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  • 08/06/2016 Climate Brief
    Recycling carbon revenues: transforming costs into opportunities
    The World Bank estimates that in 2015 alone, $26 billion in government revenue has been generated through carbon pricing initiatives. These revenues can be used for many purposes – including achieving climate ambitions – that could yield economic and environmental gains. This potential gain is referred to as the ‘revenue recycling effect’. Revenue allocation decisions […]
  • 08/06/2016 Special issues
    Beyond transparency: unlocking the full potential of green bonds
    This report presents the latest study on the green bond market written by – Institute for Climate Economics with support by Credit Agricole CIB, EDF and Mirova. ‘Green’ or ‘climate’ bonds are a new asset class that has received increasing attention over the past few years as a financial instrument that may help overcome the […]
  • 28/04/2016 Carbon Trends
    Bringing road transport into the EU ETS: reasons of a false good idea
    Beginning of April 2016, the European Commission (EC) released its indicative roadmap on the decarbonisation of the transport sector. Within this roadmap, the EC refers to some studies showing that the inclusion of road fuels use in the EU ETS would not achieve significant greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions reductions in the transport sector. The EC […]
  • 13/04/2016 Climate Brief
    The Paris Agreement: a new international framework to facilitate the uptake of carbon pricing
    • Over the past few years, the implementation of domestic carbon pricing has been expanding at the national and sub-national level. • In contrast to the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement has adopted a hybrid approach calling on all Parties to determine their own contributions to mitigate climate change affording flexibility to countries in their […]
  • 18/12/2015 Climate Brief
    COP21 – a successful ‘end of the beginning
    The Paris Agreement provides a clear signal and a solid framework for climate action. Balanced and ambitious in its objectives – including full decarbonization of the global economy before the end of the century – it has all the conditions to encourage everyone to do more. In establishing a new international climate change regime, the […]
  • 02/12/2015 Special issues
    2004 – 2015: A decade of expertise on climate economics
    I4CE – the Institute for Climate Economics is an initiative of the Caisse des Dépôts, which continues to support us, and the Agence Française de Développement, which has joined this project, giving the Institute a strong international dimension. The two major French public financial institutions are thus joining forces to create a real think tank, […]
  • 01/12/2015 Special issues
    Exploring the EU ETS beyond 2020: A first assessment of the EU Commission’s proposal for Phase IV of the EU ETS (2021-2030)
    The report, produced jointly by I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics and Enerdata, and in collaboration with IFPen, provides new, factual, independent and quantified analysis on EU ETS operationality by 2030, to examine the necessary conditions to improve its environmental and economic effectiveness. Launched in September 2014, the research program on the COordination of EU […]
  • 30/11/2015 Climate Report
    Free allocation in the European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS): identifying efficient mechanisms by 2030
    In a world with asymmetrical climate policies, the conclusions of the European Council of October 2014 agreed on continuing the allocation of free CO2 emissions allowances beyond 2020 to industrial sectors in the EU ETS. This statement has been confirmed in the European Commission’s proposal to revise EU ETS directive for phase IV disclosed in […]
  • 30/11/2015 Special issues
    This Publication is an extract from the Coordination of EU Policies on Energy and CO2 (COPEC) report, produced jointly by I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics and Enerdata, and in collaboration with IFPen. The report provides new, factual, independent and quantified analysis on EU ETS operationality by 2030, to examine the necessary conditions to improve […]
  • 30/11/2015 Special issues
    This Publication is an extract from the Coordination of EU Policies on Energy and CO2 (COPEC) report, produced jointly by I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics and Enerdata, and in collaboration with IFPen. The report provides new, factual, independent and quantified analysis on EU ETS operationality by 2030, to examine the necessary conditions to improve […]
  • 30/11/2015 Special issues
    Interactions between the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and complementary energy policies by 2030 (only in Spanish)
    I4CE– Institute for Climate Economics and Enerdata have contributed to the Spanish Energy Journal issue 46/November 2015 by presenting their analysis on the EU ETS developement by 2030. This paper presents results from the analysis of interactions between the EU ETS and energy-climate complementary policies. The paper desmontrates that: The combination of different objectives RES, […]
  • 30/11/2015 Special issues
    This Publication is an extract from the Coordination of EU Policies on Energy and CO2 (COPEC) report, produced jointly by I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics and Enerdata, and in collaboration with IFPen. The report provides new, factual, independent and quantified analysis on EU ETS operationality by 2030, to examine the necessary conditions to improve […]
  • 30/11/2015 Climate Brief
    Putting a price on carbon – Accelerating the dialogue: a challenge for governments and a request from businesses
    Policy brief for public and private decision makers attending the Business Dialogue meeting during Climate Week in New York – September 2015 I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics has produced a position paper on carbon pricing policies for the Business Dialogue meeting organized by the French Presidency at the Climate Week in New York September […]
  • 30/11/2015 Special issues
    This Publication is an extract from the Coordination of EU Policies on Energy and CO2 (COPEC) report, produced jointly by I4CE and Enerdata, and in collaboration with IFPen. The report provides new, factual, independent and quantified analysis on EU ETS operationality by 2030, to examine the necessary conditions to improve its environmental and economic effectiveness. […]
  • 30/11/2015
    2°C target and states’ commitments
    For our sixth and final issue of ClimasCOPe, we would like to provide you with a short-publication that includes four key topics to consider on the eve of COP 21.  The issue starts with an editorial titled “A Paris Alliance to lay the post-COP 21 groundwork” by Benoît Leguet. Then our experts attempt the delicate endeavour […]
  • 12/11/2015 Climate Report
    Landscape of climate finance in France, 2015 edition
    Energy efficiency and sustainable infrastructure are the main investment domains, followed by renewable energy and nuclear. Between 2011 and 2013, climate investment increased by €6bn, with high contrast between domains. Investment in new buildings’ energy efficiency and in sustainable infrastructure increased, whereas investment in renewable energy, particularly renewable power, decreased.   Up to €36bn invested […]
  • 05/11/2015 Carbon Trends
    Free allocation in the EU ETS by 2030: paving the way for decarbonisation of industry
    By Matthieu JALARD, Émilie ALBEROLA et Lara DAHAN In October 2014, the EU Council committed to continue free allocations until 2030, even if significant evidence of carbon leakage since 2005 has not been demonstrated. This raises the question as to whether or not the proposed free allocation mechanism can effectively mitigate carbon leakage risks through […]
  • 05/11/2015 Special issues
    Towards an improved integration of sustainability in Finance – The French (eco)system
    I4CE report for the UNEP Inquiry about the French experience on integrating sustainability in finance The French case study presents lessons drawn from the French ongoing experience in improving the integration of sustainability issues that could be shared with other countries. It focuses on both the climate-related issues that have recently received significant attention (Article […]
  • 29/10/2015 Special issues
    Note: contribution from I4CE on how to address double counting within voluntary projects in Annex B countries
    Double counting of emission reductions is one of the main issues concerning the development carbon offset projects. This question is crucial for JI projects (Joint Implementation- Kyoto Protocol) but stakes are different for voluntary offsetting. This note aims to explain the issue of double counting and more specifically, the issue of double monetization and double […]
  • 21/10/2015 Foreword of the week
    I4CE launches its publication series on Mainstreaming Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient growth pathways into Development Finance Institutions’ activities
    One of the principal challenges today is to scale-up the financial flows to the trillions of dollars per year necessary to achieve the 2°C long-term objectives. Achieving this transition to a low-carbon, climate resilient (LCCR) economic model requires the integration or ‘mainstreaming’ of climate issues as a prism through which all investment decisions should be made.

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