Publications Public finance

Environmental taxes, a key issue for I4CE

9 November 2018 - Blog post - By : Sébastien POSTIC, Phd

Environmental taxation is a hot topic in France right now, at a moment where increasing fuel prices have put the carbon tax and other green fiscal instruments under the spotlight. I4CE is contributing to the discussion on how to strengthen support for environmental taxes:


  • By quantifying the revenues generated by carbon pricing schemes in France and throughout the world;
  • By detailing the different options for spending carbon revenues.

While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for revenue use, it appears crucial (1) to be transparent on how carbon revenues are spent, (2) to set up accountability mechanisms for citizens, and (3) to open up discussion spaces on how carbon revenues are spent: these conditions are paramount to boost acceptability for environmental taxes.


Our publications and events on environmental taxation






  • Incoming report produced in collaboration with the World Bank and the Agence Française de Développement. This report will review the increasing number of questions about the use of carbon revenues, and will provide public decision makers with the means to evaluate and design ways of using revenues generated by carbon pricing schemes.
To learn more
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