
Pierre Ducret, Chairman of I4CE, Representative of France at the steering committee of the program “Affordable Finance at Scale”

31 August 2016 - Foreword of the week

Ségolène Royal, Minister of Environment, Energy and Sea, in charge of international climate relations, President of the COP, gave Pierre Ducret, Chairman of I4CE, the mission of representing France in the steering committee of the program “Affordable Finance at scale” of the International Solar Alliance, an Indo-French initiative, launched at the COP21, which aims to change the scale in the financing and implementation of solar energy.

This program was jointly decided in New York, three months after the Paris conference, by members of the Alliance – eight to date: Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Uganda, India and France. It has two aims, to create a general regulatory framework to facilitate investment and to develop a financial mechanism to reduce the cost of capital in countries where interest rates are high.

Operational proposals will be made at the Marrakesh Conference in early November.

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