Workshop “Energy and Climate Collaboration in Europe: Ways Forward”
On 21st September 2016, I4CE partnered with University College London (UCL), the French Embassy’s Science and Technology Department in the United Kingdom and the Climate Strategies to support their workshop titled “Energy and Climate Collaboration in Europe: Ways Forward “ organized in London at the French Embassy. The main areas of focus to be addressed […]
2nd workshop for the City Climate Finance Training Programme in Rabat on September 21 & 22
and the FMDV with the support of Climate Kic and GIZ organized a 2-day workshop on climate finance for an audience made of political and technical representatives of 20 cities across Morocco and Tunisia. 45 participants and 15 speakers discussed key success factors to develop urban resilient projects, securing fundings and involving the private sector.
Lessons learned from the Landscape of Climate Finance in France
On March 29th 2016, hosted a webinar on the key findings from its study Landscape of domestic climate finance in France. It summarized the results and presented the conclusions of this work. An emphasis was made on how the methodology applied in this report could be used for estimating climate finance flows in developed and […]
“17 ambitious SDGs adopted. So, what now?”
New-York, 25 September: the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were unanimously adopted at the UN. They officially took over from the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). And so, what now? How can this historical international commitment be turned into concrete actions? These questions were discussed at the Agence Française de Développement. A debate in […]
COP21: understanding the issues behind the actions of non-state actors
Meet Alexia Leseur – Program Manager of our Territories and Climate division – who will briefly explain the main ideas behind the actions of non-state actors. In two minutes, you will come to understand who non-state actors are, what actions they’re taking to reduce GHG emissions and their influence in the COP21 under the […]
Carbon Offsetting Information Platform : Is carbon offsetting helping to achieve the European goal of “zero net carbon emissions” by 2100?
Date: 10th December, 11.00am-13.00pm Location: French Pavilion Organizers: GERES (French Group for the Environment, Renewable Energy and Solidarity) – French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy Email: r.bettin@geres.eu Website: http://www.info-compensation-carbone.com/en/ 15 years after the first carbon projects were conducted, regulated and voluntary carbon offsetting needs to be evaluated. Despite being often criticized and […]
The contribution of research-action Clubs for agriculture and forestery sectors : economic expertise and innovation for climate
Date: 10th December, 3.45pm – 6.45pm Location: The Rio Conventions Pavilion in the Climate Generations Area Organizer : Summary: The conference presented the work and progress of the Carbon Forest and Wood Club and the Climate Agriculture Club. The main objective was to present the issues linked to carbon certification in Europe in those […]
French actors from agriculture and forestry sectors get mobilized against climate change
Date: 2nd Décember, 11am- 7pm Location : Climate Generations areas Organizers : French Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry Description: Cette journée a pour objectif de présenter les actions et initiatives des secteurs agricole, agroalimentaire et forestier face au changement climatique. Le matin sera consacré aux actions et pratiques innovantes, tandis que l’après-midi abordera la transition […]
Cities and Climate Change: adaptation to climate change strategies and dissemination of scientific knowledge to local decision makers.
Date: 1st December, 3.15pm – 4.45pm Location: Générations Climat Organizers: & Météo France This workshop aims to present the results of scientific research on climate change issues at the local level and how these results can be effectively appropriated by local public and private decision-makers through the Club Cities, Territories , Energy and Climate […]
Towards a sustainable financial system: lessons from national case studies and global practice
Date: 1st December, 11.15am – 12.45pm Location: Générations Climat – Room 10 Organizers: I4CE & UNEP Inquiry The UNEP Inquiry maps current best practice, draw together principles and frameworks, catalyze new thinking, and ultimately lay out a series of options for advancing a green financial system. This event will present some of the emerging […]
Around the world in carbon markets: Emissions Trading Case Studies
Date: 1st December, 1.15pm – 2.15pm Location: IETA Pavilion, Business Hub Room Paris Partner(s): IETA and Environmental Defense Fund The event discussed carbon market experiences and challenges in Europe, North America and emerging countries based on a series of case studies published by IETA, EDF and I4CE in 2015. Key messages: Benoit Leguet, Managing […]
Adaptation to climate change: levers, barriers and funding at the urban scale
Date : December 11th – 11:00-14:00 Location: Generation Climat – room 7 Languages: French & English Organizers: , ADEME and AFD Summary The session RT1 « Levers and obstacles to urban climate adaptation » was moderated by V. Dépoues (I4CE) and took place before an audience of about twenty people. I. Galarraga (B3C) began […]
I4CE at COP21!
Events organized by : All events at a glance: Investment, Finance and Climate Industry, Energy and Climate Territories and Climate Events where speaks: Industry, Energy and Climate Investment, Finance and Climate Territories and Climate
Conference “Putting a price on Carbon European & North American Experiences and Paths Forward”
In partnership with the Embassy of France in US and the Environmental Defense Fund, organized a conference on November 9th, 2015 in Washington – DC entitled “Putting a price on carbon: European & North American experiences and paths and forward”. Just a few weeks before COP21, this conference aimed to share experiences from Europe and […]
The Lima Paris Action Agenda : Private Finance Focus
Event Summary Within the framework of the Lima-Paris Action Agenda aimed at strengthening climate action before, during and beyond COP21, the United Nation Secretary General and the COP21 French Presidency, propose, with the help of Caisse des Dépôts and I4CE, Institute for Climate Economics, Location: Le Bourget, negotiation zone of the COP21* Date and […]
Understanding the issues behind the accounting of GHG emissions (MRV)
Meet Igor Shishlov – Project Manager of our Finance, Investment and Climate division – who will briefly explain the main ideas behind GHG accounting. In two minutes, you will come to understand the issue of MRV in the Paris Climate 2015 agreement, present last steps in international climate negotiations and key initiatives of MRV methodologies […]
UNEP Inquiry’s Global Report on the Design of a Sustainable Financial System & a Country Report on France
Profiling Financial Innovation for Sustainability in France Date and time: 4 November 2015 from 5.30pm Location: French Ministry for the Economy and Finance, 139 rue de Bercy – 75012 Paris On 4 November, and UNEP Inquiry fostered a discussion on the steps taken – and the challenges and opportunities ahead – to build a […]
Understanding the issues behind climate finance
Meet Romain Morel – Project Manager of our Finance, Investment and Climate division – who will briefly explain the main ideas behind climate finance. In two minutes, you will come to understand what climate finance refers to, the widely-known annual goal of $100 billion by 2020 and the fundamental challenge in raising the trillions […]
How does the European carbon market work?
Managing greenhouse gas emissions plays an important role in helping our economies follow a low-carbon trajectory. The objective of an emissions trading scheme is to help incentivize economic players from main emitting sectors – such as energy and industry – to reduce their CO2e emissions. , IFP Energies nouvelles and ADEME (French Environment and […]
Understanding carbon pricing policies – ClimasCOPe
Meet Emilie Alberola – Program Manager of our Industry, Energy and Climate division – who will briefly explain the main ideas behind carbon pricing policies. In two minutes, you will come to understand the benefits of implementing carbon pricing and how the Paris Agreement could play a role in facilitating the proliferation of carbon pricing policy initiatives. […]