
02/21/2024 Conferences

Launch of the first edition of the EU Climate Investment Deficit report

The European Green Deal has been a top priority for the European Union. Since 2019, EU institutions set ambitious targets, adopted bold carbon pricing reforms, and passed hotly debated legislation. The Green Deal’s success will be measured by its capacity to trigger structural changes in the EU economy, to deliver prosperity, resilience and social fairness while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In practice, this means millions of companies, local authorities and families investing to renovate buildings, acquire heat pumps, buy electric cars, and modernise transport and power networks.

Press contact Amélie FRITZ Head of Communication and press relations

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  • 06/22/2023 Conferences
    Defining impact for the transition in concrete terms
    In 2022, a global consensus was reached on the need to reform the global financial architecture, considered no longer “fit for purpose”. While most discussions focus on how to reform development finance institutions (DFIs), too little attention is paid to the concrete needs of developing countries and what the transition to low-carbon and resilient economies means for them.  
  • 04/13/2023 Conferences
    Maximizing impact of Development Finance Institutions tomorrow
    In 2022, a global consensus was reached on the need to reform the global financial architecture, considered no longer “fit for purpose”. 2023 will be busy with many events organised to address different parts of the financial architecture reform agenda. The Spring Meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund represent the first key milestone in this agenda.
  • 12/14/2022 Webinars
    Does the 2023 budget allow the French to cope with the energy crisis? Think tanks analysis
    A webinar organized by IDDRI, l'OFCE et l'Institut Jacques Delors and Institute for Climate Economics [i4ce] on Thursday, December 14 from 12 to 1:15 pm.  In the midst of an energy crisis, France is preparing for a winter of tension. As the French National Assembly prepares to vote on the 2023 budget bill and Europe tries to find a collective solution to this crisis, many questions remain open as to the ability to manage the economic and social emergency and the acceleration of the energy and climate transition.
  • 12/14/2022 Conferences
    Save the date: The 7th Green Finance research advances conference
    The Green Finance Research Advances is an International Research Conference for academics and professionals, co-organized by Banque de France and the Institut Louis Bachelier, with the participation of Finance for Tomorrow and the Institute for Climate Economics-I4CE.
  • 11/17/2022 Webinars
    Engaging key stakeholders in the implementation of long-term strategies
    The Paris Agreement enacted two complementary dynamics for an ambitious action on climate, consistent with the aim of keeping global warming well below 2DC and towards 1.5DC by the end of the century. On the one hand, according to a bottom-up approach, the mitigation and adaptation commitments as well as the policies deployed in this respect fall to the national governments, who bear the responsibility to submit their national contributions to the global effort and to define the actions they intend to engage to achieve their objectives. On the other hand, non-state actors, notably companies, have been officially recognized for the first time within the framework of international negotiations, have significantly contributed to the construction of a favorable dynamic and have voluntarily taken more and more decarbonisation commitments.
  • 11/11/2022 Webinars
    Planning for the transition
    The transition to a low-carbon and resilient economy requires such significant structural shifts that there is a general consensus on the need to develop transition plans at all governance levels.   Indeed, since 2021, the concept of transition plans has finally become the essential concept for both state- and non-state actors to address the challenges of decarbonization : governments, corporates, financial institutions have embarked on the development of plans to organize and facilitate the transition “on the ground”.  
  • 11/14/2022 Webinars
    Financing the transition towards low-carbon and climate-resilient economies in developing countries
    Governments have a key role to play in transforming the Paris Agreement and SDG targets into credible, legally binding domestic targets, strategies, and policies. Specifically, governments need to put in place policies and regulatory frameworks which are conducive to climate investments, i.e. investments that are needed for countries to structurally transform their economies in order to achieve the net zero global objective. National transformations then need to be championed by private actors and non-governmental institutions.  
  • 05/03/2022 Webinars
    Webinar | Civil society mobilisation on green budgeting
          This online event discussed the role of civil society organizations – CSOs in implementing green budgeting tools in the European context.     Green budgeting helps to assess the consistency of public spending with country’s environmental and climate targets, it improves the transparency of government action for parliamentarians, civil society and citizens. […]
  • 04/25/2022 Webinars
    Webinar | Designing Fair and Equitable Climate and Energy Policies
    This event, jointly organized by the Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE), ODI, and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), and supported by the European Climate Foundation (ECF), will examine the complex
  • 12/07/2021 Conferences
