Work with us

Europe Programme Director

Permanent contract

Your mission 

As part of a team of researchers committed to advancing European climate policies, you will lead the Europe programme at the Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE) and supervise our team of EU researchers. You will play a key role in co-constructing the impact strategy for the programme’s work. You will lead identifying the new frontiers of I4CE research, so as to maximise the Institute’s impact in European public policy debates. You will actively contribute to activities enabling European elected representatives and civil servants to integrate I4CE‘s analyses into their decision-making. Finally, you will play an active role in the leadership of I4CE, manage existing funder relations, and help to secure funding for the development of new projects within I4CE.


About I4CE 

The Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE) is a non-profit research institute that contributes through its analyses to the debate on public policies for mitigation of and adaptation to climate change.  


We promote effective, efficient, and fair policies. Our 40 experts collaborate with governments, local authorities, the European Union, international financial institutions, civil society organizations, and the media. Our work covers three transitions – energy, agriculture, and forests – and six economic challenges: investment, public financing, development financing, financial regulation, carbon pricing, and carbon certification.  


I4CE is a registered non-profit organisation, founded by the French national promotional public bank Caisse des Dépôts and the French Development Agency (AFD). 


The development of I4CE in the European sphere is one of I4CE‘s strategic priorities. Founded in 2022, the Europe program is a team of four researchers.  


For more information on I4CE: 2023 Activity Report – Climate: The risk of polarisation


The role

The position of Europe Programme Director is of significant importance to the organisation. Its responsibilities include: 


  • Leading the Europe programme team. In addition to the Director, the Europe programme team is currently made up of 4 full-time employees, with researchers working on climate investments in Europe, cleantech investments, the implementation of bank transition plans, and stranded assets.  
  • Ensuring the quality of the research carried out by the Europe programme, as well as contributing to the quality assurance of other work when required.  
  • Develop the Institute’s capacity to promote research on a European scale, in conjunction with the I4CE Director of Research, the Directors of other programs, notably Agriculture and Forestry, and researchers. This involves developing and maintaining a relevant political network, with the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council. 
  • Determine and continuously adapt I4CE‘s Europe strategy (target audience, prioritisation, allocation of internal resources, reporting to the Board of Directors). The June 9 2024 elections could lead to a significant adaptation of this program, as our strategic priorities adapt to European political developments. 
  • Participate in collective decision-making within I4CE, in particular within its Management Committee, in which all program managers take part.  
  • Develop the skills of the Europe programme team and liaise with I4CE employees whose work has a European dimension.  
  • Recruit talented researchers to expand and develop the work of I4CE.   
  • Maximize the impact of I4CE‘s work with European decision-makers, working closely with I4CE‘s Director of Strategic Engagement and her team. 



Professional profile  

The position is aimed at someone with over 10 years’ relevant professional experience. The skills required for this position are:


  • Excellent management and decision-making skills.
  • The ability to work with researchers, to understand their research topics and challenge them intellectually, to listen to their day-to-day issues and provide concrete answers.
  • Ability to establish new projects, source funding and manage research projects over the long term (typically one to three years).
  • A good knowledge of subjects at the intersection of climate and economics, and the ability to express complex issues in a clear, informative way, aimed at both expert and non-expert policymakers,
  • Strong editorial skills in English for policy writing (English-language text, quality and adaptation of writing to target audiences).
  • Highly motivated to help I4CE develop, enthusiastic to bring forward fresh ideas and insights,
  • A very good understanding of climate policy decision-making processes at European level,
  • Solid experience in political outreach strategy development and implementation.
  • An existing personal network of European high-level climate policymakers, or at least demonstrable experience in developing a network of policymakers.
  • Excellent command of written and spoken English; professional command of French, German or Polish is a plus.



Type de contract : Permanent contract (CDI). 


Location: I4CE offices are located at 30 rue de Fleurus – 75006 Paris, with possibility to work a large portion of the time remotely.  


Remuneration: The salary and additional compensation at I4CE are in line with the level of remuneration in the think tank community. The salary will be proportional to the level of experience and based on I4CE’s salary grid. 


Contact: Damien Demailly and Clara Calipel



Download the position description

Contacts I4CE Candidates should send their application (CV, covering letter and contacts of two referees) to
Deputy Director – Strategy and outreach Email
Research Fellow – EU Climate Investments  Email
About I4CE

The institute for climate economics I4CE is a non-profit research organization that provides independent policy analysis on climate change mitigation and adaptation.

We promote climate policies that are effective, efficient and socially-fair. Our 40 experts engage with national and local governments, the European Union, international financial institutions, civil society organizations and the media. Our work covers three key transitions – energy, agriculture, forest – and adresses six economic challenges: investment, public financing, development finance, financial regulation, carbon pricing and carbon certification.  

I4CE is a registered non-profit organisation, founded by the French National Bank Caisse des Dépôts and the French Development Agency.

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