Special issues
Full report “EU ETS: last call before the doors close on the negotiations for the EU ETS reform”
The EU ETS will not be the driver of decarbonisation of the EU economy until 2030 A new report analyses the reform proposals for the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) which are under discussion in the trilogue negotiations between EU institutions, as well as other possible evolutions of the EU ETS in its Phase IV […]
Special issues
Press Release: EU ETS – Last call before the doors close onthe negotiations for the post-2020 reform
Climate Brief
Landscape of carbon prices in 2017
In September 2017, I4CE updated its database on carbon pricing policies. This panorama presents key trends regarding the implementation of explicit carbon pricing policies at the regional and national level in 2017. A world map, a detailed table and a graph provide comprehensive information on the jurisdictions that have implemented or plan to implement explicit […]
Blog post
Climate Week 2017 in New York City: key announcements of governments and non-state actors on climate action
From September 18-24, 2017, Climate Week gathered many stakeholders engaged in the low-carbon transition, especially from the private sector, and led to several significant announcements. It was an important step before major climate-related events taking place before the end of the year : COP23, which will take place in Germany in November, and a climate summit […]
Climate Report
Using credit lines to foster green lending: opportunities and challenges
Green credit lines extended by public finance institutions are a financial intermediation tool with a twofold objective. First, they aim at fostering lending to projects with environmental benefits often referred to as “green lending”. Second, they aim at building capacity in local financial institutions to expand the green lending market after the credit line is […]
Blog post
Carbon pricing in Morocco : training workshop on 13 – 15 September at the Environnement Ministry
At the invitation of the Ministry of the Environment and its Secretariat for Sustainable Development and supported by the Partnership of Market Readiness of the World Bank , I4CE assists representatives of different ministries and economic sectors to understand the implementation of carbon pricing policies in Morocco with the aim at achieving their climate targets set in […]
Climate Brief
EU ETS – Last call before the doors close on the negotiations for the post-2020 reform
I4CE, Enerdata and IFPEN published a policy brief on the reform of the EU ETS for the post-2020 period. Indeed, a window of opportunity to reform the EU ETS is currently open but is closing soon: the EU ETS directive is currently being revised for its Phase IV (2021-2030), and trilogue negotiations between EU institutions, […]
Foreword of the week
Climate Chance World Summit 11-13 September 2017 in Agadir
Meet us during the following sessions : Thematic plenary « Access of non-state actors to climate finance Time: 15h30 to 17h00 Room: Salle Argane 1 Date: Monday 11 september Moderators: Pierre Ducret, President of I4CE; Ayman Cherkaoui –Special Advisor COP22 This plenary will discuss the progress made in accessing climate financing by non-state actors as well as in aligning economic […]
ES – Methodologies for tracking domestic climate investment & financial flows
In 2015 AFD and I4CE came together to bring its expertise on “climate” finance topics. The workshop “Intercambio de experiencias sobre fuentes de financiamiento climático” (July 2017) was co-organized with the local AFD agency of Bogotá. This workshop was an opportunity for I4CE to make an in-depth presentation of its methodology for monitoring climate finance as […]
Blog post
I4CE welcomes the publication of the EU High Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance’s Interim Report
The publication of the EU High Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance’s Interim Report marks the end of the first phase of this group’s work – and the beginning of a much-needed dialogue with the European financial community as to why taking sustainability materially into consideration is essential. In September 2016, the European Commission established […]
Blog post
Case study: adaptation of the French railway system
Released in the scientific journal Climatic Change. Organisational uptake of scientific knowledge and adaptation of infrastructure Future development and renewal of transport infrastructures have to take into account how the effects of climate change will affect these complex sociotechnical systems. This article aims at understanding how to raise this issue to ensure an efficient and […]
Blog post
Landscape of climate finance in France, Complete 2016 Edition
Mapping financial flows dedicated to climate change action and the energy transition The Landscape of climate finance maps financial flows in favor of climate and the broader energy transition in France. The analysis of the flows allows an assessment of which actors conduct these investments and how they finance different types of projects. Analyze the distribution […]
Blog post
EU ETS: estimate free allocation for industry by 2030 with the I4CE’s simulation tool
Three steps to understand the implications of the EU ETS reform on free allocation In the debates on the post-2020 EU ETS reform, the issue of carbon leakage and of the competitiveness of EU industries has been calling particular attention. I4CE has built a simulation tool to estimate the EU ETS free allocation in Phase […]
15 June 2017 – Green Bonds workshop – Summary of discussions
Blog post
I4CE in charge of the Secretariat of the “Climate Action in Financial Institutions” Initiative
On the sidelines of COP21, public and private financial institutions around the globe adopted 5 Voluntary Principles for “mainstreaming” climate change. The Initiative now renamed Climate Action in Financial Institutions gathers as of June 2017 30 financial institutions. It represents for them an opportunity to learn from each other, to disseminate good practice and lessons learned and to […]
Blog post
I4CE welcomes the French President’s “Make Our Planet great Again” Initiative
I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics contributes to implementing the Paris Agreement, and to align financial flows with a low-carbon and climate-resilient development. We are IN to Make Our Planet Great Again. If you would like to come to France and work with us, please apply www.makeourplanetgreatagain.fr
Climate Report
Building Blocks of Mainstreaming of Climate Action in Financial Institutions
Following the landmark events of 2015, international development and climate agendas have become increasingly linked. The Sustainable Development Goals have identified climate action as a central piece of advancing long-term development objectives. For the first time, the Paris Accord has led to both public and private financial institutions being called by the international community to […]
Blog post
Renewable energies in China: From a proactive political approach to bottlenecks in the field
Publication in ID4D blog Sébastien Postic, Charlotte Vailles et Marion Afriat from I4CE’s Industry Energy and Climate team have recently published blog post on the Ideas for Development blog coordinated by Agence Francaise de Développement. The deployment of renewable energies is a challenge for all countries. It requires a major transformation in existing infrastructure and regulations, which needs to […]
Blog post
I4CE welcomes the initiative Finance for Tomorrow
Finance for Tomorrow is an initiative led by the players of the Paris Financial Center to promote sustainable finance in France and internationally. It contributes to reorienting financial flows towards a low carbon and inclusive economy, in line with the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. I4CE is proud to be one of the […]
Blog post
I4CE welcomes the conclusions from the report of the High-Level Commission on carbon prices
On May 29th, the High-Level Commission on carbon prices delivered its conclusions in a report dedicated to foster the implementation of carbon pricing policies. For the Commission, efficient carbon pricing paths begin with a strong price signal in the short term, followed by a credible commitment to maintain long-term prices at a level high enough […]