    Event I Green Finance Research Advances
    La 6ème édition de la conférence annuelle “Green Finance Research Advances”, organisée par la Banque de France en partenariat avec l’Institut Louis Bachelier..
  • 12/07/2021 Conferences
    Event I Green Finance Research Advances
    7 – 8 DECEMBER @ 9H00 – 17H00  Location: Auditorium ACPR Banque de France 23, rue de Londres, 75009 Paris, 75009 France   Co-organised by Banque de France and Institut Louis Bachelier.     Organisers: ILB Banque de France
  • 11/11/2021
    COP26 Side event : Operationalizing Paris Alignment
    COP26 IDFC Pavilion and online   Background and purpose of the event: Aligning financial flows with the Paris Agreement is becoming the new standard for the financial community, building on continuous commitments from Public Development Banks (PDBs) such as the International Development Finance Club (IDFC) and the group of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) in 2017, […]
  • 11/11/2021 Webinars
    Operationalizing Paris Alignment
    Background and purpose of the event: Aligning financial flows with the Paris Agreement is becoming the new standard for the financial community, building on continuous commitments from Public Development Banks (PDBs) such as the International Development Finance Club (IDFC) and the group of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) in 2017, but also from private banks.
  • 10/18/2021
    Indexing capital requirements on climate : What impacts can be expected ?
    Monday 18th October from 9am to 10am Increasing the contribution of banks is the major issue that I4CE proposed to address in a study published in September 2021.   The objective is to overcome the classic opposition between the supporters of a Green Supporting Factor (for prudential relief due to the lower risk of green […]
  • 10/19/2021 Webinars
    #30minsur : Bonus-malus automobile : la nécessaire évaluation
    Alors que les objectifs européens et nationaux impliquent une baisse drastique des émissions du parc de véhicules neufs d’ici 2030, il est difficile de savoir si les politiques publiques actuellement en vigueur sont à la hauteur de cette ambition ; notamment, le calibrage du bonus-malus notamment ne semble être soumis à aucune étude d’impact publique. I4CE a eu le plaisir de vous convier à un webinaire très court pour échanger sur sa dernière étude sur l’évaluation climat du bonus-malus. Les auteurs ont présenté l’outil d’évaluation qu’ils ont développé et les conclusions qu’ils en tirent sur la cohérence du barème actuel avec la stratégie nationale bas-carbone. Jean-Philippe Hermine, Expert Senior Mobilité à l'IDDRI s'est joint à eux pour échanger sur l’évaluation des politiques publiques en matière de mobilité.
  • 10/18/2021 Webinars
    Webinar | Indexing capital requirements on climate : What impacts can be expected ?
    Increasing the contribution of banks is the major issue that I4CE proposes to address in a study published in September 2021. The objective is to overcome the classic opposition between the supporters of a Green Supporting Factor (for prudential relief due to the lower risk of green assets) and of a Penalizing Factor (to penalize activities that emit high CO2 levels because they are more exposed to transition risks).
  • 07/01/2021 Webinars
    Webinar I Why are financial institutions focusing on the alignment of counterparties?
    The Paris Agreement has strengthened the call to the financial community to provide an essential contribution to climate action. To date, the focus of alignment efforts has principally been on what is financed – i.e. the individual projects or business activities. However, financial institutions of all types have recently been expanding the focus from the alignment of what is financed to also include an assessment of the alignment of who is financed. In response, in December 2020, marking the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement, and in the follow up of the Finance in Common Summit, UNEP FI and the Climate Action in Financial Institutions Initiative are convening an informal FI Group on Aligning Financial Chains with the Paris Agreement.
  • 07/01/2021
    Webinar I Why are financial institutions focusing on the alignment of counterparties?
      The Paris Agreement has strengthened the call to the financial community to provide an essential contribution to climate action. To date, the focus of alignment efforts has principally been on what is financed – i.e. the individual projects or business activities. However, financial institutions of all types have recently been expanding the focus from […]
  • 06/08/2021
    Webinar I Climate assessment of local budgets: the case of Strasbourg, Paris & Oslo
      Looking at cities’ budget can steer change by tracking expenditures that contribute or are harmful to the ecological transition. For local authorities, it is particularly at the time of the vote on their budget that it is possible to question these expenditures and to direct them as much as possible towards the climate transition.  […]
  • 06/01/2021 Webinars
    Webinar | Finance ClimAct webinar: New tools for a renewed EU Strategy
    The Finance ClimAct project just completed its first phase (March 2019 – March 2021) with concrete and operational contributions to the implementation of French and European policies for sustainable finance. As the Renewed Strategy for Sustainable Finance of the EU is about to be released, we invite you to discuss the results of our actions to date, recent progress by the financial sector and challenges that the world of finance still faces in contributing to a low-carbon, climate-resilient economic recovery. This event is organized as part of the EU Green Week 2021.

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