Landscape of Climate Finance in France : launch of the 2015 edition
invited you to the presentation of the final results of its annual study: Landscape of Climate Finance in France Launch of the 2015 Edition Date: November 12th 2015, 5PM at Caisse des Dépôts Location: 15 Quai Anatole France The Landscape of Climate Finance is a comprehensive study of investment and financial flows in favor […]
ClimasCOPe Video Series: On the road to COP 21
With COP 21 approaching, we asked our experts to briefly explain some of the challenges around the Paris agreement and share key messages from our publication! Climascope 1 – Understanding the carbon pricing issue
I4CE launches its publication series on Mainstreaming Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient growth pathways into Development Finance Institutions’ activities
One of the principal challenges today is to scale-up the financial flows to the trillions of dollars per year necessary to achieve the 2°C long-term objectives. Achieving this transition to a low-carbon, climate resilient (LCCR) economic model requires the integration or ‘mainstreaming’ of climate issues as a prism through which all investment decisions should be […]
Assessing transparency and ambition in the Land use sector
Date : 1sr Décember, 2.30pm-4pm Location : European Pavilion – Luxembourg room Organisers : JRC and CEPI/ICFPA Description : Opening by the JRC and CEPI/ICFPA Partners : JRC, CEPI, FAO, WBCSD, ICFPA Website : https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/
Demonstrating the power of new tools for measuring tropical forest change and carbon stocks
Date : 5th of December 1pm to 6pm and 6th of Decembre 8:30am to 6am Place : Laboratory station of the Global Landscapes Forum (Palais des Congrès) At the laboratory station we will demonstrate the fully integrated service components that are currently proposed by a consortium of institutions who have gathered their expertise in […]
Financing a Low-Carbon Economy: French Presidential Report on Climate Finance
Date: December 10, from 3pm to 5pm Location: French Pavilion Organizers: & French Presidential Commission on Innovative Climate Finance Discussion of the 10 recommendations of the Canfin-Grandjean Report to the President of the French Republic on how to mobilize public and private funding for climate action and how to advance this agenda in key […]
The integration of climate change by public and private financial institutions: recent progress and the challenges ahead
Date: 4th December, 5.15pm – 6.45pm Location: Générations Climat – Room 5 Organizers: Agence Française de Développement & Introduced by the testimony of a developing country which has actively integrated climate change in its development planning for several years, this side-event will foster a high level dialogue between representatives of the public, private, national […]
Carbon Pricing Around the World: Leveraging 10 years of Experience in the EU
Date: 5th December, 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm Location: European Pavilion, Room Luxembourg Partner(s): World Bank – Partnership for Market Readiness, and Ecofys The side event discussed the EUE TS – currently the world’s oldest and largest emissions trading scheme – and what lessons can be drawn and applied to other (emerging and developing) […]
Carbon prices: perspectives for the development of the EU emissions trading scheme (EU ETS) by 2030
Date: 10th December, 1pm – 3pm Location: French Pavilion Partner(s): Enerdata and Enerdata have conducted a research program on the EU ETS, the EU’s central climate policy, to prepare economic policy makers for the revision of the 2030 climate and energy package and the EU ETS directive for its Phase IV. This event presents options to […]
I4CE discusses offsetting mechanisms in Proparco’s Private Sector & Development
Today, developing carbon offsetting mechanisms to succeed those of Kyoto hinges on restoring confidence in the effectiveness and environmental integrity of carbon crediting projects. But it is also necessary to reassure investors – who lost some USD 66 billion with the collapse of demand and asset price in 2012 – about the safety of their […]
This workshop aims at giving an overview of the main results of the book ACCOUNTING FOR CARBON: Monitoring, Reporting, and Verifying Emissions in the Climate Economy recently published by Cambridge University Press. This book gathers expertise from I4CE – Institute For Climate Economics, CITEPA, INRA, South Pole Group and NPL. Based on the most recent […]
In the run-up of the COP21, I4CE recommends the UNEP-FI general assembly
The Annual General Meeting of the Finance Initiative of the UN Environment Program will take place in Paris the next 12-13 October. It will focus on on the role of finance in sustainable development and climate change. Two discussion sessions will be opened to non-members and will focus on: One session on Environmental and Social […]
Two months before the launch of the 21th Conference of Parties (COP 21), and the FMDV, in partnership with the Climate KIC, the City of Paris, the French Development Agency, the Caisse des Dépôts and PUCA, organized a conference on mitigation and adaption to climate change at local level. Through workshops, this event will […]
I4CE contributes to the International Scientific Conference “Our Common Future under Climate Change”
honored to chair and intervene in a number of Parallel Sessions, Poster sessions and Side Events alongside its academic and industrial partners in this International Scientific Conference. You joined in 10 events in which our team intervened on the following topics : The technical and political challenges of REDD+ Ex-post evaluation of the […]
International Climate Finance Day – On the road to COP21
A few months ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, the question of the trillions of dollars that will be required to limit Global Warming to 2 degrees is more pressing now than ever. A growing number of private financial operators throughout the world are getting involved in order to redirect […]