Conference on the “2018 State of the EU ETS” in Paris
- By : Charlotte VAILLES- Date: Wednesday 13 June 2018
- Time: 9.30am – 12.30pm
- Location: Salle Grenelle, 15 Quai Anatole France, 75007 Paris
This is one of the outreach meetings of the 2018 State of the EU ETS Report, organised in 4 European capitals. The 2018 State of the EU ETS Report is a joint initiative by ERCST/ICTSD, Nomisma Energia, I4CE, Wegener Center at the University of Graz and EcoAct.
During this meeting, the authors will present the Report and their findings through a presentation, after which the Report will be discussed in a roundtable setting with stakeholders.
The “2018 State of the EU ETS” Report aims to provide such an independent contribution to the policy debate, which is needed to ensure that the EU ETS is “fit for purpose”. This Report discusses the current state of play in the EU ETS, analyses whether the system is performing and delivering, and discusses how the recently concluded Phase 4 review could affect its functioning from 2020 onwards. For all its faults, the EU ETS should not be compared to an ideal world, but the real options that would be available to address climate change.
The report focuses on 5 key areas:
- Relevant Policy and Governance issues, including Phase 4 review
- Environmental delivery
- Economic efficiency and delivery, including protection against carbon leakage
- Market functioning
- Making the EU ETS ‘fit for purpose’: key areas to pay attention to in the future
09:30: Registration and coffee
10:00 : Welcome and opening remarks
- D. Demailly, Strategy and Communication Director, I4CE
10:10 – 11:00 : Presentation of the “2018 State of the EU ETS” Report
- A. Marcu, ERCST / ICTSD
- C. Vailles, I4CE
- E. Alberola, EcoAct
- JY Caneill, ERCST
11:00 – 11:15 : Initial reactions to the Report
- G. Ferran, Head of the carbon markets unit, French General Directorate for Energy and Climate
11:15 – 12:20 : Roundtable discussion on the content of the Report, current state of the EU ETS and future challenges
- M. Matheu, EDF
- O. Imbault, Air Liquide
- P. Chauveau,Solvay
12:20 : Closing remarks and wrap-up of the meeting
12:30 : Light lunch