Green Finance Research Advances
Conferences - By : Benoît LEGUET / Morgane NICOL / Michel CARDONA
The objective of the day was to bring together academics, finance practitioners and regulators to discuss together the recent research advances in the field of modelling climate-related financial risks, provide a better understanding of the role of central banks in addressing these risks, and formulate the relevant research agenda for the years to come.
A joint one-day international research conference co-organized by Banque de France, Institut Louis Bachelier, I4CE and Finance for Tomorrow.
9.00-9.10 Opening/introduction
- Opening by host : Ivan Odonnat, Deputy General Director – Financial Stability and Operations, Banque de France
- Research for finance advance, Pierre Ducret, I4CE / Finance for Tomorrow
9.10-9.25 The Green & Sustainable Finance Program emergence
- Peter Tankov, ENSAE ParisTech, Paris-Saclay University, Institut Louis Bachelier
- Stéphane Voisin, Université Paris-Dauphine, Institut Louis Bachelier
9.30-10.10 Climate change research and economic research
- Valérie Masson-Delmotte, CEA-LSCE – the new IPCC 1.5°C report
- Céline Guivarch, CIRED, « the use of socio-economic scenarios in the field of climate change »
10.30-12.00 SESSION 1: Panel
How Academic Research Can Help Central Banks Contribute to the Transition?
- Moderator: Benoît Leguet, Managing Director, I4CE
- Speakers :
- Morgan Després, NGFS Secretariat
- Hubert Kempf, ENS Paris-Saclay
- Josh Ryan-Collins, UCL, Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose
- Dirk Schoenmaker, Bruegel, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Matthew Scott, Bank of England, Former Head of Climate Hub
13.15-14.30 SESSION 2: Macro Models and Public Policy
- Moderator: Laurent Clerc, Director, Studies and Risk Analysis Directorate, ACPR, French Supervision Authority
- Speakers :
- Ben Caldecott, University of Oxford, Director of Sustainable Finance Programme
« Empirical calibration of climate policy using corporate solvency: a case study of the UK’s carbon price support. », paper co-written with Gerard Dericks - Marco Raberto, University of Genoa
The EIRIN flow-of-funds behavioural model of green fiscal policies and green sovereign bonds, paper co-written with Irene Monasterolo.
- Ben Caldecott, University of Oxford, Director of Sustainable Finance Programme
14.30-15.00 Young Researcher Scholarship for Green Finance Award
- by Sylvie Goulard, Deputy Governor, Banque de France
- with members of the selection committee : Dirk Schoenmaker, Patricia Crifo, Christian Gollier, Ben Caldecott, Peter Tankov and Stefano Battiston.
15.15-16.30 SESSION 3: Climate-related risks and public policy
- Moderator: Eric Dugelay, Deloitte
- Speakers :
- Stefano Battiston, University of Zurich
“Vulnerable yet relevant: the two dimensions of climate-related financial disclosure”, - co-written with I. Monasterolo, AC Janetos & Z. Zheng. 2017.
- Antoine Godin, French Agency for Development (AFD), Senior Economist.
« Networks of stranded assets: A case for a balance sheet approach » (2017), co-written with Emanuele Campiglio and Eric Kemp-Benedict.
16.30-16.40 Concluding remarks
Jean-Michel BEACCO, CEO at Institut Louis Bachelier.