COP 23 side event – Carbon revenues: taking stock of climate benefits and tax benefits for developed and developing countries
Conferences - By : Sébastien POSTIC, Phd- Date: 14th November
- Time: 13h15-14h45.
- Location: EU Pavilion
- Organisers: World Bank, AFD, I4CE) as well as of entities covered by carbon pricing instruments (Ecofys and the Generation Foundation under their Carbon Pricing Unlocked partnership).
Panelists (researchers as well as practitioners from the public and private sector) will discuss some of the challenges and opportunities associated with their experience of the use of carbon
- John ROOME, Senior director climate change, World Bank
- A representative of the Agence Française de Développement
- Institute for Climate Econmics (I4CE)
- Ecofys
- One representative from a country
- One representative from a covered compagny