
Blog post

Catching up with climate investment in the European Union

The Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will audition the European Commissioner-designates in early November. The hearings are a crucial moment to seek commitment from the EU’s next executive team on the priorities for the coming five years and how they will delivered – including on the urgent issue of investment in the climate transition.

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  • 09/10/2015 Foreword of the week
    I4CE recommends the UNEP Inquiry final report “The financial system we need”
    The UNEP Inquiry has explored how changes in financial system design can bring the environment more effectively into financial decision-making. The Inquiry key findings are: Financing for sustainable development can be delivered through action within the financial system, as well as in the real economy Policy innovation from developing and developed countries demonstrate how the […]
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  • 23/09/2015
    FOREST: Fully Optimised and Reliable EmissionS Tool
  • 21/09/2015 Climate Report
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  • 16/09/2015 Special issues
    Financial risk and the transition to a low-carbon economy – Towards a carbon stress testing framework
    By 2° Investing initiative : Hugues Chenet, Jakob Thomä, Didier Janci, With inputs from Romain Hubert (I4CE) Nick Robins, Peter Cruickshank (UNEP Inquiry ) and Stan Dupré (2°Invesing Initative). On July 27th at Moody’s in New York, 2° Investing Initiative launched the report “Financial risk and the transition to a low-carbon economy” in partnership with […]
  • 23/07/2015 Special issues
    Booklet for sub-national stakeholders heading towards the COP 21 Agricultural and forestry focus
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  • 17/07/2015 Carbon Trends
    Towards a recalibrated EU ETS for 2030: assessment of the legislative proposal to revise the EU ETS Directive
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  • 12/07/2015 Special issues
    Mainstreaming Climate Change in the Financial Sector and its Governance – Part II: Identifying Opportunity Windows
    A joint working paper with the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) By Romain Morel (I4CE), Sani Zou (IDDRI), Ian Cochran (I4CE), Thomas Spencer (IDDRI) This working paper is the second one of a series of studies on Mainstreaming Climate Change in the Financial Sector and its Governance. Part II: Identifying Opportunity Windows […]
  • 03/07/2015 Special issues
    Mainstreaming Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient growth pathways into investment decision-making – lessons from development financial institutions on approaches and tools
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  • 30/06/2015
    On the mobilization of non-state actors for the climate action
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  • 22/06/2015 Special issues
    I4CE co-authors: Marion Afriat & Lara Dahan EDF co-authors: Joojin Kim & Peter Sopher IETA co-authors: Jeff Swartz & Stefano de Clara The authors would like to thank Ruben Lubowski, Joe Billick, Clayton Munnings, Jennifer Andreassen, Richie Ahuja, Sung Woo Kim (KPMG), Siwon Park, and Yong Gun Kim (Korea Environment Institute) for very helpful comments […]
  • 18/06/2015 Special issues
    I4CE welcomes the report of the Canfin-Grandjean Presidential Commission on Innovative Climate Finance
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  • 18/06/2015 Foreword of the week
    I4CE welcomes the report of the Canfin-Grandjean Presidential Commission on Innovative Climate Finance
    I4CE welcomes the report of the Canfin-Grandjean Presidential Commission on Innovative Climate Finance On June 18th Pascal Canfin and Alain Grandjean, in the presences of Nicolas Hulot, submitted to French President François Hollande the report of the Commission on Innovative Climate Finance over which they presided. Over three months, the Commission interviewed more than 75 […]
  • 17/06/2015 Climate Report
    Mitigating climate change and waste recycling: household packaging case study
    • The waste sector has consistently poor visibility when it comes to GHG inventories. Its true impact can only be understood through a comprehensive life-cycle assessment methodology. It is only then that the actual effectiveness of waste prevention and recycling in mitigating GHG  emissions becomes clear. • This Climate Report examines the principle of Extended Producer […]
  • 17/06/2015
    The accounting of GHG emissions (MRV)
    Heading towards the 2015 Paris international Climate Conference (COP21), I4CE, in partnership with ADEME, the French Environment and Energy Management Agency, publishes a ClimasCOPe # 3 aiming to shed some light on the challenges of international climate negotiations. ClimasCOPe # 3 is focused on the challenge of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of GHG  emissions. After […]
  • 17/06/2015 Carbon Trends
    EU ETS auctions revenues: few guidelines to improve use for the low-carbon transition financing
    EU ETS – MSR negotiations: On May 26th, the Environment Committee of the EU Parliament approved the consolidated text for the implementation of the MSR as from 2019, and a placement of backloaded as well as unused allowances straight into the reserve. A vote in plenary session is scheduled on 7th July. EU ETS reform: […]
  • 16/06/2015 Special issues
    Financing urban adaptation to climate change impacts – Mapping of existing initiatives
    Realized in partnership with the French Development Agency, this study is a mapping of the types of initiatives available for the financing of urban adaptation to climate change, offering additional options to more conventional sources of funding for climate change and sustainable development (national budget transfers, Official Development Aid, etc.): -Based on the review of […]
  • 14/06/2015
    Climate Report n° 50 « Mitigating climate change and waste recycling: household packaging case study »
    • The waste sector has consistently poor visibility when it comes to GHG  inventories. Its true impact can only be understood through a comprehensive life-cycle assessment methodology. It is only then that the actual effectiveness of waste prevention and recycling in mitigating GHG  emissions becomes clear. • This Climate Report examines the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility […]

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