Defining impact for the transition in concrete terms
Conferences - By : Alice PAUTHIER / Claire ESCHALIEROfficial side-event – Summit for a new global financing pact
In 2022, a global consensus was reached on the need to reform the global financial architecture, considered no longer “fit for purpose”. While most discussions focus on how to reform development finance institutions (DFIs), too little attention is paid to the concrete needs of developing countries and what the transition to low-carbon and resilient economies means for them.
Objective of the side-event
This side-event seeked to bring in the debate country representatives and DFIs to exchange on how they were advancing on the climate and development agenda, what are their specific objectives related to the transition to low-carbon resilient economies and how to define impact?
Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), Iddri, Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE), NewClimate Institute, World Resources Institute (WRI)
Date and time: June 22nd, 10:15-11:15 CEST
Location: UNESCO, Paris
Session will be livestreamed on the event platform during the Summit and a replay will be available after the Summit.
Reactions from panelists and exchange with the audience. Discussant: Nathalie, Mangondo, YOUNGO (perspectives from Zimbabwe). Provisional agenda:
Welcome remarks by Benoît Leguet, managing Director, I4CE
Keynote speech: Morgan Despres, executive director, European Climate Foundation (TBC)
Moderator: Bella Tonkonogy, director, CPI
Part 1: What does the transition to low-carbon and resilient economy imply in different countries?
Part 2: How to define and maximize “impact” and support to countries in their transition? What changes are needed in the role played by MDBs and NDBs to maximize impact in the real economy?
Discussion: How would these changes support the transition in countries? What are the key success factors that you identify?
Concluding remarks by Aki Kachi, NewClimate Institut