Micro- and Macroprudential Options to Reduce Climate Financial Risks
Climate-related risks to the financial system have risen sharply in recent years. Growing regional policy uncertainty, geopolitical tensions, and economic instability increase the likelihood of a delayed transition – or, in the worst case, no transition. Financial supervisors have repeatedly warned that these scenarios pose the most significant risks to banks and the overall stability of the banking system.
Carbon Farming Summit : high-level conversations to shape up robust carbon farming markets and policies
The carbon farming summit gather experts, economic actors, and decision makers to share knowledge and experiences about the carbon farming. It aims at upscaling solutions and enabling the multiplication of climate actions across the EU in the land-based sectors. Dates : 4th to 6th march Location : Dublin was involved in 3 sessions of […]
Maximising Public Development Banks’ climate impact through financial intermediation
Some Public Development Banks – particularly the largest multilateral development banks (MDBs) – have committed to making all of their operations aligned with the Paris Agreement, including financial intermediation. There are few existing pieces of knowledge around the impact of financial intermediation on Paris alignment of intermediaries, and even less so on its contribution to […]
Identifying country needs for an effective global financial architecture – perspectives from Africa
Ensuring that the reformed financial architecture adequately responds to differentiated needs requires that countries play a central role in the identification of these needs and the implementation of the response provided. By adopting a country perspective (i.e. based on the experience of African countries), this side-event has shed light on the key considerations that the […]
Maximising the impact of Public Development Banks in financing the transition – challenges & opportunities
The 5th Finance in Common Summit (FiCS) in Cape Town was the opportunity once more to to discuss how public development banks can align all their activities with the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement, and the Global Biodiversity Framework. Though the central role of public development banks in driving the sustainability agenda is acknowledged […]
COP29 Official Side Event – Delivering on Volume and Impact for Climate Finance and Investment to Support 1.5°C Aligned NDCs
Making finance flows consistent with countries’ needs for their low-emission, climate-resilient development requires deep collaboration between governments, financial institutions, private companies, civil society organizations, and local communities. This event will take stock of existing and innovative tools that can be deployed to attract additional finance and enhance the impact of existing finance, in order to transform national ambitions into actionable investment plans.
COP29 Side Event – Options for Aligning International Financial Flows with Climate Objectives and Country Priorities
In collaboration with E3G and the IDFC Climate Facility, this event presents country platforms as a way to both improve the fitness-for-purpose of international climate finance relative to national priorities and to unlock more resources. The ongoing reform of the international financial architecture is placing PDBs in the spotlight as key players in mobilising and channeling resources towards low-emission and climate-resilient development, in line with country priorities. Yet, collaboration at the national and international level will be crucial in order to leverage their added value.
Managing the transition to net zero: EU climate policy in a global context
The transition to climate neutrality has become a central objective for EU policy-making. Targets and policies to achieve it have been advanced and accelerated over the past 4 years. Despite the crises faced since 2020, the EU is making the shift from incremental changes and refinements to the transformative policies needed for a net-zero emissions future – seeking to become more resilient and competitive through a successful transition. The move to clean energy and new technologies is being spurred on in other parts of the world, with ac like the USA and China actively financing the transition. Partners around the world are watching EU policy developments closely – which increasingly have international implications (#CBAM). With the implementation of the Paris Agreement moving forward, new contributions are expected in financial and policy terms. The next legislative cycle needs to take crucial decisions on how to move EU policy forward in this context.
Launch Event: Insights on progress to EU climate neutrality for the incoming EU cycle
Update on EU progress to climate neutrality: towards a more competitive and secure Europe. This year’s EU-wide progress report, the second of its kind by the European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO), comes at a political juncture, being published shortly after the 2024 EU elections. While the composition of the EU’s legislative body will undoubtedly change, we expect that most representatives in the European Parliament will still agree on the necessity of the transition as envisioned in the Green Deal - not just for the sake of emission reductions, but also to guarantee Europe’s international competitiveness and its political autonomy.
Closed event on ambitious alignment with the Paris Agreement
The window of opportunity to remain below 1.5°C is rapidly closing. Public development banks (PDBs) need not only to increase the volume of climate finance, but also maximize the climate transformation achieved through their operations. Paris alignment commitments are crucial in this regard, but implementation requires continuous improvement and adjustments to adapt to an evolving context and real-world needs. The session will discuss best practices and shortcomings of existing approaches, drawing key directions for further progress towards a financial international architecture that sufficiently addresses our mounting climate crisis.
