Carbon Farming Summit : high-level conversations to shape up robust carbon farming markets and policies
Conferences Webinars - By : Julia GRIMAULT / Simon MARTELThe carbon farming summit gather experts, economic actors, and decision makers to share knowledge and experiences about the carbon farming. It aims at upscaling solutions and enabling the multiplication of climate actions across the EU in the land-based sectors.
Dates : 4th to 6th march
Location : Dublin
I4CE was involved in 3 sessions of the Summit:
1. Low hanging (tree) fruit – reaping forest-based carbon removal potential, identifying challenges and gaps to open doors to forest management solutions.
This session was focused on the specificities of forestry for carbon certification: how to define carbon forestry? How to define criteria for high quality carbon certificates? What are the challenges to bridge supply and demand?
Organisers: Anew Climate, Caritas, Climate KIC, I4CE, Cesefor, Carbon Capture Company, ECS Climate Solutions, University of Florence and Preferred by Nature
Date and time: The 4th of march 12.00 – 13.30 Paris time (CET/CEST) in Printworks Room
Replay: available
2. Global or local? Carbon certification centralisation level: What implications for stakeholders?
The session was addressed the issue of governance scales for carbon farming certification in Europe. The CRCF offers an important opportunity to unify and improve the quality of land-based carbon projects. However, ensuring EU-wide coherence and progress while leveraging existing frameworks and engaging stakeholders remains a challenge.
The results of a survey were presented and discussed. In this survey, carbon certification experts gave their views on different governance scenarios for a European certification framework.
Organisers: I4CE and AC3A
Date and time: The 5th of march 11.30 – 13.00 Paris time (CET/CEST)
3. Overcoming barriers to carbon farming projects financing: Bridging the gap between farmers and buyers through adequate framework and MRV tools
The CRCF aims to support the EU’s climate goals while attracting both land users and certificate buyers. But aligning these interests is challenging, especially in agriculture. Agriculture struggles to secure private funding, highlighting the need for better links between farmers and buyers.
This session allowed:
- Examine funding sources and key barriers, particularly double-claiming and value chain financing.
- Assess how MRV tools address farmers’ needs and mitigate double-counting risks.
- Bridge buyers’ expectations with farmers’ costs, reporting, and risk management.
- Identify key CRCF implementation considerations, including public-private funding synergies.
Organisers : AC3A, Agrifood, Agrosolutions, CNRS-CESBIO, Earth Observation Association, I4CE, IETA, Nataïs, Netcarbon, Regeneration
Date and time: The 6th of march 12.00 – 13.30 Paris time (CET/CEST) in Printworks Room.
A event organized by the Credible Project:
Climate Kic
SAE Innova
More informations about the Carbon Farming Summit