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  • 21/11/2014 Carbon Trends
    Climate and Energy package in 2030: towards a new winning combination “40% +27% +27%” for the EU ETS?
    By CDC Climat Research and Enerdata European Council of 23rd October: the conclusions show a binding target, which includes reducing GHG emissions in 2030 by 40% compared with the level in 1990, and a 27% share for renewable energy, together with an indicative energy-efficiency target of 27%. Carbon leakage: the list of the sectors exposed […]
  • 21/10/2014 Special issues
    Landscape of climate finance in France, 2014 Edition
    Based on a methodology developed by the Climate Policy Initiative and recognized internationally, the Landscape of climate finance identifies financial flows dedicated to the climate change mitigation and adaptation in France in 2011. The study collects information about the role and weight of public and private actors, as well as the instruments and channels involved […]
  • 21/10/2014 Carbon Trends
    Feedback from the New York Climate Summit: a CO2 price is necessary, but not sufficient
    New EU Energy and Climate Action Commissioner: the Miguel Arias Canete’s nomination was approved by a majority of Members of EU Parliament. EU ETS – MSR timetable: On September 23rd, the timetable was announced; deadline for amendments is 11th December 2014; ENVI committee votes on 23rd or 24th February 2015. BKM Summit: On September 23rd, […]
  • 10/10/2014 Special issues
    The CO2 emissions of the European power sector: economic drivers and the climate-energy policies ‘contribution.
    By Berghmans Nicolas, Chèze Benoît, Alberola Emilie and Chevallier Julien In the frame of the ongoing debate on the 2030 energy and climate policies in the European Union, this article provides the first assessment of the effectiveness of European energy and climate policies on the CO2 emissions reductions. This ex-post analysis deals with the CO2 […]
  • 05/10/2014 Special issues
    Review of monitoring uncertainty requirements in the CDM
    By Igor Shishlov and Valentin Bellassen In order to ensure the environmental integrity of carbon offset projects, emission reductions certified under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) have to be ‘real, measurable and additional’, which is ensured through the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) process. MRV, however, comes at a cost that ranges from several cents […]
  • 21/09/2014 Carbon Trends
    SUMO policies: smart monetary policies aimed at giving a boost to green investments
    By Camille Ferron and Romain Morel, I4CE New EU Commissioner : Miguel Arias Cañete (Spain) has been appointed as the new energy and climate commissioner. EU ETS Reform: Denmark, Latvia, Slovenia, and Sweden support Germany’s proposal for the mechanism becoming operational ahead of schedule as from 2017. Climate and Energy package 2030: the European Commission […]
  • 15/09/2014 Climate Report
    What incentives to climate change mitigation through harvested wood products in the current french policy framework? (Summary)
    Beyond the important role that forests play in the fight against climate change through the sequestration of carbon in their biomass, wood products also contribute to climate change through three channels: Material substitution : the manufacturing of wood products being less energy intensive allows to avoid carbon emissions from the processing of other alternative materials […]
  • 21/08/2014 Carbon Trends
    The EU ETS Market Stability Reserve: a debate on its effectiveness
    By Emilie Alberola and Zuheir Desai, CDC Climat Research Auctioning of aviation allowances will restart from September 2014. Market Stability Reserve: Germany and France have clarified their positions. EU ETS Phase 4: The EU Commission held its first stakeholder meeting to discuss experiences of free allocation with regards to carbon leakage from phases 2 and […]
  • 17/07/2014 Climate Report
    Introducing short term flexibility in the EU ETS to assure its long-term credibility : a multi-criteria analysis of policy options
    It is now well established that the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) needs to be reformed. After more than 18 months of discussions, the EU Commission disclosed, in its communication published in January 2014 on “A policy framework for climate and energy in the period from 2020 to 2030”, its legislative proposal of […]
  • 17/07/2014 Climate Report
    Smart Unconventional Monetary (SUMO) policies: giving impetus to green investment
    Today, given the amount of investment needed to reach a 2-degree emissions reduction target and the tight budgetary constraints of governments worldwide, public spending alone will not be sufficient alone. Therefore, there is a double need to not only shift private financial flows from “brown” sectors to “green” sectors, but also to leverage new sources […]
