« Mind the gap »: Aligning the 2030 EU climate and energy policy framework to meet long-term climate goals

Conferences - By : Charlotte VAILLES


Following the publication of a policy brief in April, I4CE and Enerdata release the full report « Mind the gap: aligning the 2030 EU climate and energy policy framework to meet long-term climate goals »The study analyses and quantifies the interactions within the energy and climate framework, and describes policy options to implement an ambitious and coherent policy mix, which would enable the EU to respect its commitment under the Paris Agreement.


Negotiations on several Clean Energy Package legislative files, including the renewable energy directive, the energy efficiency directive and a regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union are currently being finalized between EU institutions. We are now entering a new stage of climate and energy discussions and a new window opening with the mid-term climate strategy review.


Against this background I4CE and Enerdata make two observations:


  1. On one hand, policy interactions within the 2030 climate and energy framework impact negatively the functioning of the EU ETS. Legislative texts currently under negotiation lack the necessary provisions to mitigate undesired effects.
  2. On the other hand, the 2030 climate and energy framework falls short of the EU long-term ambition, which is itself insufficient to respect its commitment under the Paris Agreement.




9.00 – Opening remarks

  • Damien Demailly, Strategy and Communication Director – I4CE


9.15 – Présentation of the results of the report by the authors, I4CE and Enerdata

  • Jérémy Bonnefous, Energy Analyst – Enerdata
  • Charlotte Vailles, Project Manager – Industry, Energy and Climate – I4CE


10.00 – Questions – Answers


10.40 – Roundtable on the challenges of ensuring a coherent climate and energy policy mix consistent with the Paris Agreement objectives

  • Anne BolleModerator, Head of Climate Policies, Public Affairs – Statkraft AS
  • Tom Van Ierland, Head of Unit Strategy & Economic Assessment – DG Clima, Commission Européenne
  • Peter Botschek, Energy & HSE Director – Cefic
  • Suzana Carp, EU Engagement Lead – Sandbag
  • Kari Kankaanpaa, Senior Manager, Climate & Environmental Affairs – Fortum Power and Heat Oy
  • Jean-Yves Caneill, Senior Advisor – ERCST


11.30 – Questions – Answers


11.50 – Closing remarks and wrap-up of the meeting

19 Jun 2018

« Mind the gap »: Aligning the 2030 EU climate and energy policy framework to meet long-term climate goals

I4CE Contacts
Charlotte VAILLES
Charlotte VAILLES
Research Fellow – Financing a fair transition Email
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