
Press contact Amélie FRITZ Head of Communication and press relations

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  • 08/10/2015 Foreword of the week
    Op-ed on climate finance for COP21 – On the road to the USD 100bn for the climate
    On the road to the USD 100bn for the climate: what can we expect from Finance Ministers meetings in Lima? Ian Cochran and Romain Morel have published an op-ed on the French Huffington Post to explain what is at stake concerning the $ 100 Bn and the ministerial meeting happening this week in Lima. The […]
  • 05/10/2015 Foreword of the week
    In the run-up of the COP21, I4CE recommends the UNEP-FI general assembly
    The Annual General Meeting of the Finance Initiative of the UN Environment Program will take place in Paris the next 12-13 October. It will focus on on the role of finance in sustainable development and climate change. Two discussion sessions will be opened to non-members and will focus on: One session on Environmental and Social Risk Management […]
  • 18/06/2015 Foreword of the week
    I4CE welcomes the report of the Canfin-Grandjean Presidential Commission on Innovative Climate Finance
    I4CE welcomes the report of the Canfin-Grandjean Presidential Commission on Innovative Climate Finance On June 18th Pascal Canfin and Alain Grandjean, in the presences of Nicolas Hulot, submitted to French President François Hollande the report of the Commission on Innovative Climate Finance over which they presided. Over three months, the Commission interviewed more than 75 […]
  • 01/01/1970 Foreword of the week
    The City Climate Finance Training take plate at the MedCop
  • 01/01/1970 Foreword of the week
    Quels apports des recommandations TCFD au débat sur les risques Climat ?
    Cet article propose une synthèse de la réponse d’I4CE à l’appel à consultation sur le rapport de recommandations de la Task Force on Climate-related Disclosures (TCFD). I4CE soutient globalement les recommandations formulées par la TCFD et considère que ce rapport représente une avancée significative pour la gestion des enjeux climatiques par le secteur financier. Néanmoins […]

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