The role of carbon revenues in financing the climate transition
As part of the EU-funded European Union Climate Dialogues (EUCDs) project, the Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE) organises a global webinar on how carbon revenues can maximise benefits of carbon pricing and accelerate the climate transition. This activity is the final step of a broader process with the aim of supporting a switch to a comprehensive perspective, where carbon revenues are part of the implementation of low-carbon and climate resilient pathways. The webinar will be the opportunity to discover the findings of a study carried out by I4CE on this topic and to engage in a constructive discussion with diverse stakeholders on the lessons learned and way forward.
Launch of the first edition of the EU Climate Investment Deficit report
The European Green Deal has been a top priority for the European Union. Since 2019, EU institutions set ambitious targets, adopted bold carbon pricing reforms, and passed hotly debated legislation. The Green Deal’s success will be measured by its capacity to trigger structural changes in the EU economy, to deliver prosperity, resilience and social fairness while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In practice, this means millions of companies, local authorities and families investing to renovate buildings, acquire heat pumps, buy electric cars, and modernise transport and power networks.
Early retirement of fossil fuel assets
This event will be the opportunity to share the findings of an upcoming publication by [i4ce] and NewClimate Institute on the role development banks should play in the early retirement of fossil fuel assets. The discussion will then allow development bank representatives to share their perspectives on how to best mobilise finance to enable an ambitious early retirement of fossil fuel assets.
Funding the Green Transition: Navigating Developing Countries’ Climate Finance Needs
This event will present different approaches to overcome the financial hurdles attached to the implementation of national decarbonisation strategies, from a country perspective, and from the perspective of climate funds.
Financing the transition: how to use public finance smartly
Following introductory remarks on the investments & financing needs of developing countries, a panel discussion with representatives from developing countries and MDBs (Multilateral development banks) will cover the challenges in determining financing needs of countries, and the role different actors can play for increased ambition.
“South”, the new frontiers of adaptation in the “North”?
Un marché aux idées avec la facilité Adapt'Action de l'AFD. L'adaptation est souvent présentée comme un flux Nord-Sud de capacités (financement, ressources humaines, connaissances) dans le cadre de l'aide au développement. Et en effet, des efforts sont encore nécessaires pour respecter les engagements financiers pris dans le cadre des COP et combler le déficit l’adaptation. Cependant, les pays du Sud, en première ligne face aux impacts du changement climatique, avancent déjà vers une meilleure préparation et sont souvent en avance dans leur appropriation du sujet.
The 2023 adaptation finance gap update and emerging lessons and best practice on how to bridge the gap
Le rapport sur l'écart entre les besoins et les perspectives en matière d'adaptation aux changements climatiques est le baromètre annuel de référence sur les ressources nécessaires et effectivement mobilisées pour l’adaptation dans le monde. Cette question, longtemps uniquement posée dans les pays en développement s’affirme aussi comme un enjeu critique dans les pays de l’OCDE.
Clean tech and climate neutral industry made in Europe
The race to climate neutrality is in full swing. The leading economic blocs across the globe implement wide ranging industrial policies to support and scale cleantech industries having understood their importance to create quality jobs, ensure prosperity and guarantee a higher degree of technological sovereignty.
Building Bridges: National Developpement Banks in the Global Financial Architecture
The Finance in Common Summit in September will be an opportunity to focus more specifically on the role of national public financial institutions in the new global financial architecture, which is currently being thoroughly discussed. National public financial institutions represent the largest amount of public development finance and account for 12% of global (public and private) investments. They will have an important role to play in locally financing the transition and contributing to shape demand, as infrastructure investors, private finance mobilisers and investment innovators. Additionally, they can influence local market practice and disseminate alignment practices.
Understanding the role carbon pricing revenues can play in financing the transition
This workshop is an activity of the European Union Climate Dialogues (EUCDs) project, aiming to provide a space to discuss country practices regarding the use of revenues from carbon pricing mechanisms, with a focus on the role of transparency and communication in ensuring buy-in for the carbon pricing policy.
Inputs of this workshop will contribute to an EU-funded study being carried out by the Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE), which aims to enlarge and enhance the understanding of existing approaches on the use of revenues from carbon pricing mechanisms and support a switch to a comprehensive perspective on the implementation of decarbonization pathways that integrates carbon revenues.