COPEC II: what role for the EU ETS in the EU 2030 Climate and Energy package?

30 July 2019

Provide factual, independent and quantified analysis of climate and energy policies in articulation with the EU ETS in order to examine the conditions for improving their environmental and economic efficiency

A new framework for climate and energy policies is being built for the period 2021-2030, and comes with major stakes:


  • The alignment of climate and energy policies on long term ambition
  • The interactions between emissions reduction targets, renewable energy targets and energy efficiency targets
  • The articulation between the EU ETS and other policy instruments
  • The conciliation between climate ambition on one side and economic, social and political acceptance on the other


In an effort to help prepare stakeholders for the implementation of the 2030 climate and energy framework, we are inviting public and private decision makers to explore these issues together in the COPEC program.


Following the success of the first “COordination of EU Policies on Energy and CO2 with the EU ETS by 2030” (COPEC I) research program which ended with the publication of the report “Exploring the revision of the EU ETS by 2030” in November 2015, I4CE and Enerdata, in partnership with IFPEN, are launching COPEC II in 2017-2018 with the aim of analyzing the success criteria of the EU ETS reform in articulation with the other pieces of the climate and energy package.



The COPEC II research program consist of:

  • A kick-off meeting to define scenarios and methodologies
  • Four thematic workshops (from April to November 2017) which will explore the following issues:
    1. Measures to deal with carbon leakages concerns in the EU ETS
    2. The EU ETS reform to reflect long-term ambition and establish a carbon price signal
    3. Interactions between the EU ETS and EE policies taking into account the Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR)
    4. Interactions between the EU ETS and RES policies
  • A report on the EU ETS delivered to partners and sponsors in September 2017. Find the policy brief published on 13th September 2017.
  • A report on interactions delivered to partners and sponsors in January, 2018
  • Events to promote results of the program and contribute to the European and international debate

