ET Risk summary
Canfin-Grandjean Report
Special issues
Scientific Brief for the LPAA
Scientific Brief on the implications of local and regional jurisdictions for mitigation and adaptation to climate change: How can they enhance engagement of their constituents? State of science and focus on economic and financial tools.
Carbon Trends
Recalibrating the EU ETS: in search of a long term price signal to drive investments
By Matthieu Jalard and Emilie Alberola With the endorsement of energy and climate targets by the EU Council in October 2014, the proposal for a revised EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) directive disclosed in July and the enforcement of the Market Stability Reserve (MSR) in September2015, a recalibrated EU ETS is emerging for the 2020 to […]
Climate Brief
COP21 – a successful ‘end of the beginning
The Paris Agreement provides a clear signal and a solid framework for climate action. Balanced and ambitious in its objectives – including full decarbonization of the global economy before the end of the century – it has all the conditions to encourage everyone to do more. In establishing a new international climate change regime, the […]
Foreword of the week
I4CE contributes to the SWITCH report
From August to December 2015, Emilie ALBEROLA participated to the Carbon Roadmap committee set up by SWITCH, the Alliance for a Green Economy in Quebec, composed of environmentalists, industry professionals and experts in economy climate. The report, titled “Carbon Roadmap” , has been released on 9th December in Paris to the premiers of Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba, […]
Foreword of the week
Op-ed on Low-Carbon Development: What Roles for Development Finance Institutions?
Ian Cochran and Mariana Deheza have written an op-ed on the French Huffington Post on the occasion of the launching of the initiative “Five voluntary Climate Mainstreaming Principles” in the sidelines of COP21 the 7 of December 2015. This Op-ed presents the work of I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics on Mainstreaming Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient growth pathways into […]
Foreword of the week
Op-ed on France Strategie’s platform – Thinking ‘Eco-Systemically’ to Shift the Trillions’.
On France Strategie’s platform ‘Financing the low-carbon transition’, Romain Morel and Ian Cochran provided their contribution ‘Thinking ‘Eco-Systemically’ to Shift the Trillions’. Based on their recent report ‘France’s Financial (Eco)system’, authors draw three main lessons from the French dynamics: Firstly: the change of the scale necessary to achieve a low-carbon transition cannot be forced from […]
Climate Report
The adaptation of cities to climate change
Cities and urban areas are particularly affected because of their geographical location and the large share of the population and economic activities they bring together. This Climate Report provides a synthetic and problematized review of the literature on climate change adaptation at the urban scale, the tools and resources available to cities to implement strategies […]
Foreword of the week
Launch of the project VOluntary CArbon Land Certification (VOCAL)
I4CE and its agricultural and forestry partners launch a project creating a national carbon certification aimed at agricultural and forestry projects. VOluntary CArbon Land Certification (VOCAL) will certify greenhouse gas emission reductions from projects implemented in France in the agricultural and forestry sectors through a reference framework and methodologies validated by the Ministry of Ecology, […]
LPAA Private Finance Focus agenda
Special issues
2004 – 2015: A decade of expertise on climate economics
I4CE – the Institute for Climate Economics is an initiative of the Caisse des Dépôts, which continues to support us, and the Agence Française de Développement, which has joined this project, giving the Institute a strong international dimension. The two major French public financial institutions are thus joining forces to create a real think tank, […]
Special issues
Exploring the EU ETS beyond 2020: A first assessment of the EU Commission’s proposal for Phase IV of the EU ETS (2021-2030)
The report, produced jointly by I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics and Enerdata, and in collaboration with IFPen, provides new, factual, independent and quantified analysis on EU ETS operationality by 2030, to examine the necessary conditions to improve its environmental and economic effectiveness. Launched in September 2014, the research program on the COordination of EU […]
Foreword of the week
Press release – Carbon pricing beyond 2020: Europe must recalibrate its Emissions Trading Scheme
Entitled “Exploring the EU ETS Beyond 2020: A first assessment of the EU Commission’s proposal for Phase IV of the EU ETS (2021-2030)”, the report, produced jointly by I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics and Enerdata, and in collaboration with IFPen, provides new, factual, independent and quantified analysis on EU ETS operationality by 2030, to […]
Climate Report
Free allocation in the European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS): identifying efficient mechanisms by 2030
In a world with asymmetrical climate policies, the conclusions of the European Council of October 2014 agreed on continuing the allocation of free CO2 emissions allowances beyond 2020 to industrial sectors in the EU ETS. This statement has been confirmed in the European Commission’s proposal to revise EU ETS directive for phase IV disclosed in […]
Special issues
This Publication is an extract from the Coordination of EU Policies on Energy and CO2 (COPEC) report, produced jointly by I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics and Enerdata, and in collaboration with IFPen. The report provides new, factual, independent and quantified analysis on EU ETS operationality by 2030, to examine the necessary conditions to improve […]
Special issues
This Publication is an extract from the Coordination of EU Policies on Energy and CO2 (COPEC) report, produced jointly by I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics and Enerdata, and in collaboration with IFPen. The report provides new, factual, independent and quantified analysis on EU ETS operationality by 2030, to examine the necessary conditions to improve […]
Special issues
Interactions between the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and complementary energy policies by 2030 (only in Spanish)
I4CE– Institute for Climate Economics and Enerdata have contributed to the Spanish Energy Journal issue 46/November 2015 by presenting their analysis on the EU ETS developement by 2030. This paper presents results from the analysis of interactions between the EU ETS and energy-climate complementary policies. The paper desmontrates that: The combination of different objectives RES, […]
Special issues
This Publication is an extract from the Coordination of EU Policies on Energy and CO2 (COPEC) report, produced jointly by I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics and Enerdata, and in collaboration with IFPen. The report provides new, factual, independent and quantified analysis on EU ETS operationality by 2030, to examine the necessary conditions to improve […]
Climate Brief
Putting a price on carbon – Accelerating the dialogue: a challenge for governments and a request from businesses
Policy brief for public and private decision makers attending the Business Dialogue meeting during Climate Week in New York – September 2015 I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics has produced a position paper on carbon pricing policies for the Business Dialogue meeting organized by the French Presidency at the Climate Week in New York September […]