
December 11th invitation in Paris | “Mainstreaming!” in association with Climate Finance Day 2017

As Secretariat of the Climate Action in Financial Institutions Initiative, I4CE is pleased to invite you to the event:


Monday 11 December 2017, from 9:00 to 12:15

Organized by the Agence Française de Développement, the International Development Finance Club (IDFC) and the Climate Action in Financial Institutions Initiative,

and in association with Climate Finance Day 2017 


Pierre Mendes France Conference Center, Ministry for the Economy and Finance

139 Rue de Bercy, 75012 Paris


Since COP21 and the adoption of the Paris Agreement, a number of financial actors have taken significant and concrete measures to mainstream climate issues into their strategies and operations. Others are gearing up to join the movement. On this basis, the financial community is taking forward its action and is seeking to accelerate the necessary massive redirection of public and private financial flows towards sustainable, low-carbon and climate-resilient development pathways.

On Monday 11 December 2017 in Paris, in the context of the Climate Summit organized by the French Government, a day of exchanges on climate finance will gather the main actors from the international financial community. The Mainstreaming! event will take place in the morning and focus on the integration of climate change considerations by financial institutions worldwide. This will be followed in the afternoon and in the same premises by the Climate Finance Day, organized by Finance for Tomorrow, Paris EUROPLACE and the French Ministry for the Economy and Finance, and devoted to the most recent and promising innovations in regulation, financial products and services to accelerate climate-smart action.

The morning event will be devoted to Mainstreaming!

During COP21, financial institutions set up 5 Voluntary Principles for Climate Mainstreaming and launched the Climate Action in Financial Institutions Initiative. Two years on, how public and private financial actors from the North and South have mainstreamed climate considerations in practice? What headway has been achieved in strategies, climate risk management, financial products and tools, and in terms of transparency and accountability? What are the ambitions for the coming years? How can the initiative help all financial institutions act to make climate change a core business consideration?

In the context of the Climate Summit organized by the French Government on 12 December 2017, this event aims to show that climate mainstreaming by the financial community is possible and encourage new actors to join the movement.


11 Dec 2017

December 11th invitation in Paris | “Mainstreaming!” in association with Climate Finance Day 2017

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