KfW Bankengruppe – Case Study
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development – Case Study
UK Green Investment Bank – Case Study
European Investment Bank-Case Study
Caisse des Dépôts – Case Study English
Foreword of the week
I4CE launches its publication series on Mainstreaming Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient growth pathways into Development Finance Institutions’ activities
One of the principal challenges today is to scale-up the financial flows to the trillions of dollars per year necessary to achieve the 2°C long-term objectives. Achieving this transition to a low-carbon, climate resilient (LCCR) economic model requires the integration or ‘mainstreaming’ of climate issues as a prism through which all investment decisions should be made.
Special issues
Case Study 1: Integration of Climate Change into the operational activities of Agence Française de Développement
Paper three in I4CE’s research project on the standards, tools and metrics to support the mainstreaming of ‘Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient’ growth pathways into activites of development finance institutions This case study examines the AFD’s integration of climate and transition-related information and tools into its activities. It presents the general investment process and the range of financial […]
Climate Change Adaptation
Heading towards the 2015 Paris international Climate Conference (COP21), I4CE, in partnership with ADEME, the French Environment and Energy Management Agency, releases ClimasCOPe # 5 on climate change adaptation ClimasCOPe # 5 focuses on the place of climate change adaptation in the climate action. After an editorial titled « COP 21: a new approach and […]
Foreword of the week
I4CE discusses offsetting mechanisms in Proparco’s Private Sector & Development
Today, developing carbon offsetting mechanisms to succeed those of Kyoto hinges on restoring confidence in the effectiveness and environmental integrity of carbon crediting projects. But it is also necessary to reassure investors – who lost some USD 66 billion with the collapse of demand and asset price in 2012 – about the safety of their […]
Foreword of the week
I4CE launches its publication series on Mainstreaming Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient growth pathways into Development Finance Institutions’ activities
Development finance institutions (DFIs) are in a position to be key actors in aligning development and the 2° challenge. One of the principal challenges today is to scale-up the financial flows to the trillions of dollars per year necessary to achieve the 2°C long-term objectives. Achieving this transition to a low-carbon, climate resilient (LCCR) economic […]
Special issues
Climate and development finance institutions
Climate and development finance institutions: linking climate finance, development finance and the transition to low-carbon, climate-resilient economic models Paper one in I4CE’s research project on the standards, tools and metrics to support the mainstreaming of ‘Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient’ growth pathways into activites of development finance institutions. Abstract Development finance institutions (DFIs) are in a position to […]
Special issues
Lessons from the use of climate-related decision-making standards and tools by DFIs to facilitate the transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient future
Paper two in I4CE’s research project on the standards, tools and metrics to support the mainstreaming of ‘Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient’ growth pathways into activites of development finance institutions. The integration or ‘mainstreaming’ of climate change into development finance decisions poses a broad number of operational challenges. Drawing from the current practice of Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), […]
Climate Report
Climate and development finance institutions
Climate and development finance institutions: linking climate finance, development finance and the transition to low-carbon, climate-resilient economic models Paper one in I4CE’s research project on the standards, tools and metrics to support the mainstreaming of ‘Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient’ growth pathways into activites of development finance institutions. Abstract Development finance institutions (DFIs) are in a position to […]
Foreword of the week
I4CE recommends the UNEP Inquiry final report “The financial system we need”
The UNEP Inquiry has explored how changes in financial system design can bring the environment more effectively into financial decision-making. The Inquiry key findings are: Financing for sustainable development can be delivered through action within the financial system, as well as in the real economy Policy innovation from developing and developed countries demonstrate how the […]
Foreword of the week
Op-ed on climate finance for COP21 – On the road to the USD 100bn for the climate
On the road to the USD 100bn for the climate: what can we expect from Finance Ministers meetings in Lima? Ian Cochran and Romain Morel have published an op-ed on the French Huffington Post to explain what is at stake concerning the $ 100 Bn and the ministerial meeting happening this week in Lima. The […]
Foreword of the week
In the run-up of the COP21, I4CE recommends the UNEP-FI general assembly
The Annual General Meeting of the Finance Initiative of the UN Environment Program will take place in Paris the next 12-13 October. It will focus on on the role of finance in sustainable development and climate change. Two discussion sessions will be opened to non-members and will focus on: One session on Environmental and Social Risk Management […]
Carbon Trends
Joint Implementation: the good, the bad and how to avoid the ugly
Joint Implementation: the good, the bad and how to avoid the ugly In order to avoid the ‘ugly’ effects – both in JI and in potential future instruments valorizing emissions reductions – accountability has to be incorporated into the system. EU ETS Directive On July 15th, the EU Commission released a legislative proposal to revise […]
FOREST: Fully Optimised and Reliable EmissionS Tool
Climate Report
In a world with asymmetrical climate policies, the conclusions of the European Council of October 2014 agreed on continuing the allocation of free CO2 emissions allowances beyond 2020 to industrial sectors in the EU ETS. This statement has been confirmed in the European Commission’s proposal to revise EU ETS directive for phase IV disclosed in […]
Special issues
Financial risk and the transition to a low-carbon economy – Towards a carbon stress testing framework
By 2° Investing initiative : Hugues Chenet, Jakob Thomä, Didier Janci, With inputs from Romain Hubert (I4CE) Nick Robins, Peter Cruickshank (UNEP Inquiry ) and Stan Dupré (2°Invesing Initative). On July 27th at Moody’s in New York, 2° Investing Initiative launched the report “Financial risk and the transition to a low-carbon economy” in partnership with […]