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  • 04/10/2018 Climate Brief
    Carbon pricing across the world: how to efficiently spend growing revenues?
    This climate brief highlights that while there is an acceleration of carbon pricing policy implementation, associated revenues are on the rise (USD 32 billion in 2017). This increase raises the issue of the use of revenues. I4CE distinguishes between 4 main uses of carbon revenues: Investment in low-carbon projects; Allocation to the general budget; Reduction […]
  • 14/06/2018 Special issues
    Full report – « Mind the gap »: Aligning the 2030 EU climate and energy policy framework to meet long-term climate goals
    For a better coordination of climate and energy policies through the regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union.    Following a policy brief in April 2018, I4CE and Enerdata publish the full study. The report analyzes interactions between EU energy and climate policies and proposes policy options to mitigate counteractive interactions and meet an […]
  • 19/04/2018 Special issues
    2018 State of the EU ETS report
    I4CE publishes the 2018 “State of the EU ETS” report, in partnership with ICTSD/ERCST, the University of Graz, Nomisma Energia and Ecoact. The report focuses on 5 key areas: Relevant Policy and Governance issues, including Phase 4 review Environmental delivery Economic efficiency and delivery, including protection against carbon leakage Market functioning Making the EU ETS […]
  • 17/04/2018 Climate Brief
    Global Carbon Account 2018
    I4CE‘s Global Carbon Account 2018 presents key trends regarding the implementation of explicit carbon pricing policies throughout the world in 2018.     5 key trends in 2018 (Too) Few jurisdictions have implemented an explicit carbon price : as of April 1, 2018, 46 countries and 26 provinces or cities have adopted carbon pricing policies ; […]
  • 11/10/2017 Special issues
    Full report “EU ETS: last call before the doors close on the negotiations for the EU ETS reform”
    The EU ETS will not be the driver of decarbonisation of the EU economy until 2030 A new report analyses the reform proposals for the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) which are under discussion in the trilogue negotiations between EU institutions, as well as other possible evolutions of the EU ETS in its Phase IV […]
  • 09/10/2017 Climate Brief
    Landscape of carbon prices in 2017
    In September 2017, I4CE updated its database on carbon pricing policies. This panorama presents key trends regarding the implementation of explicit carbon pricing policies at the regional and national level in 2017. A world map, a detailed table and a graph provide comprehensive information on the jurisdictions that have implemented or plan to implement explicit […]
  • 13/09/2017 Climate Brief
    EU ETS – Last call before the doors close on the negotiations for the post-2020 reform
    I4CE, Enerdata and IFPEN published a policy brief on the reform of the EU ETS for the post-2020 period. Indeed, a window of opportunity to reform the EU ETS is currently open but is closing soon: the EU ETS directive is currently being revised for its Phase IV (2021-2030), and trilogue negotiations between EU institutions, […]
  • 31/10/2016 Climate Brief
    Six lessons on carbon accounting for Article 6 of the Paris Agreement
    A stringent, but flexible, MRV system is pivotal to mitigating the risk of future carbon crediting mechanisms compromising the ambition of the Paris Agreement. Namely, demonstrating additionality of projects and setting stringent emissions reduction baselines serve as the main tools to safeguard environmental integrity of the mechanism, especially given the insufficient ambition of current NDCs […]
  • 05/07/2016 Special issues
    An independent Peer review of the study “Ex-post Investigation of Cost Pass-Through in the EU ETS: an analysis of six sectors”
    This I4CE report provides a peer review of the study “Ex-post Investigation of Cost Pass-Though in the EU ETS: an analysis of six sectors” produced by CE-Delft and Oeko Institut and published by the EU Commission in November 2015. In the discussion on the potential risk of carbon leakage related to the EU ETS and […]
  • 28/04/2016 Carbon Trends
    Bringing road transport into the EU ETS: reasons of a false good idea
