I4CE contributes to the International Scientific Conference “Our Common Future under Climate Change”
I4CE honored to chair and intervene in a number of Parallel Sessions, Poster sessions and Side Events alongside its academic and industrial partners in this International Scientific Conference.
You joined I4CE in 10 events in which our team intervened on the following topics :
- The technical and political challenges of REDD+
- Ex-post evaluation of the Kyoto Protocol
- Carbon pricing : competitiveness issues inside the EU-ETS
- The extension of the EU-ETS scope to the transport sector
- The landscape of Climate finance
- Financial Instruments for Mitigation
- Climate change and cities
- Carbon funding for soil sequestration
This International Scientific Conference will be the largest forum for the scientific community to come together ahead of the COP21, which will be hosted by France, in December 2015 (“Paris Climat 2015”).
Our team’s participation in this major scientific event aims at contributing to the identification of the actions to be put in place for the transition to a low-carbon climate resilient economy.
Download the posters presented during the conference:
- Public and Finance Institutions and the low-carbon energy transition par Ian Cochran (I4CE), Virginie Marchal (OECD), Romain Hubert (I4CE), Robert Youngman (OECD)
- Review of the experience of monitoring incertainty requirements in the CDM par Igor Shishlov (I4CE), Valentin Bellassen (CESAER/INRA)
- Designing monitoring rules in climate policy : the incertainty issue par Igor Shishlov (I4CE), Valentin Bellassen (CESAER/INRA)
- Tracking low-carbon investment in France in 2011 : a landscape of sources, flows and channels par Romain Morel, Ian Cochran et Romain Hubert (I4CE)
- Ex-post evaluation of the Kyoto Protocol : Four key lessons for the 2015 Paris Agreement par Romain Morel, Ian Cochran et Romain Hubert (I4CE)