Workshop in London – ET Risk toolbox
- March 8th, 2018 | 2:00 – 6:00 pm |20 Canada Square, London, UK
The ET Risk consortium was pleased to invite you to the London workshop “Unveiling the ET risk toolbox: scenarios, data and models for risk assessment”.
Join us and the 2° Investing Initiative along with Kepler Cheuvreux, Carbon Tracker Initiative, the Oxford Smith School Sustainable Finance Programme, S&P Global, S&P Dow Jones Indices, and The CO-Firm to discuss technical solutions around the use of scenarios in financial analysis, transition risk and asset-level data, and transition risk models.
The speakers were present recent developments on transition scenarios, asset level data and risk assessment models and provide insights on the integration of climate-related risks in company and valuation models.
2:15 – 2:35 pm The transition risk toolbox: scenarios, data and models Jakob Thomä, Director, 2° Investing Initiative 2:35 – 2:55 pm Asset-level data Ben Caldecott, Director of Oxford Sustainable Finance Programme, University of Oxford Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment. 2:55 – 3:15 pm Company-level climate risk modelling and TCFD reporting Nicole Rottmer; CEO, The CO Firm 3:15 – 3:35 pm Scenario analysis in equity valuation models Samuel Mary, Senior Sustainability Research Analyst, Kepler Cheuvreux 3:35 – 3:55 pm At the intersection of credit risk and energy transition risk Asset-level data Lauren Smart, Managing Director, Global Head of Financial Institutions Business at Trucost, part of S&P Dow Jones Indices. 3:35 – 3:55 pm Fossil fuel supply scenario analysis Andrew Grant, Senior Analyst, Carbon Tracker Initiative 4:30 – 5:30 pm Breakout groups – Transition scenarios: needs and steps moving forward 5:30 – 5:50 pm ET Risk in the context of the HLEG recommendations on ESAS Morgane Nicol, Mission lead – Financial regulation, Private Finance and Climate, I4CE 5:50 – 6:00 pm Closing remarks Program
– Asset-level data
– Risk models for the cement and steel sector