
I4CE was heavily involved in the discussions around green bonds in June

29 June 2016 - Foreword of the week - By : Dr. Ian COCHRAN

 June 8, 2016

I4CE published a study supported by Mirova, EDF and Crédit Agricole exploring challenges and opportunities for the green bond market to make a tangible contribution to the low-carbon transition.

Read the Study here

June 8, 2016

I4CE organized a Chatham House conference in Paris, which launched a discussion regarding the potentially increasing role of the public sector in shaping the rapidly growing green bond market.

More about the conference here

June 20, 2016

Igor Shishlov spoke at the Green Bonds Europe conference organized by Environmental Finance in London.

More about the conference here

June 27, 2016

Ian Cochran participated in the Investor Dialogue on Financing Low-Carbon Business Solutions organized by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in London providing inputs on the green bond market.

June 27, 2016

Igor Shishlov participated at the Green Bonds Stakeholder Meeting at the European Commission in Brussels that discussed the potential roles of the public sector in the green bonds market in Europe.

I4CE Contacts
Conseiller Senior - Investissements Climat & Finance Email
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