Identifying country needs for an effective global financial architecture – perspectives from Africa

Conferences - By : Sarah BENDAHOU / Diana CÁRDENAS MONAR

Ensuring that the reformed financial architecture adequately responds to differentiated needs requires that countries play a central role in the identification of these needs and the implementation of the response provided. By adopting a country perspective (i.e. based on the experience of African countries), this side-event will shed light on the key considerations that the reformed global financial architecture should take into account to support country climate commitments’ translation into concrete action.


Date: 27 February 2025


Time: 15:45-16:30 (GMT+2) // 14:45-15:30 (CET)


Format: in person only


Location: Cape Town International Convention Centre, Auditorium Foyer 1


Partners: FiCS GRN and IDDRI


Moderator: Céline Kauffmann, Chief Programmes Officer, IDDRI



  • Elise Dufief, Senior Research Fellow, IDDRI
  • Diana Cárdenas Monar, Senior Research Fellow, I4CE
  • Gareth Phillips, Manager of the Climate and Environment Finance Division, AfDB
  • Ailly Sheehama, Senior Researcher, Rabia Transitions
  • Massimo Cingolani, Managerial Adviser, Partnership for Impact Department, EIB




Opening remarks


Scene setting presentation: How can countries take central place in a reformed global financial architecture?

  • Presentation by Diana Cárdenas Monar on transition financing plans as a central tool for coordinating action
  • Presentation by Elise Dufief (based on field work identifying country needs)


Discussion: What role can PDBs play to help the reformed global financial architecture adequately respond to country needs?





More informations about the FiCS


27 Feb 2025

Identifying country needs for an effective global financial architecture – perspectives from Africa

I4CE Contacts
Research Fellow – Development finance Email
Research Fellow – Tools for financing the transition at the international level Email
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