
Blog post

Catching up with climate investment in the European Union

The Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will audition the European Commissioner-designates in early November. The hearings are a crucial moment to seek commitment from the EU’s next executive team on the priorities for the coming five years and how they will delivered – including on the urgent issue of investment in the climate transition.

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  • 30/11/2018 Blog post
    From commitment to action: a look back at the 2018 Climate Finance Week in Paris
    This week, the finance community gathered in Paris for a series of events focusing on climate change and sustainable development. With more than 1500 participants and 100 speakers from the financial community, the week was marked by major events of this week were the UNEP FI’s Global Roundtable and the 4th Climate Finance Day.
  • 28/11/2018 Climate Report
    A French-German cooperation agenda for the energy transition in Europe
    This policy paper, a collaborative effort of four European think tanks, aims to help French, German and EU policy makers address current environmental, economic and societal challenges. It proposes eight concrete steps where active cooperation between France, Germany and other European countries could make decisive contributions to the Energy Union that benefit all European citizens: […]
  • 27/11/2018 Blog post
    Benoit Leguet, Director General of I4CE, appointed to the High Council for Climate Action
    On November 27th, French President Emmanuel Macron installed a High Council for Climate Action. Composed of around ten scientists, economists and engineers, this High Council will evaluate France's climate policies: are they sufficient to respond to the climate emergency? Do they provide concrete solutions for all households to get out of their dependence on fossil fuels?
  • 26/11/2018 Climate Report
    2018 edition of I4CE’s Landscape of Climate Finance
    The 2018 edition of I4CE’s Landscape of Climate Finance provides an overview of climate investments made by governments, households and businesses in France.   In 2017 climate investments exceed €40 billion, equitably distributed between households, businesses and public authorities. Nevertheless, investment needs are estimated at between €50 billion and €70 billion per year; investment needs […]
  • 21/11/2018 Climate Brief
    Article 173: Overview of climate-related financial dislosure after two years of implementation
    In 2015, article 173-VI of the French Energy Transition for Green Growth Act set a global precedent by requiring investors to be transparent on the climate impacts of their investments.   After two years of investor climate reporting, covering their activities in 2016 and 2017, what lessons can be drawn from article 173-VI? This is […]
  • 09/11/2018 Blog post
    Environmental taxes, a key issue for I4CE
    Environmental taxation is a hot topic in France right now, at a moment where increasing fuel prices have put the carbon tax and other green fiscal instruments under the spotlight. is contributing to the discussion on how to strengthen support for environmental taxes:   By quantifying the revenues generated by carbon pricing schemes in France […]
  • 08/11/2018 Blog post
    Pierre Ducret, chair of I4CE, is appointed Co-President of FC4S
    Pierre Ducret, Chair of I4CE is appointed Co-President of FC4S an international network that brings together initiatives for the sustainable finance of about twenty financial centers.
  • 07/11/2018 Climate Brief
    Key elements and challenges in monitoring, certifying and financing forestry carbon projects
    The amount of finance for forest carbon projects has never been as high as in 2015 when it reached USD 888 million (Goldstein & Ruef, 2016). In most cases, a reliable monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of carbon removals or emissions reductions is necessary to access most carbon payments. After an overview of forest carbon […]
  • 22/10/2018 Climate Brief
    European climate targets: land-use and forestry contributions
    Carbon sequestration in biomass and soils is essential to achieve carbon neutrality targets by 2050. It is therefore important that is sector is properly taken into account in countries’ climate objectives. As of 2020, the land-use, land-use change and forestry sector (LULUCF) will be fully included in the European climate targets for 2030. Following an […]
  • 16/10/2018
    Getting started on Physical climate risk analysis in finance – Available approaches and the way forward
  • 04/10/2018 Climate Brief
    Carbon pricing across the world: how to efficiently spend growing revenues?
    This climate brief highlights that while there is an acceleration of carbon pricing policy implementation, associated revenues are on the rise (USD 32 billion in 2017). This increase raises the issue of the use of revenues. I4CE distinguishes between 4 main uses of carbon revenues: Investment in low-carbon projects; Allocation to the general budget; Reduction […]
  • 27/09/2018 Climate Report
    Low-carbon investment 2011 – 2017
    The transition to a low-carbon economy implies significant investments in buildings, transport systems, vehicles, power plants, industry, agriculture. However scaling-up those investments to meet climate and energy objectives requires an improved knowledge base in investments and financial flows in those sectors, as well as policy assessment tools.   This is why I4CE has developed since 2013 a “Landscape of domestic climate […]
  • 27/09/2018 Blog post
    One Planet Summit: three notes of caution on Green Budgeting
    A little less than a year ago, France organized the One Planet Summit and, among many commitments, joined the OECD’s Green Budgeting initiative, along with Mexico. A first assessment of these commitments was held on 26th September in New York, and the next steps on this particular initiative unveiled. This includes case studies to assess the potential scope and limitations of green budgeting in all OECD countries, including France.
  • 21/09/2018 Blog post
    Global Climate Action Summit: what progress on climate finance?
    The Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS), organized by the State of California from the 12th to the 14th of September, brought together “non-state actors” from around the world – including representatives from states and provinces, regions, cities, businesses, financial institutions and civil society. Its slogan of ‘Taking Ambition to the Next Level’ made clear the objective of the Summit: to demonstrate the commitment and engagement of non-state actors as a means of convincing governments to “step up” and revise their national climate policies, as needed to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
  • 14/09/2018 Blog post
    Statement of the Climate Action in Financial Institutions Initiative in San Francisco
    At the Global Climate Action Summit, the Climate Action in Financial Institutions Initiative released a Joint Statement demonstrating how financial institutions are supporting local climate action.
  • 10/09/2018 Special issues
    2017-2018 Annual Report : Ideas, impact.
    For a think tank, expertise alone, regardless of the quality, is not sufficient. Being a think tank means making an active contribution to the public debate. That’s why I4CE‘s 2017-2018 annual report focuses on our daily objective: to have an impact. Through three emblematic projects, it illustrates I4CE’s different modes of action to contribute to the […]
  • 13/08/2018 Blog post
    Publication in International Economics of Landscape of Climate Finance methodology
    Since 2014, I4CE has tracked annually the investments made in France supporting climate action, whether by households, businesses or public authorities. The Landscape of Climate Finance is a powerful tool to fuel public debate, help decision makers assess the performance of their actions, and identify the efforts that remain to be undertaken.
  • 18/07/2018 Blog post
    Banque de France and I4CE become climate finance partners
    The Banque de France and I4CE are forming a partnership with the objective of enhancing the consideration of climate risks and opportunities by the financial sector. This partnership aims to facilitate the exchange of expertise between the two institutions, and more generally the interactions between researchers, financial sector actors, and public authorities. It will also support the work of the Banque de France within the Central Banks and Supervisors Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) that it launched at the One Planet Summit in December 2017.
  • 17/07/2018 Blog post
    Feedback from the workshop chaired by I4CE during the Climate Plan Anniversary Conference
    On 6 July, the Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, Nicolas Hulot, organized a conference to mark the first anniversary of the Climate Plan. After a morning spent reviewing the progress made by France, the afternoon was dedicated to four workshops. These workshops were chaired by two Secretaries of State from the Ministry, the ADEME President, and Benoit Leguet the Managing Director of I4CE.
  • 12/07/2018 Blog post
    I4CE takes action in Tunisia to raise awareness in the banking sector
    On Wednesday 11 July in Tunis, Romain Hubert, climate finance specialist at I4CE, participated in a climate risks and opportunities training day for banking sector actors.

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