
Climate Finance Day 2017

Climate Finance Day 2017

« Acceleration ! »

Monday 11 December 2017

 organised by Finance for Tomorrow, Paris EUROPLACE and the French Ministry for the Economy and Finance.

and in association with the event Mobilisation! 


Centre de Conférence Pierre Mendes France, Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances

139 Rue de Bercy, 75012 Paris

In order to showcase solutions developed by the financial sector and accelerate commitments against climate change, the French Ministry for the Economy and FinanceParis EUROPLACE, with its initiatve Finance for Tomorrow are organising this new edition of Climate Finance Day on Monday, December 11, on the eve of the « One Planet Summit » , organized by the French President.

Climate Finance Day 2017 will bring together high-level representatives of the financial industry, regulation and supervision authorities, and central banks. It will showcase the most innovative initiatives aimed at accelerating the financing of the energy transition and adaptation to global warming. It will provide information on transparency and address risk management, financing solutions for the real economy and public-private partnerships. The most promising initiatives announced on Climate Finance Day will be highlighted during the “One Planet Summit” held the following day.

A full week of events in Paris

In addition to these two prestigious events, a series of side events dedicated to climate actions will take place throughout the week, attesting the strong momentum in the field of green and sustainable finance in Paris.

Climate Finance Day settles down in Paris

Held for the first time in May 2015, at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, Climate Finance Day marked the launch of the financial sector’s campaign to tackle climate issues.
This movement, which culminated at the time of the COP21, has grown considerably since the adoption of the Paris Agreement. Today, a large number of banks, insurers and investors have adopted strategies to  decarbonize portfolios, invest in renewable energies and develop new green financing solutions.

In 2015, the first edition of Climate Finance Day entitled “How to shift the trillions?” concentrated on the re-direction of capital flows towards a low-carbon economy. The second edition, organized with Casablanca Finance City Authority for the COP22, aimed at moving to action, in particular in Africa. This third edition of Climate Finance Day will focus on accelerating mobilisation and ongoing commitments.

To boost the financial industry’s participation in the fight against climate change, Climate Finance Day will from now on bring the leading players in this international mobilisation together for an annual
event in Paris


Climate FInance Day Program

Climate Finance Day Partners

11 Nov 2017

Climate Finance Day 2017

To learn more
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