
Blog post

Catching up with climate investment in the European Union

The Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will audition the European Commissioner-designates in early November. The hearings are a crucial moment to seek commitment from the EU’s next executive team on the priorities for the coming five years and how they will delivered – including on the urgent issue of investment in the climate transition.

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  • 05/11/2015 Carbon Trends
    Free allocation in the EU ETS by 2030: paving the way for decarbonisation of industry
    By Matthieu JALARD, Émilie ALBEROLA et Lara DAHAN In October 2014, the EU Council committed to continue free allocations until 2030, even if significant evidence of carbon leakage since 2005 has not been demonstrated. This raises the question as to whether or not the proposed free allocation mechanism can effectively mitigate carbon leakage risks through […]
  • 05/11/2015 Special issues
    Towards an improved integration of sustainability in Finance – The French (eco)system
    I4CE report for the UNEP Inquiry about the French experience on integrating sustainability in finance The French case study presents lessons drawn from the French ongoing experience in improving the integration of sustainability issues that could be shared with other countries. It focuses on both the climate-related issues that have recently received significant attention (Article […]
  • 04/11/2015 Foreword of the week
    UNEP Inquiry’s Global Report on the Design of a Sustainable Financial System & a Country Report on France
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  • 03/11/2015 Foreword of the week
    Understanding the issues behind climate finance
    Meet Romain Morel – Project Manager of our Finance, Investment and Climate division – who will briefly explain the main ideas behind climate finance. In two minutes, you will come to understand what climate finance refers to, the widely-known annual goal of $100 billion by 2020 and the fundamental challenge in raising the trillions of […]
  • 29/10/2015 Foreword of the week
    How does the European carbon market work?
    Managing greenhouse gas emissions plays an important role in helping our economies follow a low-carbon trajectory. The objective of an emissions trading scheme is to help incentivize economic players from main emitting sectors – such as energy and industry – to reduce their CO2e emissions. I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics, IFP Energies nouvelles and […]
  • 29/10/2015 Special issues
    Note: contribution from I4CE on how to address double counting within voluntary projects in Annex B countries
    Double counting of emission reductions is one of the main issues concerning the development carbon offset projects. This question is crucial for JI projects (Joint Implementation- Kyoto Protocol) but stakes are different for voluntary offsetting. This note aims to explain the issue of double counting and more specifically, the issue of double monetization and double […]
  • 28/10/2015 Foreword of the week
    Understanding carbon pricing policies – ClimasCOPe
    Meet Emilie Alberola – Program Manager of our Industry, Energy and Climate division – who will briefly explain the main ideas behind carbon pricing policies. In two minutes, you will come to understand the benefits of implementing carbon pricing and how the Paris Agreement could play a role in facilitating the proliferation of carbon pricing policy initiatives. […]
  • 22/10/2015
    KfW Bankengruppe – Case Study
  • 22/10/2015
    European Bank for Reconstruction and Development – Case Study
  • 22/10/2015
    UK Green Investment Bank – Case Study
  • 22/10/2015
    European Investment Bank-Case Study
  • 22/10/2015
    Caisse des Dépôts – Case Study English
  • 21/10/2015 Foreword of the week
    I4CE launches its publication series on Mainstreaming Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient growth pathways into Development Finance Institutions’ activities
    One of the principal challenges today is to scale-up the financial flows to the trillions of dollars per year necessary to achieve the 2°C long-term objectives. Achieving this transition to a low-carbon, climate resilient (LCCR) economic model requires the integration or ‘mainstreaming’ of climate issues as a prism through which all investment decisions should be made.
  • 21/10/2015 Special issues
    Case Study 1: Integration of Climate Change into the operational activities of Agence Française de Développement
    Paper three in I4CE’s research project on the standards, tools and metrics to support the mainstreaming of ‘Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient’ growth pathways into activites of development finance institutions This case study examines the AFD’s integration of climate and transition-related information and tools into its activities. It presents the general investment process and the range of financial […]
  • 20/10/2015 ClimasCOPe
    Climate Change Adaptation
    Heading towards the 2015 Paris international Climate Conference (COP21), I4CE, in partnership with ADEME, the French Environment and Energy Management Agency, releases ClimasCOPe # 5 on climate change adaptation ClimasCOPe # 5 focuses on the place of climate change adaptation in the climate action. After an editorial titled « COP 21: a new approach and […]
  • 19/10/2015 Foreword of the week
    I4CE discusses offsetting mechanisms in Proparco’s Private Sector & Development
    Today, developing carbon offsetting mechanisms to succeed those of Kyoto hinges on restoring confidence in the effectiveness and environmental integrity of carbon crediting projects. But it is also necessary to reassure investors – who lost some USD 66 billion with the collapse of demand and asset price in 2012 – about the safety of their […]
  • 09/10/2015 Foreword of the week
    I4CE launches its publication series on Mainstreaming Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient growth pathways into Development Finance Institutions’ activities
    Development finance institutions (DFIs) are in a position to be key actors in aligning development and the 2° challenge. One of the principal challenges today is to scale-up the financial flows to the trillions of dollars per year necessary to achieve the 2°C long-term objectives. Achieving this transition to a low-carbon, climate resilient (LCCR) economic […]
  • 09/10/2015 Special issues
    Climate and development finance institutions
    Climate and development finance institutions: linking climate finance, development finance and the transition to low-carbon, climate-resilient economic models Paper one in I4CE’s research project on the standards, tools and metrics to support the mainstreaming of ‘Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient’ growth pathways into activites of development finance institutions. Abstract Development finance institutions (DFIs) are in a position to […]
  • 09/10/2015 Special issues
    Lessons from the use of climate-related decision-making standards and tools by DFIs to facilitate the transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient future
    Paper two in I4CE’s research project on the standards, tools and metrics to support the mainstreaming of ‘Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient’ growth pathways into activites of development finance institutions. The integration or ‘mainstreaming’ of climate change into development finance decisions poses a broad number of operational challenges. Drawing from the current practice of Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), […]
  • 09/10/2015 Climate Report
    Climate and development finance institutions
    Climate and development finance institutions: linking climate finance, development finance and the transition to low-carbon, climate-resilient economic models Paper one in I4CE’s research project on the standards, tools and metrics to support the mainstreaming of ‘Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient’ growth pathways into activites of development finance institutions. Abstract Development finance institutions (DFIs) are in a position to […]

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