    Beginning of April 2016, the European Commission (EC) released its indicative roadmap on the decarbonisation of the transport sector. Within this roadmap, the EC refers to some studies showing that the inclusion of road fuels use in the EU ETS would not achieve significant greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions reductions in the transport sector. The EC […]
  • 01/12/2015 Special issues
    Exploring the EU ETS beyond 2020: A first assessment of the EU Commission’s proposal for Phase IV of the EU ETS (2021-2030)
    The report, produced jointly by I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics and Enerdata, and in collaboration with IFPen, provides new, factual, independent and quantified analysis on EU ETS operationality by 2030, to examine the necessary conditions to improve its environmental and economic effectiveness. Launched in September 2014, the research program on the COordination of EU […]
  • 30/11/2015 Climate Report
    Free allocation in the European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS): identifying efficient mechanisms by 2030
    In a world with asymmetrical climate policies, the conclusions of the European Council of October 2014 agreed on continuing the allocation of free CO2 emissions allowances beyond 2020 to industrial sectors in the EU ETS. This statement has been confirmed in the European Commission’s proposal to revise EU ETS directive for phase IV disclosed in […]
  • 30/11/2015 Special issues
    This Publication is an extract from the Coordination of EU Policies on Energy and CO2 (COPEC) report, produced jointly by I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics and Enerdata, and in collaboration with IFPen. The report provides new, factual, independent and quantified analysis on EU ETS operationality by 2030, to examine the necessary conditions to improve […]
  • 30/11/2015 Special issues
    This Publication is an extract from the Coordination of EU Policies on Energy and CO2 (COPEC) report, produced jointly by I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics and Enerdata, and in collaboration with IFPen. The report provides new, factual, independent and quantified analysis on EU ETS operationality by 2030, to examine the necessary conditions to improve […]
  • 30/11/2015 Special issues
    Interactions between the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and complementary energy policies by 2030 (only in Spanish)
    I4CE– Institute for Climate Economics and Enerdata have contributed to the Spanish Energy Journal issue 46/November 2015 by presenting their analysis on the EU ETS developement by 2030. This paper presents results from the analysis of interactions between the EU ETS and energy-climate complementary policies. The paper desmontrates that: The combination of different objectives RES, […]
  • 05/11/2015 Carbon Trends
    Free allocation in the EU ETS by 2030: paving the way for decarbonisation of industry
    By Matthieu JALARD, Émilie ALBEROLA et Lara DAHAN In October 2014, the EU Council committed to continue free allocations until 2030, even if significant evidence of carbon leakage since 2005 has not been demonstrated. This raises the question as to whether or not the proposed free allocation mechanism can effectively mitigate carbon leakage risks through […]
  • 21/09/2015 Climate Report
    In a world with asymmetrical climate policies, the conclusions of the European Council of October 2014 agreed on continuing the allocation of free CO2 emissions allowances beyond 2020 to industrial sectors in the EU ETS. This statement has been confirmed in the European Commission’s proposal to revise EU ETS directive for phase IV disclosed in […]
  • 17/07/2015 Carbon Trends
    Towards a recalibrated EU ETS for 2030: assessment of the legislative proposal to revise the EU ETS Directive
    EU ETS –Directive : On July 15th, the EU Commission released a legislative proposal to revise the EU ETS Directive post-2020, translating into legislation the October 2014 Council Conclusions. EU ETS carbon leakages provisions: The legislative proposal includes a 43% share of free allocation from 2021 to 2030, a new Carbon leakage list representing 93% […]
  • 17/06/2015 Carbon Trends
    EU ETS auctions revenues: few guidelines to improve use for the low-carbon transition financing
    EU ETS – MSR negotiations: On May 26th, the Environment Committee of the EU Parliament approved the consolidated text for the implementation of the MSR as from 2019, and a placement of backloaded as well as unused allowances straight into the reserve. A vote in plenary session is scheduled on 7th July. EU ETS reform: […]

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