Enhancing capacity building on financing plans for the transition

3 December 2024


Financing plans are essential for driving an efficient transition – not only by optimizing the use of available international resources, but also by coordinating public and private efforts, aligning financing with national priorities, preventing stranded assets, and embedding climate change considerations within broader development strategies. They also guarantee that national development goals – such as energy and food security, among others – receive appropriate attention, while creating space for discussions around a just transition.


While Finance Ministers can play a crucial role in supporting LTSs with such plans, significant gaps remain, both in tools and capacity, in these structures. A 2024 I4CE review of practices shows that key elements such as investment needs estimates, or a good overview of financing options, are often missing from strategic documents. A clear picture of the balance between public and private action is also often lacking, and financing options for public action remain underexplored.


As a first effort to bridge this gap, I4CE and the 2050 Pathways Platform developed in 2022 an LTS dashboard for Finance Ministers. Designed as a flexible tool adaptable to various national contexts, the dashboard was created to assist MoFs in assessing, responding to, and monitoring the economic impacts and opportunities arising from LTSs.


This dashboard was successfully deployed in Guatemala by the 2050 Pathways Platform, with support from the Climate Lead Group (CLG) and in partnership with the Interamerican Development Bank. Developing the tool in alignment with discussions on LTS targets allowed the Ministry of Finance to actively engage in shaping or revisiting these targets, ensuring that the national long-term strategy was tailored to the country’s needs and processes, and was fully embraced by MoF staff.



In light of this first experience, I4CE and the 2050 Pathways Platform are launching a new phase of work to streamline the country adaptation process, with an updated dashboard and dedicated training material, building on I4CE’s experience with creating dialogue and capacity building on green budget tagging for European Member States.



Janvier 2025 – December 2025

Janvier 2025 – December 2025
I4CE Contacts
Sébastien POSTIC, Phd
Sébastien POSTIC, Phd
Research Fellow – Public finance, Development Email
Research Fellow – Energy, Financing the transition at the international level Email
Research Fellow – Tools for financing the transition at the international level Email