Blog post
“Using Carbon revenues”, new report from the World Bank, AFD and I4CE
The recent proliferation of carbon pricing schemes and the increase in associated prices have led to a significant increase in carbon-related revenues. As of May 1, 2019, 25 carbon taxes and 26 emissions trading schemes (ETS) were in operation around the world. Jurisdictions covered by one or more explicit carbon prices account for about 60% of global GDP.
Blog post
Land, climate, and food security: what to learn from the IPCC report?
Le Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat (GIEC) (en anglais Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC) vient de publier son dernier « rapport spécial sur le changement climatique et secteur des terres », préparé par 107 experts de 52 pays et qui s’appuie sur 7 000 études scientifiques. I4CE, l’Institut de l’Économie pour le Climat, vous livre ici une synthèse des éléments majeurs de ce document.
Blog post
Heat wave, stop being surprised, let’s invest better
June 2019, the heat wave that affects France and part of Europe takes centre stage. However, we should be less and less surprised by this type of weather event which, with climate change, is becoming more and more common. To see this, take a look at the ClimatHD portal put online by Météo France to disseminate the main climate projections in France.
Blog post
It’s time to connect the international initiatives on Climate Finance!
Since 2016, I4CE is the Secretariat of the Climate Action in Financial Institutions Initiative. Launched at COP21 in 2015, the Initiative brings together 44 public and private financial institutions to make climate change an essential component of their strategies & operations. Leveraging its expertise and network, I4CE assists the Initiative in fostering exchanges between the so-called “Supporting Institutions” on emerging practice and approaches to mainstream climate change.
Climate Brief
Is financial regulation in France in line with the Paris Agreement?
The financial system has an important role to play in financing the transition of the economy and the drastic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and must take into account in its activities the risks that climate change poses to it. The French government has begun to mobilize on the subject, as have the Paris financial […]
Climate Brief
Carbon Tax : France can learn from foreign experiences to move forward
France is by no means the only country with difficulties – that is an understatement – in introducing an accepted carbon tax. And not the only one to have taken up the challenge of a public policy leading to higher energy prices for households and businesses. In 2018, the World Bank identified 29 countries or […]
Climate Brief
Global Carbon Account 2019
I4CE’s 2019 Global Carbon Accounts present the main trends in the implementation of global carbon pricing policies in 2019. 5 key trends in 2019 As of May 1, 2019, 25 carbon taxes and 26 Emissions Trading Schemes (ETS) were operating worldwide. The jurisdictions covered by one or more explicit carbon price account for […]
2019 State of the EU ETS Report
Following the 2018 review of the European carbon market- the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS)- and the significant increase in the price of allowances, many stakeholders made the assumption that it was “fit for purpose” until 2030. However, the EU ETS needs to evolve as it adapts to new developments such as the implementation of […]
Climate Brief
Physical climate risk: Investor needs and information gaps
Recent bankruptcy of Californian utility PG&E reckons that companies and their financial stakeholders are already exposed to the potential physical impacts of climate change, also called “physical climate risks”. While risk is at the heart of financial institutions decision-making, only a few of them disclose how their portfolios – with potential PG&Es – are exposed […]
Blog post
A European Climate Bank: we can do better
The idea of creating a European Climate Bank is gaining ground. After being put on the table by the Climate Finance Pact and its many supporters, it is now included in French President Emmanuel Macron's "Letter to Europeans". With the European elections coming up soon, it is excellent news that financing the fight against climate change is on Europe's political agenda. However, is the best solution a new European financial institution?
Blog post
What is the One Planet Lab?
The One Planet Lab meets for the first time on Monday, March 4, in Paris. But what is this Lab? I4CE, which together with IDDRI is in charge of the scientific secretariat of the Lab, provides some basic answers.
Climate Report
Food policies and climate: a literature review
Food consumption is responsible for around 28% of total greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions (see I4CE study on the issue) Which dietary practices have the largest potential for reducing food-related GHG emissions? Is it possible to reduce food-related emissions while also targeting public health and environmental goals such as the preservation of soils or water quality? […]
Climate Report
Estimating greenhouse gas emissions from food consumption: methods and results
A large share of global greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions comes from food production and consumption. Measuring the total footprint of world diets remains however a challenge. The main reason is the lack of harmonization on consumption based emission accounting methods. While a few estimates are available, their results are often hardly comparable, may be rather […]
Climate Report
Domestic landscape of climate finance: Why systemic approach to climate finance matters?
Why is it both important and useful to track climate investment and finance flows at the domestic level? In this policy brief, WiseEuropa, New Climate Institute and I4CE present an overview of how systematically tracking these flows can help governments and other stakeholders with quantitative data to assess progress towards national climate objectives as well […]
Climate Brief
Very few companies make good use of scenarios to anticipate their climate-constrained future
Climate change induces disruptions of our ecosystems, and the transition to a low-carbon economy significantly affects the political, economic and social landscapes. Businesses have to adapt to those changes, which entails risks and opportunities. Some changes are already visible today, but the deepest changes are expected to materialize over the mid to long term, and […]
Blog post
I4CE tweets that YOU preferred in 2018
I4CE begins the new year by highlighting its 2018 activities that you have preferred. After dedicating our last newsletter/news to the five most read I4CE publications, we continue this week with the most popular I4CE tweets. Throughout the second half of 2018, we selected the most viewed tweet each month. A way to remember and take stock of the past year.
Blog post
I4CE publications that YOU preferred in 2018
Before immersing themselves in the New Year, the I4CE team wanted to take the time to look in the mirror. And rather than telling you what we at I4CE have learned from our 2018 activity, we have preferred to highlight what you have preferred. Here are the five most viewed publications in 2018 on our website.
Blog post
COP24: the challenge of implementation
COP24 in Katowice just ended and was marked by the difficult adoption of a package of practical rules - the Katowice Climate Package - on transparency, the content of national contributions or their revision. It was also a COP marked by deep concerns about the willingness of Signatory Countries to increase their climate ambition in the coming years. Currently, countries' commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will lead to global warming well above 2°C, the threshold above which our climate would jump into the unknown.
Climate Report
Getting started on Physical climate risk analysis in finance
Financial institutions are already exposed to the potential physical impacts of climate change also called “physical climate risks” in finance. These require immediate attention from financial institutions, in order to understand how well prepared are the economic actors that they finance. Yet financial institutions still lack tailored information to analyze their exposure to these […]
Blog post
I4CE at COP24 in Katowice, Poland: list of events and publications
The I4CE team will be present throughout the two weeks of negotiations, in order to present its latest achievements in about ten side-events, whether on carbon pricing, climate investment tracking, climate action by financial actors or carbon certification of innovative practices in the land sector. Please see below the full list of events organized by I4CE - or where I4CE will be participating.