
Blog post

Catching up with climate investment in the European Union

The Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will audition the European Commissioner-designates in early November. The hearings are a crucial moment to seek commitment from the EU’s next executive team on the priorities for the coming five years and how they will delivered – including on the urgent issue of investment in the climate transition.

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  • 10/01/2020 Blog post
    2020: climate should be everybody’s business
    For too long climate change has remained confined to the green silos of our public institutions: it was onyl the business of Environment Ministries. The situation seems to have improved over the last ten years, but we are still a long way from “climate mainstreaming”. For Benoit Leguet, Director of I4CE, 2020 will offer multiple opportunities to test commitments, in France and internationally.
  • 30/12/2019 Climate Report
    Domestic carbon standards in Europe
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  • 28/11/2019 Climate Brief
    Finance fit for Paris (3fP) – Results and scores for France
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  • 28/11/2019 Climate Brief
    Key Figures on Climate – France, Europe, Worldwide
    On the opening of the 25th Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP 25) which is  held in Madrid from 2 to 13 December 2019, I4CE-Institute for Climate Economics and the French Ministry of the Ecological and Inclusive Transition are pleased to present the 2020 edition of Key Figures on climate – France, Europe, […]
  • 28/11/2019 Foreword of the week
    COP25 side-event I Aligning with the Paris Agreement: what does it mean for the International Development Finance Club?
    Aligning with the Paris Agreement: what does it mean for the International Development Finance Club?   International Development Finance Club Pavilion Saturday 7 December, 2-3:30 pm   The Paris Agreement has reframed climate action from a focus on the near-term incremental increase of adaptation and mitigation actions to emphasize the importance of the long-term transformation […]
  • 08/11/2019 Climate Report
    Tracking investment into energy transition in Germany and France: a comparison of methodologies and selected results
    Since 2012, I4CE has been tracking climate investment and finance in France and similar assessments have been conducted in Germany by IKEM. This study compares the methodologies and results of these two exercises – the most advanced in Europe. The paper allows an initial comparison of investments in the two countries, identifying similarities in priority […]
  • 07/11/2019 Blog post
    Do not measure the impact of the Green Climate Fund- only – by its billions
    On 25 October, a conference was held in Paris to “replenish” the resources of the Green Climate Fund. 27 countries have made pledges, for a total amount of nearly $10 billion. Good news? Insufficient? For Alice Pauthier of [i4ce], the impact of the Green Climate Fund should not only be assessed against this figure. The Fund also has a transformational effect, particularly on the many financial institutions that, in order to access its resources, must follow an accreditation process. A process that may well become more and more demanding.
  • 07/11/2019 Climate Brief
    Framework for reading transition scenarios – Eight steps to interpret transition scenarios
  • 07/11/2019 Climate Brief
    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – Understanding transition scenarios Eight steps for reading and interpreting these scenarios
  • 07/11/2019 Climate Report
    Understanding transition scenarios – Eight steps for reading and interpreting these scenarios
      It therefore brings risks and opportunities for economic actors, which they must anticipate in order to optimise their strategy in a context of uncertainty. Against this backdrop, the use of scenarios – which are plausible representations of uncertain future states – is very useful in order to better understand the medium- and long-term challenges […]
  • 04/11/2019 Climate Report
    Towards an alternative approach in finance to climate risks: taking uncertainties fully into account
    It is no easy task to take climate risks – transition risks and physical risks – into account in financial management practices. As this note shows from the example of banking activities, the intrinsic characteristics of these risks – which are long-term and cannot be assigned a probability and for which there are no historical […]
  • 17/10/2019 Blog post
    From Paris to New York to Santiago: The Silver Lining of the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit
    In September 2019 in New York City, the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres convened a “United Nations Climate Action Summit” to increase the ambition and momentum of global climate action. While the outcomes of the Summit itself – particularly from country Parties – are seen as deeply disappointing, there are nevertheless a number of ‘silver linings’ to keep in mind on the road to Santiago. Alice Pauthier and Ian Cochran share four key ideas to focus efforts moving forward.
  • 01/10/2019 Climate Report
    Landscape of Climate Finance in France – 2019 Edition
    The 2019 Edition of I4CE’s Landscape of Climate Finance provides an overview of the investments made by governments, households and businesses in support of the French government’s climate-related objectives. The 2019 edition of the Landscape reveals that climate investments exceeded 45 billion euros in 2018 in France. These investments were made by households, public authorities […]
  • 01/10/2019 Climate Report
    A first 360-degree climate assessment of France’s State budget
    The vote on the state budget is a key moment in the fight against climate change. In France,more than 250 budget measures have been identified: expenditures, tax exemptions, taxes, all of which have a significant influence, upward or downward, on national greenhouse gas emissions. 250 reasons to keep a close eye on the state budget. […]
  • 20/09/2019 Blog post
    What does « Alignment with the Paris agreement» mean ?
    I4CE has just released a “framework for Alignment with the Paris Agreement”, Ian Cochran discusses here what “Alignment” simply means.
  • 19/09/2019 Blog post
    Understand the New York UN Climate Action Summit in a Minute
    Ahead of the Climate Summit, Alice Pauthier from I4CE discuss the major issues of the Summit and related events happening in New York: beyond raising ambition, finance will be on the agenda. She will be in New York with Ian Cochran to present and discuss outcomes of I4CE’s latest report on Paris Alignment, a subject that everyone talks about… without sharing a common understanding of what it is and implies.
  • 19/09/2019 Climate Report
    A Framework for Alignment with the Paris Agreement: Why, What and How for Financial Institutions?
    Since the adoption of the Paris Agreement, financial institutions and other economic actors have taken commitments to ‘align’ their activities with the goals agreed to by national governments in 2015. A growing body of literature from both the research community and practitioners has emerged on ‘alignment’ with the Paris Agreement goals – but to date […]
  • 11/09/2019 Blog post
    Understanding deforestation processes in Brazil to avoid the tipping point
    The fires in the Amazon have put the challenge of deforestation back on the political and media agenda, responsible for about 11% of global greenhouse gas emissions (IPCC, 2014). I4CE’s Clothilde Tronquet discusses the causes of deforestation and measures that could slow it down and avoid reaching a point of no return.
  • 06/09/2019 Special issues
    Annual report 2018/2019: Putting Climate Economics to the test of reality
    Foreword from Pierre DUCRET,  Chair and Benoît LEGUET, Managing Director “Economic expertise must be grounded in reality. The yellow-vest protests serve as a reminder of this fact” I4CE WAS BORN FROM A CONVICTION: economic expertise is essential for climate action. This is because the building of a carbon-neutral and climate-resilient society requires transition financing, the […]

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