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  • 24/12/2010 Climate Brief
    Tackling greenhouse emissions from forestry & agriculture: what can we learn from New Zealand?
    The combined emissions of the agriculture and forestry sectors make up about 25% of global greenhouse gas emissions. However their mitigation potential remains largely untapped.  In  this  context,  New  Zealand  is  a  valuable  case  study.  Since  it  has  high quality  institutions  but  a  “developing  country”  emissions  profile,  New  Zealand  is exploring innovative ways of constructing […]
  • 24/11/2010 Special issues
    Cities and Carbon Market Finance: Taking Stock of Cities’ Experience with Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint mplementation (JI)
    By Christa CLAPP, Alexia LESEUR, Olivier SARTOR, Gregory BRINER, Jan CORFEE-MORLOT The importance of cities in climate policy stems from the simple reality that they house the majority of the world‟s population, two-thirds of world energy use and over 70% of global energy use emissions. At the international level, global carbon markets have become an […]
  • 10/10/2010 Climate Brief
    Voluntary Carbon Standard 2011: innovations from the main voluntary offset standard
    The  Voluntary  Carbon  Standard  (VCS)  is  the  main  quality  label  on  the  voluntary  carbon markets. Its new specifications, VCS 2011, are introducing several innovations  in terms of procedures and coverage, which may provide food for thought regarding  future  changes  to  the  Clean  Development  Mechanism  (CDM).  A  public  consultation regarding these new specifications has been held. […]
  • 12/07/2010 Special issues
    Developping the forestry sector with carbon markets
    Forests are vital carbon sinks. Although forestry projects dominate the voluntary carbon markets, they still occupy a marginal position on the larger, compliance markets. This is mainly due to their ineligibility for the European Union EmissionsTrading Scheme. New opportunities are emerging, however their impact may appear limited compared with the scale of the climate challenge.
  • 28/05/2010 Climate Report
    Infrastructures in the face of climate change: What implications for long-term investors?
    By Audrey HOLM Both the omnipresence of infrastructures throughout the world and the creation of new infrastructures – particularly in developing countries – raise the question of the role they play in the fight against climate change. Infrastructures can serve a double purpose in the face of climate change: “green infrastructures” can help reduce climate […]
  • 28/04/2010 Climate Report
    The challenges of adapting to climate change
    By Maria MANSANET-BATALLER In its Fourth Synthesis Report published in 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) demonstrated that in spite of efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, certain impacts of climate change will be inevitable. Two types of measures are necessary to confront climate change: mitigation measures and adaptation measures. Mitigation measures will […]
  • 21/09/2009 Special issues
    Carbon markets: the simple facts
    By Anaïs Delbosc and Christian de Perthuis Caring for Climate (C4C) was introduced by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in July 2007. The Secretary-General challenged Global Compact participants to exercise leadership on climate issues by: • making climate change a leadership issue for strategy and operations; • setting emission reduction targets and exploring low-carbon technologies; […]
  • 28/04/2009 Climate Report
    Financing adaptation to climate change: What The United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change Provides For
    By Anita DROUET Adapting to climate change consists in taking the current and coming effects of climate change into our decision-making now to limit adverse impacts and maximise potential benefits. The cost of adaptation is estimated at several tens of billions of dollars annually. Developing countries are especially vulnerable and the Secretariat of the United […]
  • 01/01/1970
    Presentation of the operational research agenda in Bogotá by Nicole Madariaga
  • 01/01/1970 Special issues
    European Energy Markets Observatory of Capgemini: I4CE’s contribution
    I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics is pleased to contribute to the 17th edition of Capgemini’s report on the European Observatory of energy markets. Emilie Alberola, Marion Afriat and Matthieu Jalard provide an overview of COP21 challenges and of carbon pricing policies before drawing up an analysis on European climate policy effectiveness. Download the full […]
  • 01/01/1970 Special issues
    European Energy Markets Observatory of Capgemini: I4CE’s contribution
    I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics is pleased to contribute to the 17th edition of Capgemini’s report on the European Observatory of energy markets. Emilie Alberola, Marion Afriat and Matthieu Jalard provide an overview of COP21 challenges and of carbon pricing policies before drawing up an analysis on European climate policy effectiveness. Download the full […]
  • 01/01/1970
  • 01/01/1970 Special issues
    La revue de l’énergie – Interactions between the EU ETS and complementary energy policies
    In operation since 2005, the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) aims at sending a carbon price signal to the most emitting installations from power and industry to drive their decarbonization. After three Phases of functioning, the EU ETS meets new challenges in preparation of its Phase IV. Indeed on July 15th, the European Commission […]
  • 01/01/1970 Special issues
    Interactions between the European Emissions Trading System and Complementary Energy Policies
    I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics and Enerdata publish an article in the French Review of Energy N° 628, in November-December 2015. After three Phases of functioning, the EU ETS meets new challenges in preparation of its Phase IV. Indeed on July 15th, the European Commission published a proposal for a revision of the EU […]
  • 01/01/1970
    Gouvernance du climat & Accord de Paris : le pari audacieux de la coopération transnationale
    Le processus politique autour de la COP21 a favorisé l’émergence d’un nouveau mode de coopération multilatérale sur l’action climatique. Il s’agit d’une approche qui se base principalement sur la coopération et l’inclusivité pour inciter tout type d’acteurs, publics et privés, à s’engager et à agir en faveur du climat. Le fondement majeur de cette dynamique repose sur la recherche de bénéfices et de […]
  • 01/01/1970
    Green Credit Lines
  • 01/01/1970
    Présentation Charlotte Vailles
  • 01/01/1970
    Operationalization Framework on Aligning with the Paris Agreement

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