  • 21/06/2014 Special issues
    Carbon Price Efficiency Lock-in and Path Dependence in Urban Forms and Transport Infrastructure
    By Paolo Avner ,Jun Rentschler, Stéphane Hallegatte This paper investigates the effect of carbon or gasoline taxes on commuting-related CO2 emissions in an urban context. To assess the impact of public transport on the efficiency of the tax, the paper investigates two exogenous scenarios using a dynamic urban model (NEDUM-2D) calibrated for the urban area […]
  • 21/06/2014 Climate Brief
    Le versement pour sous densité : analyse d’un outil de densification urbaine et premiers retours d’expériences
    Par Paolo Avner, doctorant CIRED et APREC, Vincent Viguié, CIRED et et Stéphane Hallegatte, Banque Mondiale Le versement pour sous densité (VSD) a fait son entrée dans la loi française depuis mi 2012 et vise à limiter l’étalement urbain en taxant les nouvelles constructions qui n’atteignent pas un seuil minimal de densité de bâti (SMD). […]
  • 18/06/2014 Carbon Trends
    Carbon markets and the post-2020 Agreement
    EU ETS reforms: on 25th June, the EU Commission will host a panel of experts to discuss technical aspects of the proposal of the Market Stability Reserve. Market Stability Reserve of the EU ETS: Germany supports the Commission proposal of a market stability reserve and calls for a launch of the mechanism significantly before 2020, […]
  • 21/05/2014 Climate Brief
    Domo arigato Kyoto : Four key lessons from the Kyoto Protocol for a new agreement in Paris 2015
    By Romain Morel, Igor Shishlov et Valentin Bellassen, I4CE The results from the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol (KP) show that developed countries fulfilled their commitments through varied strategies. However, the Kyoto protocol did not manage to stabilize global GHG concentrations ; furthermore its direct impact on domestic emissions reductions is unclear. Nevertheless, […]
  • 17/05/2014 Climate Report
    Ex-post evaluation of the Kyoto Protocol : Four key lessons for the 2015 Paris Agreement
    Signed in 1997, following the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol (KP) is the first international tool focused on greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation involving as many countries : in its final configuration, thirty six developed countries committed to reduce their emissions by 4% between 1990 and 2008-2012 – the […]
  • 18/04/2014 Carbon Trends
    Is the European Union in fighting formation on the Paris 2015 front?
    Verified CO2 emissions: in 2013, emissions of EU ETS stationary installations, estimated to 1,895 MtCO2, have decreased by at least 3% in comparison of 2012. State aids for 2020 climate targets: the EU Commission has adopted new guidelines on public support for projects in the field of environmental protection and energy that notably promote a […]
  • 18/04/2014 Carbon Trends
    The EU ETS’ market stability reserve: a marginal long-term structural reform
    Upsurge in volumes and fall in prices: Nearly 1.1 billion EUA’s were traded, i.e +23%, whereas the average EUA spot price fell by 6% in March 2014. 2030 climate and energy package: The EU Council will take stock of progress made at its next meeting in June 2014, based on consultations with Member States. International […]
  • 29/03/2014 Special issues
    Highlights – Key Figures on Climate France and Worldwide 2014 Edition
    By Frédéric OURADOU, Florine WONG, Jérôme DUVERNOY, Romain MOREL In line with previous editions, the 2014 edition of “Key Figures on Climate” has been prepared within the context of the 19th Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP19) held in Warsaw from the 11th to the 22nd of November 2013. This latest version has […]
  • 21/03/2014 Climate Brief
    Moving from the CDM to “various approaches”
    By Igor Shishlov and Valentin Bellassen, I4CE The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) facilitated the emergence and deployment of low-cost greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement technologies such as destruction of industrial gases and capturing methane from landfills and coal mines. Some of these technologies are now ripe to “graduate” from the CDM into other, more mainstream, economic […]
  • 18/03/2014 Carbon Trends
    European Offset Projects: A tool to rally Poland towards the 2030 Energy Climate Package
    EUA supply: after the approbation of the backloading regulation, the number of auctioned allowances for 2014 will be reduced by 400 million. National allocations plans of all 28 member states for the free allocation of allowances for 2013 have been approved. 2030 climate and energy package: the EU Parliament adopted a non-binding resolution on the […]

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