Special issues
Annual Report 2015
I4CE has been launched in 2015, the year of COP21. The think tank was considered as a contribution to the solution agenda. The research carried out by I4CE covers 4 main programmes: Energy and carbone pricing ; City and infrastructures ; Agriculture and forest ; Finance and Investment, This report emphasies the achivements of 2015: expertise production, capacity […]
Foreword of the week
Which price(s) for carbon ?
On December 1st, 2016, Benoît Leguet concluded the “Défi Climat” session entitled “Which price(s) for carbon?”. Benoît’s speech was devoted to the social value of carbon, as defined in the Paris Agreement, and its links to the price(s) of carbon. In summary of this speech, consider the following four ideas that justify the need to […]
Special issues
The implications of 2015 for Financing Climate-Consistent Development
I4CE has just published an article in the Fall 2016 edition of La lettre de l’I-tésé n°29. The article discusses the international milestones marked 2015 as a seminal year with long-term implications for countries around the globe. From the adoption of the 2030 Development Agenda that comprises 17 Sustainable Development Goals to the Paris Climate Agreement, a […]
Special issues
The Implications of 2015 for the Coming “Green Energy Revolution”: Low-Carbon, Climate-Resilient Development
I4CE has published a chapter in the 2016 edition of Atlantic Currents: An Annual Report on Wider Atlantic Perspectives and Patterns A number of international milestones marked 2015 as a seminal year with long-term implications for countries bordering the Atlantic and around the globe. For the first time, both developing and developed countries have been called […]
Climate Brief
COP22 in Marrakech: a push for accelerated action by 2018
Adopted in 2015 at COP21, the Paris Agreement defines ambitious objectives to orient countries towards developing low-carbon and climate-resilient economies, shifting to a carbon-neutral global economy before the end of the century. It establishes a multilateral cooperation framework governed on the basis of both national and voluntary contributions of States and the initiatives of non-State actors. Yet, […]
Climate & Energy Policy Tracker – Brochure
Climate Report
Landscape of climate finance in France, 2016 Edition
The Landscape of climate finance is a comprehensive study of domestic financial flows in favor of climate and the broader energy transition in France. The study maps the flows supporting investments leading to greenhouse gas mitigation across the French economy. The principal objective of the study is to support public debate on the role and relevancy of […]
Foreword of the week
Expert Meeting on Domestic Climate Finance co-organized with the European Environment Agency (EEA)
On 25th October 2016 in Copenhagen, the European Environment Agency and I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics hosted an expert meeting convening experts on the tracking of domestic financial flows dedicated to climate action in Europe. The expert meeting brought together government representatives, research centers and civil society actors, with the aim of establishing how […]
Foreword of the week
Read the presentations from our COP22 events
Industry, Energy and Climate Internal carbon pricing: a voluntary and innovative strategy adopted by businesses, organized by I4CE, EPE Quantifying the sectoral and national impacts of the INDCs and the role of carbon pricing policies, organized by I4CE, Enerdata, AFD How to align EU policy with the goals of the Paris Agreement, organized by I4CE, IETA, Enerdata […]
Effects of Interactions between EU Climate and Energy Policies
The CARISMA case study analysis on energy and climate policy interactions aims to complement existing literature on policy interactions by addressing a set of aspects of policy interactions related to: the policy levels at which interactions may occur (EU, national or regional levels), inter-temporal interactions (e.g., short term versus long term policy interactions), and interactions […]
Foreword of the week
I4CE becomes a North/South think-tank on climate economics
Marrakech, COP22, November 16 2016 – We are proud to announce that Caisse de Dépôt et Gestion du Maroc will be joining our founding members, Caisse des Dépôts Group, the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the ADEME, French Environment and Energy Management Agency, to support the governance and financing of I4CE – Institute for […]
Financial instruments public private investment – Kanberoglu (TSKB)
Financial instruments public private investment – Horrocks (OECD)
Financial instruments public private investment – Cochran (I4CE)
Unlocking finance for decentralised energy access
Special issues
Key figures on Climate, France and Worldwide – 2017 edition
On the day of the commencement of the Paris Agreement, and on the brink of the 22nd Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP 22) which will be held in Marrakech from 7 to 18 November 2016, I4CE-Institute for Climate Economics and the French Ministry of Environment, Energy and the Sea are pleased to […]
Foreword of the week
From NDCs to National Climate Investment Plans: domestic investment and climate finance tracking
From NDCs to National Climate Investment Plans: domestic investment and climate finance tracking Transforming the NDCs into financeable investment plans requires an understanding of existing domestic and international flows – private or public – in all countries. Practitioners and country representatives discussed how this data and cross-country comparison can help reorient and scale up financial […]
Foreword of the week
Financial Instruments to promote public-private investment in low-carbon, climate- resilient development
Financial Instruments to promote public-private investment in low-carbon, climate- resilient development – I4CE and AFD Joint side event There are great opportunities to use financial instruments, such as green bonds, credit lines, ‘blended’ finance, to support low-carbon, climate-resilient development around the world – and particularly in Africa. This event fostered a discussion on how to […]
Climate Brief
Climate governance & the Paris Agreement: the bold gamble of transnational cooperation
The political process introduced by COP21 has enabled a new avenue for multilateral cooperation on climate action. This new process focuses largely on cooperation and inclusivity to encourage all actors, public and private, to commit and act for the climate. In contrast to simply sharing the burden of emissions reduction effort, this dynamic encourages actors to explore and capitalize on benefits and co-benefits […]
Climate Brief
Six lessons on carbon accounting for Article 6 of the Paris Agreement
A stringent, but flexible, MRV system is pivotal to mitigating the risk of future carbon crediting mechanisms compromising the ambition of the Paris Agreement. Namely, demonstrating additionality of projects and setting stringent emissions reduction baselines serve as the main tools to safeguard environmental integrity of the mechanism, especially given the insufficient ambition of current NDCs […]