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Catching up with climate investment in the European Union

The Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will audition the European Commissioner-designates in early November. The hearings are a crucial moment to seek commitment from the EU’s next executive team on the priorities for the coming five years and how they will delivered – including on the urgent issue of investment in the climate transition.

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  • 05/06/2015 Special issues
    Review of the experience with monitoring uncertainty requirements in the Clean Development Mechanism
    By Igor Shishlov & Valentin Bellassen In order to ensure the environmental integrity of carbon offset projects, emission reductions certified under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) have to be ‘real, measurable and additional’, which is ensured, inter alia, through the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) process. MRV, however, comes at a cost that ranges from […]
  • 27/05/2015 Special issues
    The United Kingdom : A case study on emissions trading
    The UK was the first European country to establish an emission trading scheme under the mandate of the Kyoto Protocol. Despite having integrated in the EU ETS in 2007, the UK has developed it’s a Carbon Price Floor, a unique national EU ETS feature among participants. Published in May 2015 by I4CE  together with the […]
  • 27/05/2015 Special issues
    India : A study on greenhouse gas emissions reduction
    While India does not have a GHG emissions trading system, this case study provides an overview of other systems India has put in place, including a unique energy efficiency certificate trading system. Published in May 2015 by I4CE together with the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).
  • 27/05/2015 Special issues
    European Union : A case study on emissions trading
    The EU ETS is the largest multinational system and has been a pioneer in achieving regional emission reductions. Despite its long experience, the EU ETS is continuously evolving to overcome challenges and provides useful learnings to emerging ETS’s around the world. Published in May 2015 by I4CE together with the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) […]
  • 27/05/2015 Special issues
    Tokyo : A case study on emissions trading
    As the largest city jurisdiction in the world to implement an ETS, Tokyo’s action was the first experience of its kind. Tokyo is one of the few ETS to include direct and indirect CO2 emissions. Published in May 2015 by I4CE together with the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).
  • 27/05/2015 Special issues
    Switzerland : A case study on emissions trading
    The Swiss ETS has been operational since 2008 and is currently in the process of negotiating a link with the EU ETS. Published in May 2015 by I4CE together with the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).
  • 27/05/2015 Special issues
    Republic of Korea : A case study on emissions trading
    In January 2015, the Republic of South Korea’s ETS officially began. The system features the second largest emissions cap after the EU ETS and the largest sectoral scope including ; waste, buildings and aviation. Published in May 2015 by I4CE together with the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).
  • 27/05/2015 Special issues
    Brazil : A case study on greenhouse gas reduction
    Brazil has been a leader in emissions reduction over the last several years through reducing deforestation. Commitment to emission reduction is apparent at both the national and sub-national level taking into account both the environmental, and the social benefits of climate change mitigation. Published in May 2015 by I4CE together with the International Emissions Trading […]
  • 25/05/2015 Special issues
    Québec : an emissions trading scheme case study
    I4CE, EDF (Environmental Defense Fund) and IETA (International Emissions Trading Association) have published, in partnership, a series of detailed case studies on North American carbon markets released in April 2015. Québec is the first Canadian province to establish an emissions trading scheme and after recently linking with California’s cap-and-trade program, is now part of the […]
  • 25/05/2015 Special issues
    Kazakhstan : A case study on emissions trading
    As the largest economy in Central Asia, with the highest emission output per GDP, Kazakhstan’s decision to establish Asia’s first cap-and-trade system is likely to add to the mobilisation of carbon pricing mechanisms in the region. Published in May 2015 by I4CE together with the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and the Environmental Defense Fund […]
  • 25/05/2015 Special issues
    New Zealand : A case study on emissions trading
    The New Zealand ETS is the only system to include the forestry sector from its conception and has since expanded its scope. Published in May 2015 by I4CE together with the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).
  • 20/05/2015
    Financing the low-carbon transition
    Heading towards the 2015 Paris international Climate Conference (COP21), CDC Climat Research, in partnership with ADEME, the French Environment and Energy Management Agency, publishes a ClimasCOPe # 2 aiming to shed some light on the challenges of international climate negotiations. ClimasCOPe # 2 is focused on the financing of the low-carbon transition. After an editorial […]
  • 18/05/2015 Special issues
    Mainstreaming Climate Change into the financial sector: rationale and entry points
    CIGI POLICY BRIEF No. 5 • June 2015 Fixing Climate Governance Series by Sáni Zou, Romain Morel, Thomas Spencer, Ian Cochran and Michel Colombier Mainstreaming Climate Change into the financial sector: rationale and entry points Today, the financial sector is exposed to the physical risks associated with climate change and the impact of climate policies. […]
  • 17/05/2015 Carbon Trends
    Effort sharing, enhanced flexibility and low-carbon transformation: a new proposal for non-ETS sectors in the post-2020 period
    EU ETS – MSR timetable: The second trilogue meeting between EU institutions took place on 5th May. An agreement was reached for the implementation of the MSR as from 2019, and a placement of backloaded as well as unused allowances straight into the reserve. EU ETS – Carbon leakages: The European Commission should propose measures […]
  • 17/05/2015 Special issues
    Australia : A case study on carbon pricing
    After the repealing of the carbon tax legislation, the new Australia’s Emission Reduction Fund implemented in 2015 is a unique system whose features include the reverse auctioning method. Published in May 2015 by I4CE together with the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).
  • 17/05/2015 Special issues
    Japan : A case study on carbon pricing
    Japan has had a long experience in emission trading schemes with the voluntary ETS which is no longer operational. Today Japan has employed domestic and bilateral offset crediting mechanisms. Published in May 2015 by I4CE together with the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).
  • 17/05/2015 Special issues
    Mexico : A case study on carbon pricing
    Mexico has made remarkable progress in developing an effective climate change strategy over recent years. Since the adoption of the General Law on Climate Change in 2012, the first climate law to be implemented in a developing country, Mexico has become the first Latin American country to implement a carbon pricing mechanism. Published in May […]
  • 17/05/2015 Special issues
    Norway : A case study on emissions trading
    Norway established in 2005 a domestic ETS under the mandate of the Kyoto Protocol. Today, after linking with the EU ETS in 2008, Norway now features both an ETS and a Carbon Tax. Published in May 2015 by I4CE together with the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).
  • 17/05/2015 Special issues
    South Africa : A case study on carbon pricing
    In view of South Africa’s heavy reliance on coal, developing a Carbon Tax combined with offsets is a unique approach to establishing a low carbon economy. South Africa’s carbon tax, coming into force in 2016, makes for an interesting study on the implementation of carbon pricing mechanisms in Africa. Published in May 2015 by I4CE […]
  • 11/05/2015 Special issues
    Mainstreaming Climate Change in the Financial Sector and its Governance – Part I: A Necessary and Timely Evolution
    A joint working paper with the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) By Romain Morel (I4CE), Sani Zou (IDDRI), Ian Cochran (I4CE), Thomas Spencer (IDDRI) This working paper is the first one of a series of studies on Mainstreaming Climate Change in the Financial Sector and its Governance. Part I: A Necessary and […]

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