allowances for phase 3 of the EU ETS
Forthcoming free allowance allocations: the European Commission will allocate 6.6 billion EUA for free to industrial installations, which is 11.5% less than what was initially demanded by Member states. The EUA price stabilised between €4 and €5: despite the uncertainty surrounding the political issue of “backloading”, the EUA price remained just below the €5 per […]
Climate Report
Combating fuel poverty: policies in france and the united kingdom
By Johan Tyszler, Cécile Bordier and Alexia Leseur The National Debate on Energy Transition in France highlighted issues relating to the social acceptability of the measures in question, and especially the inclusion of fuel poverty. However, the wide range of determining factors for fuel poverty (high energy prices, poor living conditions, and limited financial resources) […]
Carbon Trends
A 2030 framework for climate and energy policies: I4CE’s answer
To establish a climate and energy policy in the EU in 2030, I4CE addresses three main recommendations to the European Commission: (1) Establish a binding, single and ambitious CO2 emission reduction target of at least 40% in 2030. (2) Put the EU ETS as the central and non-residual instrument aimed at promoting cost-effective reductions in […]
Special issues
An Empirical Assessment of the Risk of Carbon Leakage in Poland
By Oliver Sartor, Thomas Spencer Poland is a particularly carbon intensive economy. This has created concern that it may be particularly exposed to carbon leakage. However, there is an absence of robust and transparent empirical research on carbon leakage risks in Poland. This study aims at filling this gap by assessing the impact of EU […]
Carbon Trends
The EU ETS as bellwether of a flawed European Internal Energy Market
The EU ETS verified emissions: 1,950 MtCO2 in 2012, i.e. a 2% fall compared with 2011 and a 13.5% fall compared with 2008. Phase 2 compliance: an excess amount of 1,425 Mt including the use of 1,059 million international credits. Backloading: the European Parliament’s ENVI Commission will vote again on 19 June. Competitiveness: the European […]
Climate Brief
Managing France’s energy transition while safeguarding economic competitiveness: be productive!
By Oliver Sartor and Benoît Leguet, I4CE Is the French energy transition compatible with economic growth and a “competitive” French economy? Our answer is “yes, with some conditions”. The French economy is better positioned today for a meaningful energy transition than it has been for over 40 years. At the level of the macro-economy, a […]
Climate Brief
Seeing the forest from the trees: Infrastructure Investment and “systemic” GHG impacts – Lessons from the Keystone XL
Achieving the “energy transition”, it is necessary to ask how individual investments support or hinder progress towards a low-carbon, energy-efficient future. This requires a a systemic approach – or “scope 4” analysis. As demonstrated by the Keystone XL Oil pipeline project in North America, even when individual pieces of infrastructure emit relatively low levels of […]
Carbon Trends
The EU ETS, a good example of a “zombie” public policy
Backloading was rejected by the European Parliament on 16 April and referred to the Parliament’s ENVI Commission. A new plenary session vote has been scheduled for early July. On ICE Futures Europe, 52% of the whole monthly volume of the daily spot contract has been traded on April the 16th. Structural reforms: discussion at the […]
Climate Report
The contribution of european forest-related policies to climate change mitigation: energy substitution first
By Frederic Baron, Valentin Bellassen and Mariana Deheza In a framework where no common forestry policy exists at the EU level (such as the Common Agriculture Policy for agriculture), this report lists EU policies that have an impact on climate change mitigation that can be achieved by the forestry sector. With the objective of analyzing […]
Carbon Trends
Free allocations under Phase 3 benchmarks: early evidence of what has changed
One of the most controversial changes to the EU ETS in Phase 3 (2013-2020) has been the introduction of emissions-performance benchmarks for determining free allocations to non-electricity producers. Phases 1 and 2 used National Allocation Plans (NAPs). For practical reasons NAPs were drawn up by each Member State, but this led to problems, including over-generous […]
Special issues
Highlights – Key Figures on Climate France and Worldwide 2013 Edition
By Frédéric OURADOU, Florine WONG, Daniel DELALANDE and Romain Morel The 2013 edition of “Key Figures on Climate” has been prepared within the context of the 18th Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP18) held in Doha from 26 November to 7 December 2012. This latest version has been slightly revised from the 2012 […]
Climate Report
More than 800 agricultural and agri-food sites affected by the eu ets
By Claudine Foucherot and Valentin Bellassen … counting only emissions of methane and nitrous oxide from cattle, crops and pasture. These emissions have two characteristics making their inclusion in the European Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) difficult: they are diffuse and depend on a range of fairly complex pedoclimatic factors. Taking into consideration the whole […]
Carbon Trends
Reforming the EU ETS: give it some work!
The Carbon Market Report published last November by the European Commission launched a debate on structural measures to sustainably address the EU ETS’s large surplus and sets out six options for measures which could do so: (a) increasing the EU reduction target to 30% in 2020, (b) retiring a number of allowances in phase 3, […]
Climate Brief
Reforming the EU ETS: give it some work!
By Nicolas Berghmans, Oliver Sartor and Nicolas Stephan, I4CE The European Commission is inviting stakeholders to respond to six proposals it has laid down for structural reforms of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). We identify three main weaknesses that affect the functioning of the EU ETS: insufficient credibility of long-term scarcity, the consequences […]
Climate Brief
Regional Climate – Air – Energy Plans at the heart of the debate on the energy transition
On the eve of the introduction of the environmental assessment procedure for planning documents, almost all Regional Climate – Air – Energy Plans have now been published. This Climate Brief assesses regional climate strategies, which rely on significant commitment from those involved, including citizens by changing their behaviour, companies by improving their energy efficiency and […]
Special issues
Free allocations in EU ETS Phase 3: The impact of emissions performance benchmarking for carbon-intensive industry
By Stephen LECOURT, Clement PALLIERE and Oliver SARTOR From Phase 3 (2013-20) of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, carbon-intensive industrial emitters will receive free allocations based on harmonised, EU-wide benchmarks. This paper analyses the impacts of these new rules on allocations to key energy-intensive sectors across Europe. It explores an original dataset that combines […]
Climate Brief
Unlocking private investments in energy efficiency through carbon finance
By Igor Shishlov and Valentin Bellassen, I4CE According to the latest IEA World Energy Outlook, energy efficiency is a “key option” in transition to a low-carbon economy. A decade of experience with the CDM and JI demonstrates that carbon finance can be used as an effective tool to unlock private investments in energy efficiency. Capital […]
Carbon Trends
Low-carbon innovation is up, but not because of the EU ETS
The EU ETS is the main instrument of European climate policy, and many policymakers envisage it as a driving force of the EU’s transition to a low-carbon economy. By putting a price on emissions, the scheme is expected to encourage heavy polluters to develop new low-carbon technologies. At first glance it is encouraging to notice, […]
Carbon Trends
Doha opens partway the door to shift to –25% for the EU
The Doha Conference in Qatar followed two conferences that yielded relatively significant results, namely Cancun (2010) and Durban (2011). These previous conferences had most notably agreed on a second commitment period for the Kyoto Protocol (KP-CP2), begun a negotiation process aimed at achieving an international post-2020 agreement, as well as furthered progress on the issue […]
Climate Brief
Auction revenues in EU ETS Phase 3: a new public resource
By Guillaume Chevaleyre et Nicolas Berghmans, I4CE As from 1 January 2013, auctions will become the main mode for distributing CO2 allowances within the EU ETS. By 2020, almost one billion EUAs will be sold every year and generate income for Member States. Although sales of Phase 3 allowances have begun, uncertainty still surrounds the […]