Two months before the launch of the 21th Conference of Parties (COP 21), I4CE and the FMDV, in partnership with the Climate KIC, the City of Paris, the French Development Agency, the Caisse des Dépôts and PUCA, organized a conference on mitigation and adaption to climate change at local level.
Through workshops, this event will highlight financing tools available for cities, shared the experiences of practitioners and fostered discussion among participants.
Participants joined the debate alongside Ronan Dantec (UCLG), Pierre Ducret (Caisse des Dépôts), Pascal Canfin (WRI), Michèle Sabban (FMDV), Sean Kidney (Climate Bonds Initiative), Stéphane Viallon (Campaña Investment Bank) and many other speakers. Meet elected officials, institutions, researchers and local technicians that will provide expertise on these issues using European examples:
- What institutional responses to community problems in financing the fight against climate change?
- What are the conditions for the success of green bonds, how to monitor it?
- How to involve citizens through crowdfunding in projects taking place in their territories?
- What financial mechanisms can be set up to finance the renovation of public and private housing?
- How to finance adaptation projects to climate change?
- What are the new international financial mechanisms?