“17 ambitious SDGs adopted. So, what now?”
New-York, 25 September: the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were unanimously adopted at the UN. They officially took over from the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). And so, what now? How can this historical international commitment be turned into concrete actions? These questions were discussed at the Agence Française de Développement.
A debate in which the Chair of I4CE Pierre Ducret took part, were also invited André Pouillès-Duplaix, Director of the Crosscutting Support Department, Agence Française de Développement ; Friederike Röder, Director, France ONE and Patrick Rabe, delegation to the OECD and the UNESCO. The conference was introduced by Philippe Orliange, Executive Director for Strategy, Partnerships and Communication, AFD and coordinated by Thomas Chauvineau.
A Conference synthesis has been published on the AFD blog Ideas for Development
You can also find a summary video of the debate by clicking HERE