Blog post
I4CE supports Tunisia in its carbon pricing strategy
I4CE has designed a capacity building programme to facilitate the implementation of carbon pricing policies in Tunisia.
Climate Report
Building synergies between sustainable forest management certification and carbon certification: what bases are there and for what impact?
What is carbon certification for a forestry project? What is the difference with sustainability certification? How do these different frameworks interact and what synergies can be built? Coming from the work of the Club Carbone Forêt Bois, led by I4CE, this study answers these various questions by presenting the characteristics and issues related to sustainable management certifications (e.g. PEFC […]
Blog post
I4CE’s French Landscape of Climate Finance supporting French-German comparison of financing the energy transition
The conference brought together more than 180 participants from government, industry, research and civil society. They discussed potentials and different approaches to financing the energy transition in France and Germany.
Blog post
Energy Transition and implementation of the Paris Agreement : What is the role of the financial sector ?
As part of the Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) initiative, funded by the World Bank (WB), the United Nations Development Program and the National Agency for Energy Management (ANME) in collaboration with the Tunisian Professional Association of Banks and Financial Institutions (APTBEF) and the Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE), held Monday, June 18, 2018 in Tunis, a lunch debate on the role of the financial sector in the energy transition and the implementation of the Paris Agreement in Tunisia.
Blog post
I4CE & E3G host breakfast meeting to push ambition on sustainable finance
I4CE and E3G - Third Generation Environmentalism in partnership with the Permanent Representation of France to the European Union held a breakfast meeting to discuss the following issue ...
Special issues
Presentation State EU ETS 2018 – Michel Matheu
Special issues
Presentation – 2018 State of the EU ETS Report
Special issues
Presentation Event Mind the gap 19th June 2018
Special issues
Full report – « Mind the gap »: Aligning the 2030 EU climate and energy policy framework to meet long-term climate goals
For a better coordination of climate and energy policies through the regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union. Following a policy brief in April 2018, I4CE and Enerdata publish the full study. The report analyzes interactions between EU energy and climate policies and proposes policy options to mitigate counteractive interactions and meet an […]
Special issues
2018 State of the EU ETS report
I4CE publishes the 2018 “State of the EU ETS” report, in partnership with ICTSD/ERCST, the University of Graz, Nomisma Energia and Ecoact. The report focuses on 5 key areas: Relevant Policy and Governance issues, including Phase 4 review Environmental delivery Economic efficiency and delivery, including protection against carbon leakage Market functioning Making the EU ETS […]
Climate Brief
Global Carbon Account 2018
I4CE‘s Global Carbon Account 2018 presents key trends regarding the implementation of explicit carbon pricing policies throughout the world in 2018. 5 key trends in 2018 (Too) Few jurisdictions have implemented an explicit carbon price : as of April 1, 2018, 46 countries and 26 provinces or cities have adopted carbon pricing policies ; […]
Blog post
Edito – I4CE welcomes the holding of the First International Climate Risk Conference for Supervisors
Central bankers are mobilizing against climate risks, advocating for greater transparency, carbon stress tests and regulation of the financial system that integrates these risks. On April 6, close to 200 employees of central banks and financial supervisors, at the initiative of the Dutch Central Bank (DNB), the Bank of England, the Banque de France […]
Testimony of Florent LE STRAT – EDF (Mind the gap)
Testimony of Yue DONG – DGEC (Mind the gap)
Overview of the study Mind the gap – I4CE/Enerdata
Climate Brief
« Mind the gap »: Aligning the 2030 EU climate and energy policy framework to meet long-term climate goals
For a better coordination of climate and energy policies through the regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union. A new study analyzes interactions between EU energy and climate policies and proposes policy options to mitigate counteractive interactions and meet an increased EU long-term climate ambition in line with the Paris Agreement. I4CE and Enerdata […]
Public intervention for house renovations: mobile, motive and opportunity
The government’s ambitious objectives for the “energy performance” of buildings, in particular private housing units, call for major investments, approximately €15 billion/year. Current incentives have proven capable of raising only half of this amount, and most of these funds go to dispersed interventions with little heed for energy efficiency.
Climate Report
Green Bonds: Improving their contribution to the low-carbon and climate resilient transition
To achieve the Paris Agreement’s objective of limiting the rise of global mean temperature to +2°C compared to the preindustrial period, a shift in the allocation of private finance flows from carbon-intensive activities to investments compatible with a 2°C pathway will be necessary. Given the often high expectations around bonds, it is thus important to understand […]
Climate Report
Environmental integrity of green bonds: stakes, status and next steps
This report presents key findings of the second work package of I4CE’s work program on green bonds, exploring the challenges and opportunities to ensure the environmental integrity the green bond market. It explores the understanding of stakes and challenges related to the environmental integrity of green bonds and suggests potential next steps for both private […]
Blog post
Workshop in London – ET Risk toolbox
The ET Risk consortium is pleased to invite you to the London workshop "Unveiling the ET risk toolbox: scenarios, data and models for risk assessment".