Blog post
I4CE welcomes the publication of the Final Report of the EU High Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance
Following a year of meetings, consultations and discussions, the EU High-Level Group on Sustainable Finance (HLEG) released today its recommendations on the actions needed to make the EU financial system more sustainable. 2017 was a busy year in the sustainable finance community with the publication of the conclusions of the G20 Green Finance study group and the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) – and concluded with the Paris One Planet Summit. The publication of this report demonstrates the will of policymakers and market actors to move from discussions to actions in 2018 and take concrete steps to help the financial system take into account climate change, as well as broader environmental and social considerations
Course ISIGE/EVIM part 1
Course ISIGE/EVIM part 3
Course ISIGE/EVIM part 2
Blog post
[VIDEO] Benoit Leguet interviewed by RFI – One Planet Summit: what’s at stake?
About 50 heads of state gathered on 12 December to discuss finance and climate change at the One Planet Summit. To understand what was at stake, RFI met Benoît Leguet, Managing Director of I4CE. He talked about the objectives of the summit and the economy of the future.
Raport Ducret/LEMMET
Climate Report
Green Bonds: what contribution to the Paris Agreement and how to maximize it?
Adopted in 2015 at COP21, the Paris Agreement triggered new momentum in the fight against climate change and confirmed the global target of limiting the rise of global mean temperature to 1.5-2°C compared to the preindustrial period. Among the objectives, the central role finance has to play in order to achieve this transition has been […]
Blog post
Editorial – One Planet Summit: global finance and the fight against climate change
By : Morgane Nicol, Ian Cochran, Benoit Leguet On Tuesday December 12 the ‘One Planet Summit’ will take place in Paris organized by Emmanuel Macron, Jim Yong Kim and Antonio Guterres to celebrate the 2 years anniversary of the Paris Agreement. The official summit – as well as side-events organized from December 10 to 14 […]
Climate Brief
COP23: The Paris Agreement warms up before the big 2018 game
COP23 was held from 6 to 18 November 2017 in Bonn, Germany. The conference had to demonstrate that despite recent political challenges, the new governance structure established by the Paris Agreement on climate could maintain the necessary momentum to achieve an ambitious low-carbon transition. Three main outcomes were expected from COP23: (1) assess the […]
Climate Report
Landscape of climate finance in France, 2017 Edition
To better understand the financing of the fight against climate change and the energy transition, the study identified investments that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in France. These expenditures are analyzed to identify which actors have undertaken these projects and how they are financed. Climate investments mainly distributed in three areas […]
State commitment to local climate action: an AFD publication in collaboration with I4CE
State and Local Government Climate Initiatives This study conducted by AFD, in collaboration with I4CE, proposes an analysis of the commitment of the states of 51 developing and emerging countries in favor of the “climate” policies implemented by their local authorities in 2017. From a database created for the purposes of the study, this work […]
PR – Climate Finance Day
Special issues
Key figures on Climate
On the opening of the 23rd Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP 23) which is held in Bonn from 6 to 17 November 2017, I4CE-Institute for Climate Economics and the French Ministry of the Ecological and Inclusive Transition are pleased to present the 2018 edition of Key Figures on climate. Some key figures […]
Side events Calendar COP23
Blog post
Call for practitioner’s insights – Study on the use of carbon revenues
This survey aims to gather input from all stakeholders, including governments, to understand their perspective on how to use revenues generated by carbon pricing policies. The project team aims to examine how carbon pricing revenues can be used to integrate climate into tax reforms and how the experience and best practices of developed countries in […]
Foreword of the week
Climate Finance Day 2017
Climate Finance Day 2017 « Acceleration ! » Monday 11 December 2017 organised by Finance for Tomorrow, Paris EUROPLACE and the French Ministry for the Economy and Finance. and in association with the event Mobilisation! Inscription Centre de Conférence Pierre Mendes France, Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances 139 Rue de Bercy, 75012 Paris In order to showcase solutions developed by the […]
Blog post
Our I4CE side-events @ COP 23
I4CE will be present at Bonn for the coming weeks of meetings and dialogues around COP23 issues. Discover our calendar of events! Industry, Energy and Climate Carbon Pricing – Generating and Using Revenues, November 8th from 10:00 to 11:30 – French Pavilion organized by I4CE, Enerdata and AFD ETS and complementary climate-energy policies, November 14th from 16:45 to 18:15, […]
International Collaborations in Industry on Climate Change Mitigation R&I Initiatives : a new policy brief from CARISMA project
As international collaborative research and innovation (R&I) initiatives have the potential to advance climate change mitigation technology transfer across borders, in particular in developing countries, some industries have developed various international R&I collaborative initiatives to facilitate deployment of low-carbon technologies and practices. In the CARISMA project, such initiatives were mapped in a background report, and […]
Climate Brief
Fossil fuel subsidy reforms: state of play and ways forward
BACKGROUND: Fossil fuel subsidies are incompatible with the low carbon energy transition SUMMARY: Promoting the production and consumption of fossil fuels through subsidies is incompatible with the Paris Agreement on climate change. While G20 countries have committed to phase out “inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption” since 2009, the progress towards reform […]
ClimINVEST Factsheet