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  • 24/03/2021 Climate Report
    Landscape of climate finance – 2020 Edition
    The Landscape of Climate Finance is a comprehensive study of domestic investments which support climate mitigation in France. This study maps the financial flows supporting investments leading to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) across the French economy.
  • 07/01/2021 Climate Report
    Renovation – Landscape of climate finance in the Polish buildings sector
    As part of the EUKI-supported project “Landscape of climate finance: Mainstreaming climate finance in the CEE region”, I4CE supported the Polish think-tank Wise Europa in the elaboration of a Landscape of climate finance in the sector of energy retrofitting of existing buildings in Poland.
  • 15/07/2020 Blog post
    G20 Recovery Packages Benefit Fossil Fuels More Than Clean Energy
    Decisions taken in response to the COVID-19 crisis today will lock in the world’s development patterns for decades. With policy decisions made on a daily basis, information about how public money is being spent can be hard to follow. That is why a consortium of 14 expert organizations came together to track energy-specific responses by G20 governments.
  • 10/04/2020 Climate Report
    Investing in climate can help France drive its economic recovery
    Confronted with a health crisis that has caused a global social and economic shock, the European Union and countries around the world are adopting major economic support programs. Following the initial focus that must be on overcoming the health emergency itself, actions that contribute to climate goals can be an effective part of improving both the economy and the resilience of our society. I4CE’s proposal calls for a public finance package of 7 billion euros per year that is estimated to trigger 19 billion euros of additional public and private investment. Altogether, this package would contribute to the economic recovery post-crisis, while simultaneously reinforcing our society against future shocks without reducing France’s contribution to international climate goals.
  • 08/11/2019 Climate Report
    Tracking investment into energy transition in Germany and France: a comparison of methodologies and selected results
    Since 2012, I4CE has been tracking climate investment and finance in France and similar assessments have been conducted in Germany by IKEM. This study compares the methodologies and results of these two exercises – the most advanced in Europe. The paper allows an initial comparison of investments in the two countries, identifying similarities in priority […]
  • 04/11/2019 Climate Report
    Towards an alternative approach in finance to climate risks: taking uncertainties fully into account
    It is no easy task to take climate risks – transition risks and physical risks – into account in financial management practices. As this note shows from the example of banking activities, the intrinsic characteristics of these risks – which are long-term and cannot be assigned a probability and for which there are no historical […]
  • 01/10/2019 Climate Report
    Landscape of Climate Finance in France – 2019 Edition
    The 2019 Edition of I4CE’s Landscape of Climate Finance provides an overview of the investments made by governments, households and businesses in support of the French government’s climate-related objectives. The 2019 edition of the Landscape reveals that climate investments exceeded 45 billion euros in 2018 in France. These investments were made by households, public authorities […]
  • 06/03/2019 Blog post
    A European Climate Bank: we can do better
    The idea of creating a European Climate Bank is gaining ground. After being put on the table by the Climate Finance Pact and its many supporters, it is now included in French President Emmanuel Macron's "Letter to Europeans". With the European elections coming up soon, it is excellent news that financing the fight against climate change is on Europe's political agenda. However, is the best solution a new European financial institution?
  • 27/09/2018 Climate Report
    Low-carbon investment 2011 – 2017
    The transition to a low-carbon economy implies significant investments in buildings, transport systems, vehicles, power plants, industry, agriculture. However scaling-up those investments to meet climate and energy objectives requires an improved knowledge base in investments and financial flows in those sectors, as well as policy assessment tools.   This is why I4CE has developed since 2013 a “Landscape of domestic climate […]
  • 13/08/2018 Blog post
    Publication in International Economics of Landscape of Climate Finance methodology
    Since 2014, I4CE has tracked annually the investments made in France supporting climate action, whether by households, businesses or public authorities. The Landscape of Climate Finance is a powerful tool to fuel public debate, help decision makers assess the performance of their actions, and identify the efforts that remain to be undertaken.
  • 22/06/2018 Blog post
    I4CE’s French Landscape of Climate Finance supporting French-German comparison of financing the energy transition
    The conference brought together more than 180 participants from government, industry, research and civil society. They discussed potentials and different approaches to financing the energy transition in France and Germany.
  • 21/06/2018 Blog post
    Energy Transition and implementation of the Paris Agreement : What is the role of the financial sector ?
    As part of the Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) initiative, funded by the World Bank (WB), the United Nations Development Program and the National Agency for Energy Management (ANME) in collaboration with the Tunisian Professional Association of Banks and Financial Institutions (APTBEF) and the Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE), held Monday, June 18, 2018 in Tunis, a lunch debate on the role of the financial sector in the energy transition and the implementation of the Paris Agreement in Tunisia.
  • 21/06/2018 Blog post
    I4CE & E3G host breakfast meeting to push ambition on sustainable finance
    I4CE and E3G - Third Generation Environmentalism in partnership with the Permanent Representation of France to the European Union held a breakfast meeting to discuss the following issue ...
  • 05/04/2018 Op-ed
    Public intervention for house renovations: mobile, motive and opportunity
    The government’s ambitious objectives for the “energy performance” of buildings, in particular private housing units, call for major investments, approximately €15 billion/year. Current incentives have proven capable of raising only half of this amount, and most of these funds go to dispersed interventions with little heed for energy efficiency.
  • 02/03/2018 Climate Report
    Green Bonds: Improving their contribution to the low-carbon and climate resilient transition
    To achieve the Paris Agreement’s objective of limiting the rise of global mean temperature to +2°C compared to the preindustrial period, a shift in the allocation of private finance flows from carbon-intensive activities to investments compatible with a 2°C pathway will be necessary. Given the often high expectations around bonds, it is thus important to understand […]
  • 02/03/2018 Climate Report
    Environmental integrity of green bonds: stakes, status and next steps
    This report presents key findings of the second work package of I4CE’s work program on green bonds, exploring the challenges and opportunities to ensure the environmental integrity the green bond market. It explores the understanding of stakes and challenges related to the environmental integrity of green bonds and suggests potential next steps for both private […]
  • 13/12/2017 Climate Report
    Green Bonds: what contribution to the Paris Agreement and how to maximize it?
    Adopted in 2015 at COP21, the Paris Agreement triggered new momentum in the fight against climate change and confirmed the global target of limiting the rise of global mean temperature to 1.5-2°C compared to the preindustrial period. Among the objectives, the central role finance has to play in order to achieve this transition has been […]
  • 07/12/2016 Climate Report
    Landscape of climate finance in France, 2016 Edition
    The Landscape of climate finance is a comprehensive study of domestic financial flows in favor of climate and the broader energy transition in France. The study maps the flows supporting investments leading to greenhouse gas mitigation across the French economy. The principal objective of the study is to support public debate on the role and relevancy of […]
  • 12/11/2015 Climate Report
    Landscape of climate finance in France, 2015 edition
    Energy efficiency and sustainable infrastructure are the main investment domains, followed by renewable energy and nuclear. Between 2011 and 2013, climate investment increased by €6bn, with high contrast between domains. Investment in new buildings’ energy efficiency and in sustainable infrastructure increased, whereas investment in renewable energy, particularly renewable power, decreased.   Up to €36bn invested […]

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